Loyang Jin

Chapter 339 Follow-up 2

Doctor Zhang and others took the remaining Longhu Pills and inspected them carefully, and then reported helplessly: "To the Concubine Xian, this Longhu Pill is indeed an excellent tonic. It is very effective. There is indeed nothing wrong with it."

The problem is the emperor himself.

No matter how good the tonic is, you can't rely on its efficacy to have a good night's sleep. Do you really think that you are still young, strong and powerful?

To get to where we are today is purely because of our own fault!

Of course, no one dares to tell such a big truth.

Concubine Wei Xian understood in her heart, but she frowned tightly, full of displeasure and anger: "According to Dr. Zhang, Eunuch Huang is not to blame for this matter?"

Doctor Zhang was frightened when he heard this, and he cupped his hands and responded: "The good concubine has her own judgment, and I don't dare to speak nonsense."

Concubine Wei Xian had a sullen face and waved her hand for Doctor Zhang to retreat. Then he turned around and went to Wang Zhaorong's palace.

Wang Zhaorong, who had been imprisoned for more than half a month, looked haggard and pale, and had long lost his former glory. When he saw Concubine Wei Xian, he immediately knelt down and cried: "I beg Concubine Xian to have mercy on me and spare my life! I will stay in this palace honestly from now on and will never cause any trouble to my concubine."

Wang Zhaorong was not stupid enough. He knew that he was doomed and just wanted to save his life. Kneeling and crying, she looked extremely pitiful.

Concubine Wei Xian looked at Wang Zhaorong kneeling in front of her, disgust flashed in her eyes.

There are many concubines in the palace, and there is absolutely no one who looks good on each other.

Especially this Wang Zhaorong, since entering the palace, he has been competing with her everywhere. This time the emperor happened to have an attack when he summoned Wang Zhaorong. It must be said that Wang Zhaorong was very unlucky.

If she wanted Wang Zhaorong's life, she could take advantage of this time to take action. At this juncture, no one dared to intercede for Wang Zhaorong.

However, she has never been a ruthless person, and she has no interest in staining her hands with blood.

"Wang Zhaorong, I will spare you this time. However, you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty."

Concubine Wei Xian said coldly: "The position of Zhaorong was given to you by the emperor. If you haven't served the emperor well, you should be your beauty! I will report it to the emperor. From today on, you will be here I stay in the palace and copy a volume of scriptures to pray for the emperor every day. I cannot step out of the palace without my instructions. Do you accept this?"

Wang Zhaorong just wanted to save his life. Hearing these words, he could only burst into tears of gratitude. He dared not be dissatisfied at all.

After dealing with Wang Zhaorong, Concubine Wei Xian went to see the emperor and told the matter softly: "...The emperor is still ill and needs to rest quietly. It is not appropriate to engage in a big fight. Otherwise, his blood will conflict with the emperor." I thought, that Eunuch Huang I did something wrong out of good intentions, so I dismissed him from his position and punished him by sweeping the floor at the palace gate. I wonder what the emperor's intention is?"

After the emperor heard this, his dragon body was completely collapsed. When he was angry, he became weak and broke out in cold sweat. Hearing this, he said feebly: "You can handle these trivial matters. I can trust you."

Concubine Wei Xian respectfully responded with a yes, and then gently arranged the emperor's clothes: "The emperor can take care of her with peace of mind. Although I am stupid and incompetent, I will try my best to take care of the trivial matters in the harem for the emperor so that he will not be upset."

When a person is sick, he will inevitably feel a little weaker than usual and more easily moved.

The emperor couldn't help but hold Concubine Wei Xian's hand and sighed: "Fortunately, I still have you by my side."

Concubine Wei Xian smiled and whispered softly to the emperor for a moment. Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she said tentatively: "Your Majesty, Sister Shu Fei is not in good health these days. She is also lying on the bed to rest. This matter in the palace It all falls on my concubine. It’s hard for me to do this alone, so why not find someone else to help me?”

The emperor thought for a moment and then said: "If you work harder for a few more days, when Concubine Shu gets better, she won't be so tired."

To the emperor, this could be regarded as a special favor for Concubine Wei Xian.

All the concubines in the palace are not economical. Once someone divides the power of Concubine Wei Xian, there will inevitably be another fight.

Concubine Wei Xian glanced at the emperor gratefully, said with slightly red eyes: "The emperor treats me like this, I really don't know what to say."

The emperor's face was still dark, pale and ugly. When he heard this, he twitched his lips and said: "If you treat me wholeheartedly, of course I will also think about you wholeheartedly. If you feel too busy and tired, promote more female officials to run errands. Don't be tired. Own."

Concubine Wei Xian looked moved and nodded in agreement. He said with some embarrassment: "I had the same plan in my heart, but I didn't expect that the emperor saw what I was thinking first."

"The emperor also knows about my concubine. For so many years, I have never taken on any important responsibilities in the palace, and my thoughts are all on Anya. The maids around me, except Xinyun, are of no use. The other palace ladies It’s not convenient for me to be a concubine, so I want to borrow something useful from the emperor.”

The emperor was startled and laughed dumbly: "Oh? Who do you like? Just tell me directly, and you are still talking about it in such a roundabout way."

Concubine Wei Xian hesitated for a moment and then said, "I would like to borrow Lady Officer Ling for my use."

Ling Jingshu?

The emperor was stunned again, but he didn't feel anything was wrong: "Why did you suddenly think of her?"

Seeing that the emperor's reaction was relatively calm, Concubine Wei Xian secretly breathed a sigh of relief and explained with a smile: "I'll tell you the truth, Your Majesty. Miss Ling saved Anya's life before entering the palace, and I also fell in love with her. Later, she After entering the palace, he worked as an errand in the Jiaofang Palace, and he was very careful and orderly in his work."

"The emperor was kind and merciful. He let her out of the prison and stayed in the Zichen Palace as an errand. I guess he also took a fancy to her intelligence."

The emperor was a little embarrassed when he mentioned this matter.

However, in front of Concubine Wei Xian, he could not admit that he was attracted by Ling Jingshu's beauty, so he could only give a vague hum.

Concubine Wei Xian looked over with hope: "Miss Ling is a decent lady, well-read and literate, smart and careful. If she comes to my concubine, she can also share some trivial matters for me. Moreover, she is in the palace all the time. She is not familiar with the concubines, but she is loyal to the emperor. I will feel particularly at ease when using her."

"Your Majesty, just promise me this time!"

After being begged by Concubine Wei Xian, the emperor also felt that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

The plans that have been in my heart cannot be expressed.

What's more, he himself knows a thing or two about his current dragon body. Even if I keep such a flower beside me, I won’t have the energy to pick it in the future...

That’s it!

The emperor agreed heartily: "Since you have fallen in love with her, take her back to Lingbo Palace later!"

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