Loyang Jin

Chapter 345 Holding Hands 2

After a long time, Wei Yan raised his head with a satisfied expression.

He couldn't bear to let go of her, so he held her tightly in his arms.

Ling Jingshu nestled in his arms, her pretty face flushed, her eyes slightly closed, her red lips red, her chest rising and falling due to her rapid breathing.

Being happy with each other is indeed the most beautiful thing in the world.

It was him who completely drove away the darkness in her heart and cured her strange illness. It was also him who gave her the most beautiful and tender affection in the world.

"Ah Shu!"

Wei Yan lowered his head and whispered her name in her ear.

Ling Jingshu hummed.

Wei Yan shouted again: "A Shu!"

Ling Jingshu responded again.

Shout again, answer again. When Wei Yan called her name again, Ling Jingshu couldn't help laughing and opened her eyes: "I'm in your arms, why do you keep calling me like that?"

Men who are immersed in love sometimes behave like children.

Wei Yan was like a big child at this time, with a rare childishness in his voice: "I don't dare to call you that when we meet on weekdays, and I can't even look at you more. Now I finally have a chance, I have to call you more A few times. Ah Shu, can you call me by my name too?”

The silly sweetness surged from the bottom of my heart to the top of my heart.

Ling Jingshu held back her smile and shyness and called Wei Yan several times.

Wei Yan squeaked happily a few times and hugged her tighter.

After the sweetness of joy calmed down a little, Ling Jingshu thought for a while and then whispered: "The two of us have been here for so long, will we cause gossip? Also, if Concubine Xian suddenly comes over..."

Wei Yan laughed dumbly: "How could eldest sister do such a disgraceful thing? Don't worry. This Lingbo Palace is her territory, and it is the safest for us to meet here. She must have sent someone to guard it secretly. Outside, the private meeting between the two of us will never be spread to anyone’s ears.”

Ling Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief and sighed sincerely: "My queen is so kind to you."

"Of course." Wei Yan responded matter-of-factly: "In this world, I only have an eldest sister like her, and she only has a younger brother like me. For me, she is willing to do anything."


Even when Wei Yan secretly instigated Eunuch Huang to donate medicine to the emperor, Concubine Wei Xian didn't say a word. He also opened his mouth to rescue her from Zichen Palace. It is indeed Wei Yan's blessing to have such an eldest sister.

Thinking of this, Ling Jingshu couldn't help but think of her younger brother Ling Xiao. She has been in the palace for so long and has never left the palace. I don’t know how Ling Xiao is doing now.

Wei Yan was very attentive and perceptive, and immediately noticed something strange about Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, do you miss Ling Xiao?"

Ling Jingshu sighed softly: "Well, I haven't seen him for so long, and I really miss him. It's a pity that I am in the palace and can't convey the news. He is outside the palace and doesn't know what I am doing in the palace. I don't know. How worried I am!”

Wei Yan couldn't bear it, and comforted him in a low voice: "You are in the palace, and it will be inconvenient to leave the palace. The eldest sister asked you to come out of the Zichen Palace. I don't know how many people in the palace are watching your every move. These days, you Just bear with it for the time being. Wait for another two or three months, and then at the end of the year, I'll tell my eldest sister that I want you to go back to Ling's house."

Ling Jingshu's eyes lit up: "Can I really go back? Will this embarrass Concubine Xian?"

The rules in the palace are strict, and the female officials and maids in the palace have no chance to leave the palace. Some women, from the day they entered the palace until they died of old age, were unable to step out of the palace.

Wei Yan kissed her forehead with pity: "Don't worry! Now that the eldest sister holds the Phoenix Seal, this little thing won't embarrass her. At the end of each year, the palace will send people to each government to deliver messages and so on, going in and out. It’s also more convenient. Then you can take this opportunity to leave the palace and you won’t attract anyone’s attention.”

Ling Jingshu hummed, anticipation and joy welling up in her heart at the thought of having the chance to return home to visit her relatives.

Wei Yan felt sorry for Ling Jingshu again: "A girl as old as you should be coddled in the boudoir at this time, reading and playing the piano, and preparing some dowry for yourself. But you have to be busy in the palace. ”

In order to avoid the chance to meet the emperor, and to avoid those concubines who made trouble for nothing, Ling Jingshu never left the Lingbo Palace.

I feel so wronged to her!

Seeing the distress in Wei Yan's eyes, Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart and smiled slightly: "Wei Yan, I don't feel aggrieved. You are still with me now. No matter how many years I have to endure in this palace, I don't feel aggrieved. ”

Compared to her previous life, she was lucky enough in this life. Now that she has him, the future is no longer so far away. She must live strong and bravely, waiting for the day when the two of them can travel together from the palace.

When Wei Yan heard this, he felt sad in his heart.

What kind of things did this poor girl go through to gain such strength and optimism?

She doesn't want to say it now, and that's okay.

He will always be by her side, and he is patient enough, waiting for the day when she is willing to open her mouth to talk.

The two of them stood together for a moment, and Wei Yan finally reluctantly let her go.

There was no mirror in the room, so Ling Jingshu could only lower her head to straighten her slightly messy clothes, and then asked Wei Yan: "Look at me quickly. Is your hair messy? Do you want to comb it again?"

Wei Yan took a careful look, put the hair behind her ears, and laughed softly: "The hair is not messy. It's just the face that is so red."

There is also a pair of watery and charming eyes, and those bright red lips, which are very "off" at first glance.

It can't be hidden from anyone who cares.

Ling Jingshu saw her own appearance from his clear and smiling eyes, feeling ashamed and annoyed, she hit Wei Yan's chest with her fist: "It's all your fault! How can I see anyone with this look?" "

When he took action, he looked fierce, but when it actually landed on him, it was very light.

Wei Yan couldn't help but grinned: "Yes, yes, it's all my fault. Don't be angry, just sit quietly for a while. When your mood calms down, you will be fine. Sister will not come here so soon."

Concubine Wei Xian was the most considerate and would never disturb their gathering at this moment.

Ling Jingshu blushed and rolled her eyes at him, then sat far away as expected.

Wei Yan also quickly calmed down. After tidying up his clothes, he said softly: "Ah Shu, I've been in Lingbo Hall for so long, and it's time to leave. You don't have to come out to see me off. I'll find you again in a few days. Opportunity to see you.”

Ling Jingshu did not insist on sending him off.

It's enough for the two of them to be in love with each other.

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