Loyang Jin

Chapter 343 Meeting

It can be seen at a glance that Ling Jingshu is having a great time in Lingbo Palace.

Wei Yan was immediately relieved.

Of course he knew that with Concubine Wei Xian here, no one would make things difficult for Ling Jingshu. However, you have to see it with your own eyes to truly feel at ease.

Concubine Wei Xian obviously knew the purpose of Wei Yan's visit, so she pretended not to know and joked: "Mr. Wei is busy taking care of the emperor every day. How come you have time to visit me at Lingbo Palace today?"

Wei Yan looked calm, without any trace of embarrassment: "Emperor Zhou is on duty today. I have some free time, so I thought of visiting my empress."

Concubine Wei Xian exposed him teasingly: "I remember that I just went to the Zichen Palace yesterday. Didn't Dr. Wei see me at that time? Just one day later, she missed him again. I was really touched. !”

Wei Yan: "..."

No matter how thick-skinned Wei Yan was, his face felt a little hot.

Ling Jingshu felt a little sweet in her heart. Seeing Wei Yan's embarrassed look, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

After all, Concubine Wei Xian felt sorry for her brother. She made some jokes, but was reluctant to embarrass him, and took the initiative to save him: "You came just in time. In fact, I also have something important to ask you. Xinyun, you all Please step back first. Just let Miss Ling take care of you."

Xinyun responded with a smile and led the other maids to retreat.

There were only three people left in the room.

Concubine Wei Xian no longer had to put on airs and asked casually with a smile: "Ayan, why did you come to Lingbo Hall like this? Does the Emperor know?"

But you must not let the emperor have any suspicion. Otherwise, all the previous efforts will be in vain!

Wei Yan saw Concubine Wei Xian's concerns and smiled lightly: "Before I came, I made it clear to the emperor. The emperor did not become suspicious. Sister, don't worry."

Concubine Wei Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, thank you for rescuing Ah Shu." Wei Yan said his thanks solemnly.

This move was undoubtedly risky for Concubine Wei Xian. Fortunately, the emperor lost his dragon body and was no longer able to covet Ling Jingshu, so he quickly nodded and let her go.

After Wei Yan learned about this, a huge boulder weighing on his heart was immediately lifted. Knowing that Ling Jingshu is safe and sound now, she feels particularly relaxed and happy these days.

"Being able to do something for you two is what I, the eldest sister, should do." Concubine Wei Xian refused to take credit and said angrily: "You come to express your gratitude so solemnly, do you think of me as an outsider? ?”

Wei Yan laughed dumbly and stopped saying these polite words.

Concubine Wei Xian smiled and praised again: "Ah Shu has helped me a lot these days. With her here, I can do things with less worry and effort! You don't know it yet! Ah Shu can write well and do things well." He’s careful and his abacus is very good!”

Wei Yan was obviously a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at Ling Jingshu: "Do you still know how to make an abacus?"

In front of Concubine Wei Xian, Ling Jingshu always felt a little inexplicable, and she was a little shy even looking at Wei Yan. She hummed softly: "I learned it when I was young. I just haven't put it to use, but now I can help Concubine Wei. , It’s not a lesson learned in vain.”

Concubine Wei Xian noticed Ling Jingshu's restraint and couldn't help showing a knowing smile. She stood up and said, "You two talk for a while. I'll come back later."

As soon as Concubine Wei Xian left, the somewhat tense atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed.

Ling Jingshu exhaled softly, and the expression on her face softened a bit.

The eyebrows are full and the corners of the lips are curved.

Seeing Ling Jingshu like this, Wei Yan felt particularly peaceful and happy. He couldn't help but take two steps closer: "A Shu, are you really fine now?"

"Yes." Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and met Wei Yan's eyes: "Since entering the palace, this has been the most peaceful and fulfilling time I have ever lived. I don't have to worry so much or be wary of the people around me. I can eat well and sleep well every day. The fragrance makes me feel very at ease. ”

Without Empress Xu's eager gaze, without the Emperor's fiery gaze, she could finally be her original self.

Wei Yan also laughed: "That's good. These days, I'm always worried that you won't be used to it in Lingbo Palace."

"Why aren't you used to it?" Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled: "Concubine Xian is kind-hearted, treats me very well, and takes care of me in every way. If you are not used to this, then I am too spoiled. Now this can help Concubine Xian , I am busy every day and I really want to stay in Lingbo Palace. "

Ling Jingshu's respect and intimacy for Concubine Wei Xian were beyond words.

Wei Yan saw it in his eyes and felt very happy.

Concubine Wei Xian was his eldest sister, and Ling Jingshu was the woman he fell in love with. It was really gratifying for him that the two of them got along so harmoniously.

"It's not okay to stay in Lingbo Palace all the time." Wei Yan lowered his voice, with a smile in his eyes: "I still want to take you out of the palace one day, out of the capital, and see the world outside."

The gorgeous and luxurious palace is just a cage of exquisite wealth.

He wanted to step out of this prison and take her far away with him.

Ling Jingshu thought about the day when she walked out of the palace, and couldn't help but yearn for it. I was so distracted that I didn't realize that Wei Yan was getting closer.

The two of them were close at hand. As long as Wei Yan stretched his arms a little, he could take her into his arms.

As a physically and mentally healthy man, the woman he loves is within reach, and it is impossible not to have the urge to be intimate in his heart.

However, Ling Jingshu's situation was special, so Wei Yan suppressed the urge in his heart and cautiously approached her. While carefully paying attention to the changes in her expression, if she shows the slightest discomfort, immediately step away.

"How is the emperor's dragon body doing now?" Ling Jingshu didn't seem to be repelled by his approach, neither dodging nor giving in.

Wei Yan was secretly happy in his heart, maintaining such closeness, and whispered: "I still have to lie on the bed every day, need to be fed by someone, and occasionally have to be supported when I get out of bed and move around. At this rate, at least I have to be fed. It took a year and a half to get better.”

"However, even if it gets better, you won't be able to get close to the harem anymore. So, you don't have to worry about this anymore."

The emperor, who has been a womanizer all his life, has fallen into this situation, and he has reaped the consequences.

Ling Jingshu hummed softly, thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "I heard that Eunuch Huang was punished to sweep the floor at the palace gate?"

Eunuch Huang was originally the chief eunuch in the court room and a prominent figure among the eunuchs in the palace. It is really pitiful to be punished to be the lowest level sweeper.

Wei Yan sighed helplessly: "Eldest sister has been merciful. At least he saved his life."

In this palace, a human life really means nothing. It's a blessing to be able to save one's life.

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