Loyang Jin

Chapter 341 Responsibility 1

Concubine Wei Xian felt a little sad when she saw Ling Jingshu's eyes filled with tears.

Unable to restrain herself, Concubine Wei Xian couldn't help but say more: "You have suffered a lot in the past six months. First, Queen Xu was in trouble, and then she spent two months in jail. Later, in the Zichen Palace, I’m afraid I won’t have peace of mind for a single day.”

"Every woman wants to be beautiful, but as everyone knows, too outstanding beauty is not a good thing. It will only attract the covetousness of interested people. When facing powerful people, unable to resist or protect themselves, it will be a disaster."

Speaking of this, Concubine Wei Xian's voice became a little more desolate and helpless: "Ayan must have told you how I entered the palace. No one could save me back then, so I could only let fate control me. I I thought it was a good thing to let A Yan go to Tai Hospital, but unexpectedly, I dragged him into the quagmire and couldn't get out."

"As a sister, I don't know that he has been coveted by Queen Xu for so many years. If Ayan hadn't taken the risk, I don't know what would have happened now..."

Speaking of the end, Concubine Wei Xian's voice was slightly choked with sobs.

A pair of beautiful eyes were faintly red, flashing with a little water.

"Empress," Ling Jingshu felt sad in her heart when she heard this, and subconsciously held Concubine Wei Xian's hand: "Everything is over. Empress Xu is now under house arrest in the cold palace and can no longer make trouble. Imperial Physician Wei... Wei Yan It’s all right.”

Concubine Wei Xian hummed, wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and tried her best to show off her face: "You are right. All these things have passed. Thinking about them again is nothing more than troubling yourself, so don't mention them. From now on, you can stay by my side with peace of mind." "Look, as long as I'm here, I will keep you safe."

This feeling of being cared for and cared for makes people feel warm in their hearts.

Ling Jingshu responded softly.

After Concubine Wei Xian calmed down a little, Ling Jingshu asked: "Since your Majesty wants a servant to come over as an errand, just tell her to do the errand! I am not afraid of hard work and will try my best to share my worries for my Majesty."

Concubine Wei Xian thought for a while and said slowly: "When I asked the emperor for someone, it was because I didn't have enough people around me. You were a female official in the Zichen Palace. Come to me and continue to be a female official. However, serving flowers and plants is too much. I’ve wronged you, there’s no need to do it again.”

"Xinyun is responsible for going to various palaces on weekdays to deliver messages, and to greet the concubines who come and go. There are also people who take care of the trivial matters of clothing, food, housing and transportation in Lingbo Palace. Just stay with me and leave the management of the warehouse to you, and then help I will check the accounts in all parts of the palace. If you find any problems, report them to me immediately."

Xinyun is a close confidant of Concubine Wei Xian, and her position is similar to that of Ruilian beside Empress Xu.

The errand that Ling Jingshu is taking now is similar to that of Qiu Shuang before. It is also an extremely important and critical errand.

Ling Jingshu was a little flattered, but she didn't give in. She agreed without hesitation: "Your Majesty, I will entrust this important task to you. I will never let you down, and I will definitely accept this assignment well."

He is indeed a smart and responsible person!

Concubine Wei Xian showed approval and satisfaction in her eyes.

She specifically opened her mouth to ask the emperor for someone to come over. If she just sent an errand that was neither painful nor itchy nor light nor serious, it would inevitably catch people's lips and the emperor would notice something strange.

Therefore, she not only wants to use Ling Jingshu, but also wants to let everyone know how much she values ​​Ling Jingshu.

However, the more you value it, the more arduous the task will be.

Fortunately, Ling Jingshu quickly understood her intention and did not shrink back.

"Xinyun," Concubine Wei Xian called out to Xinyun who was waiting outside the door to come in, and ordered: "Go and call all the female officials in Lingbo Palace. I have something important to announce."

Xinyun agreed respectfully.

There are also five female officials in Lingbo Palace. Except for Xinyun, they are in charge of the trivial affairs in the palace.

Concubine Wei Xian introduced Ling Jingshu to the female officials: "This is the new female official Ling. She will stay in Lingbo Palace as an errand in the future. She is in charge of the warehouse and helps me check the palace's accounts. You guys If you are older, you will be an old person in Lingbo Palace. Please take care of her more."

Ling Jingshu smiled happily and said, "Please give me more advice from all my sisters in the future."

Everyone was busy laughing and didn't even dare to say anything.

Concubine Wei Xian was famous for her gentleness and good temper, and she was very generous to those around her.

Concubine Wei Xian took the initiative to ask the emperor for Ling Jingshu to come over, and also asked her to take on such an important errand. Anyone could see that Ling Jingshu's position in Concubine Wei Xian's heart was different.

No matter how ignorant she was, she would never dare to embarrass Ling Jingshu in front of Concubine Wei Xian.

Concubine Wei Xian was in great interest and introduced the female officials one by one to Ling Jingshu.

After some lively greetings, Xinyun personally led Ling Jingshu to settle down.

The residences of the female officials in the palace are roughly similar. The rooms in Lingbo Palace are not large and are clean and elegant. There was also a vase of flowers placed on the table in the room.

Ling Jingshu fell in love with this place almost at first sight.

Xinyun said with a smile: "I live in the house next door. If you have anything, you can come to me. Take a short rest today, and then go back to work with the queen tomorrow!"

Ling Jingshu thanked her hurriedly: "Thank you, Sister Xinyun, for taking the trouble."

Xinyun and Ling Jingshu have known each other for a long time, and their temperaments are quite friendly. Hearing this, he pursed his lips and smiled: "Why worry about such a trivial matter. From now on, when we work together, we will take care of each other a lot. Your Majesty is gentle and easy to get along with. It is our blessing to be able to work as a servant in Lingbo Palace."

Ling Jingshu nodded sincerely in agreement: "Yes! Concubine Xian is kind and kind to others. I am truly lucky to be able to serve you at her side."

In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish whether a person is deliberately perfunctory or sincere.

The happy and happy smile on Ling Jingshu's face was definitely not fake.

Xinyun felt quite proud of Rong Yan, and after carefully exhorting him a few words, he said goodbye and left.

Ling Jingshu and the two maids started working together and quickly settled down.

In the evening, a palace maid specially brought a food box.

According to the rules of the palace, four dishes and one soup are quite satisfactory. However, the food was delivered in time and was still hot. Ling Jingshu smiled and invited Bai Yu and Qiaoyun to sit down and eat together.

Probably because I was in a good mood and my appetite was much better than usual.

The three masters and servants worked together to eat the food thoroughly.

Bai Yu couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's really strange. Lingbo Palace has a particularly good appetite today!"

Ling Jingshu smiled and said nothing.

Not only does my appetite feel good, but my whole person feels relaxed.

The dark cloud that had been hanging over my heart quickly disappeared after entering Lingbo Hall. It's like the sun is shining in the sky, and my mood is particularly bright.

It had been a long time since she had felt this high and cheerfully looking forward to the next day.

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