Loyang Jin

Chapter 340 Escape

When Eunuch Ding came to Ling Jingshu in person and told her that she was going to Lingbo Palace as an errand, Ling Jingshu could hardly believe her ears.

"Eunuch Ding, are you telling the truth?" Ling Jingshu's voice trembled uncontrollably: "Concubine Wei Xian really begged the emperor to ask this slave to work in Lingbo Palace?"

Can she really escape from this prison?

The surprise in Ling Jingshu's eyes was unmistakable.

At this time, if he still couldn't see that she had no intention of accepting the favor, Eunuch Ding would have wasted so many years in the palace.

"This is an oral instruction from the emperor himself. Naturally, it cannot be true anymore."

Eunuch Ding responded with a half-smile, paused, and said pointedly: "I heard that this is the person that the Concubine Xian asked the Emperor for personally, so the Emperor agreed without hesitation. Our family has been here before. I heard that Concubine Xian was very fond of Concubine Ling, but I didn’t expect Concubine Ling to have such an opportunity to work as an errand in Lingbo Palace. Concubine Xian, don’t forget to thank Concubine Ling.”

Ling Jingshu calmed down in the shortest time, sorted out her chaotic thoughts, and responded respectfully: "That's what Eunuch Ding reminded me."

Eunuch Ding originally wanted to say something, but then he thought, even the emperor nodded and let him go, so why should he complain angrily here. Wei Jieyu has become a good concubine, and she may have a better future in the future. It's not worth offending Concubine Wei Xian for the sake of Ling Jingshu.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Ding's attitude became friendly again: "Go back, pack your clothes, and lead Bai Yu Qiaoyun away!"

Ling Jingshu thanked her, suppressed the joy and surprise in her heart, and returned to the house unhurriedly.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun were also shocked by the sudden good news.

Soon, Bai Yu reacted, hugged Ling Jingshu's body fiercely, and choked with tears, "Miss, you finally survived this disaster."

That's great!

Fortunately, there is Imperial Physician Wei, and fortunately there is the Concubine Xian!

The lady can finally get out of this pit of fire! There is no need to torture yourself anymore in order to avoid the emperor's visit. He has been ill for two months...

Although Ling Jingshu didn't say it explicitly, Bai Yu, who was smart and careful, had already vaguely guessed the truth. The master and the servant both pretended to be confused and did not break through this layer.

Qiao Yun was not as exposed as Bai Yu, and she was also full of joy: "Since Concubine Xian has asked for someone, from now on the young lady can stay in Lingbo Palace as an errand, and there is no need to go back to Zi Chen Palace."

Ling Jingshu's eyes and eyebrows were filled with a relaxed and cheerful smile: "Okay, if you have anything to say, we will talk about it later. Now hurry up and pack your clothes and go to Lingbo Palace!"

She didn't want to stay in this Zichen Palace for even a moment.

Bai Yu quickly wiped away her tears and packed up with Qiao Yun.

None of the original things in the house were taken away, and the clothes and jewelry were packed away in less than an hour.

As soon as the three masters and servants opened the door, they met Ms. Qian head-on.

Ms. Qian came here specially after hearing the news. No matter what she was thinking, her face was full of smiles: "Sister, I'm going to Lingbo Hall now! Congratulations to my sister."

Ling Jingshu responded with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Qian, for coming to say goodbye to me."

Miss Qian held Ling Jingshu's hand affectionately and said with a smile: "My sister has been in the palace for less than a year. First she served the Queen, then she came to the Zichen Palace, and now she has to serve the Concubine Xian again. This good luck, Even my sister feels jealous when she looks at it! I don’t know how many people in this palace secretly envy my sister!”

There was a hint of undetectable sourness in his words.

Ling Jingshu just pretended that she didn't hear it and responded with a smile: "How can I compare to Sister Qian? I have been able to work in the Zichen Palace for so many years and have the emperor's trust and respect. There is no one else in the palace except Sister Qian. ”

A trace of complacency flashed in Ms. Qian's eyes, and she couldn't help but say a few words of humility.

After a heartless farewell, Ling Jingshu said goodbye to Ms. Qian.

On the way to Lingbo Palace, I met many palace maids and chamberlains.

There are no secrets in the palace. The news that Ling Jingshu was going to Lingbo Hall on errands by Concubine Wei Xian spread as quickly as possible. Along the way, there were countless people who looked at Ling Jingshu openly and secretly.

Ling Jingshu seemed unaware and entered Lingbo Hall calmly.

When she met Concubine Wei Xian, Ling Jingshu knelt down and saluted without hesitation: "Jingshu, please give my regards to Concubine Xian."

Concubine Wei Xian was sitting. When she saw her giving such a big gift, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Why are you giving such a big gift? Get up and talk quickly."

Ling Jingshu refused to get up and insisted on kowtowing three more times: "Your Majesty has shown her kindness to Jingshu for rebirth, and I cannot express my gratitude for her kindness. Jingshu can only kowtow to her a few times to express her feelings."

Concubine Wei Xian smiled helplessly: "That's all, I've knelt down and kowtowed, now it's time to get up!"

Only then did Ling Jingshu stand up.

Concubine Wei Xian smiled and waved to Ling Jingshu: "Come here, stand closer and talk. There are no outsiders here, so you don't have to feel restricted. Just talk as before."

His attitude remains gentle and cordial.

Just like when we first met.

Ling Jingshu felt a soft warmth in her heart, responded softly, and walked to Concubine Wei Xian's side.

Concubine Wei Xian looked at Ling Jingshu carefully, then smiled and sighed: "You have suffered a lot these days. You have been ill for two months, and you have lost a lot of weight."

Wei Yan saw it in his eyes, and he didn't know how distressed he was.

Concubine Wei Xian did not say these words, but it was clearly revealed in her eyes.

Ling Jingshu's cheeks secretly felt hot.

It seems that Concubine Wei Xian already knows everything about her and Wei Yan... Although Concubine Wei Xian is as gentle and kind as ever, she is inexplicably more shy and uncomfortable: "Thank you for your concern. I am young and have good foundation. Your body will recover soon, so don’t worry, Madam.”

Concubine Wei Xian seemed to notice her uneasiness, and smiled and reassured: "Ayan did tell me everything about you. I only have a younger brother like him, and I only hope that he can get his wish and everything will come true."

"I didn't discuss it with Ayan before, and I didn't have time to talk to you about your coming to Lingbo Palace this time. Fortunately, the emperor didn't stop you. When you come to me in the future, you can just go about your work without worrying about it. Worried."

Gentle words, like the soft and warm spring breeze, quietly blow through the heart.

Somehow, Ling Jingshu's eyes suddenly became moist.

When faced with difficulties, she could hold back her anger and humiliation. When faced with difficulties, she will hold her chest strong. In the prison, she did not panic. When she arrived at the Zichen Palace, facing the emperor's eyes with ulterior motives, she did not cry in despair.

Concubine Wei Xian's gentle and concerned words reminded her of all her grievances and sadness.

It was like a child who had been wronged and saw his relatives who wholeheartedly protected him.

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