Loyang Jin

Chapter 342 Responsibility 2

The next morning.

Just after the fifth watch, Ling Jingshu got up to wash and change clothes.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun also got up together. After a hurried breakfast, they followed Ling Jingshu to see Concubine Wei Xian.

Concubine Li Shu was recuperating in bed, and Concubine Wei Xian was in charge of the Phoenix Seal in the palace alone. All major and minor matters in the palace must be reported to Concubine Wei Xian, and Concubine Wei Xian must make decisions on all trivial matters in the palace. She also had to take good care of the emperor's food, clothing and daily life. It was no lie when Concubine Wei Xian said she was too busy to do anything.

When Ling Jingshu came to pay her respects, Xinyun and others had already arrived.

There were already many chamberlains and female officials outside Lingbo Palace waiting for Concubine Wei Xian to summon them to report the matter. In about half an hour at most, the concubines from all the palaces will come to Lingbo Hall to pay their respects.

While Concubine Wei Xian was bracing herself and thinking about what she would be busy with today, she did not forget to ask Ling Jingshu with concern: "Are you still used to living and eating in Lingbo Palace? If there is anything missing in the house, just tell me ”

The tone of Concubine Wei Xian's words was different from that of Emperor Xu. She has a beautiful and elegant face, a soft and melodious voice, and no condescension at all, which makes people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Ling Jingshu's heart warmed, and she responded with a smile: "I'm very used to it, thank you for your concern."

Concubine Wei Xian smiled and said: "You have just arrived, and you don't know how to do your job. First, stay with me with Xinyun, see more, listen more, and ask more if you don't know. I am short of manpower, and the most I can do is accommodate you. A few days to get used to it.”

Ling Jingshu responded with a smile.

Next, Ling Jingshu quietly followed Xinyun and observed carefully.

Whether you work as an errand in the Jiaofang Palace or as an errand in the Zichen Palace, you are forced to do what you have no choice but to do. She is careful and doesn't want to make any mistakes. But from the bottom of my heart, I am tired and rejected.

Now, she was grateful for Concubine Wei Xian's help and kindness to her, and she was thinking about taking care of Concubine Wei Xian's worries, but she also had the idea of ​​​​doing her job seriously.

Ling Jingshu was already thoughtful and calm, so she calmed down and watched and listened carefully for three days. She did learn a lot of useful things, and she also had a little understanding of Concubine Wei Xian's work habits.

Compared to Empress Xu's domineering style, Concubine Wei Xian was much gentler and more tactful. When it comes to the expenses of each palace, consider carefully. Sometimes I know that the things reported by the eunuch in charge below are a bit fishy, ​​but I just ignore them and mostly deal with them according to the usual routine.

From this we can also see Concubine Wei Xian's caution and care.

In the final analysis, she was only in charge of the Phoenix Seal on her behalf, which was somewhat unfair. To put it bluntly, one day the emperor appoints another queen, she, a good concubine, will have to hand over the phoenix seal obediently.

If the method is too sharp and ruthless, everyone will complain behind his back. It's better to have a gentle breeze and drizzle and slowly win over people's hearts.

Concubine Wei Xian never put on airs when dealing with the concubines, and remained as kind and gentle as ever.

However, since Wang Zhaorong was punished, the concubines have become much more honest, and no one dares to show off their intrigues in front of Concubine Wei Xian. The harem enjoyed a rare period of peace.

After observing for a few days, Ling Jingshu had a good idea of ​​how to do this job, so she took the initiative and said: "Xianfei, from today on, let me be my servant!"

Concubine Wei Xian nodded with a smile, and did not forget to remind: "If you don't understand something, don't feel embarrassed, just ask me."

Ling Jingshu agreed with a smile.

From that day on, Ling Jingshu took over the key account book of the Lingbo Palace warehouse. Every day when Concubine Wei Xian was handling palace affairs, she had to stay by Concubine Wei Xian's side, ready to be called upon to do things at any time.

Concubine Wei Xian asked Ling Jingshu to serve as an errand in order to have an excuse to ask the emperor for help. He never thought about how much Ling Jingshu would be asked to do. Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu gave her many surprises and surprises.

For example, Ling Jingshu has beautiful handwriting. Anything that requires writing can be left to Ling Jingshu.

For example, Ling Jingshu has an excellent memory and a meticulous mind. I remember everything I heard clearly. When she was busy, I would give her a few words from time to time, which made her handle things much more smoothly.

For another example, Ling Jingshu was even good at abacus. It comes in handy when calculating accounts.

The pretty face is full of concentration and she is extremely serious. The long white fingers fiddled with the round abacus beads very quickly, making a crisp sound. It's like playing a cheerful piece of music.

On this day, after finishing her work, Concubine Wei Xian couldn't help but ask: "Ah Shu, your abacus is very good. Have you learned it since you were a child?"

Ling Jingshu smiled and hummed: "When I was in Dingzhou, I learned abacus with my cousins. I was still the best among the sisters in middle school. But I never really put it to use. I didn't expect that I could share my worries with my empress now. "

Ladies from famous families have to learn not only piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also the skills of housekeeping and governing.

From this point of view, Concubine Wei Xian, who was born in a poor family, was far inferior.

Concubine Wei Xian also did not shy away from talking about her poor background, and laughed at herself: "I am good at washing, cooking, and beauties. I only started learning piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting after entering the palace. I don't know anything about using an abacus to read account books. I also lost the emperor's trust." , How dare you leave all the palace affairs to me, and you are not afraid that I will make a mess of the palace affairs. "

The words were funny and humorous, and Xinyun on the side couldn't help but pursed his lips and chuckled.

Ling Jingshu also laughed: "Your Majesty is extremely beautiful, considerate, gentle and amiable, and fair in dealing with things. Everyone in the palace praises her. As for these trivial things, if your Majesty has done all these things, what else will the slaves do?"

Concubine Wei Xian smiled when she heard this: "It turns out that I have so many advantages."

While they were chatting and laughing, the palace maid came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Imperial Concubine Wei, Imperial Doctor Wei has come to pay her respects."

Wei Yan is here? !

Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat.

It has been more than half a month since she left Zichen Palace.

In the past, she and Wei Yan had the opportunity to meet occasionally in Zichen Palace. After arriving at Lingbo Hall, he worked beside Concubine Wei Xian every day and never stepped out of Lingbo Hall. Wei Yan had to attend to the sick emperor in the Zichen Palace every day, and the two never had a chance to meet...

Concubine Wei Xian smiled and glanced at the lingering Ling Jingshu, and ordered: "Let Doctor Wei come in!"

After a while, Wei Yan walked in.

This is where Concubine Wei Xian handles palace affairs on weekdays. The room is elegantly furnished and quite spacious. In addition to Concubine Wei Xian and Xinyun Ling Jingshu, there were several maids waiting on the side.

Wei Yan's eyes hurriedly passed over Ling Jingshu's face.

Her originally thin face had returned to its former fair and rosy appearance. The corners of his eyes and brows were filled with smiles.

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