Loyang Jin

Chapter 347 Reunion 2

After a long separation, everyone was very excited.

As soon as they entered the inner hall, everyone couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Ah Shu, when the Queen was deposed, I heard that the people around her were also affected. You didn't suffer any grievances, right?"

"Ah Shu, are you still working as an errand with the Queen?"

"Ah Shu, how are you doing in the palace?"

"A Shu..."

Facing the concerned faces and concerned questions, Ling Jingshu felt extremely warm in her heart. It feels really good to know that someone is always caring about you and that you are never alone.

"Don't be anxious, just listen to me slowly."

Ling Jingshu quickly calmed down and spoke in a very gentle voice: "After the Queen was deposed, many people around her died, and half of them were imprisoned in the sky prison. I also stayed in the sky prison for two months..."

Ling Xiao took a breath and interrupted Ling Jingshu reflexively: "You didn't suffer in the prison, did you?"

Ling Jingyan also looked nervous and worried: "Yes, you must not have enough food or clothing to keep you warm in the prison. Then, how did you get out?"

Ling Jingshu smiled reassuringly: "Don't worry, I only stayed for two months, and the emperor personally issued an order to let me out of the prison. Later, he kept me as a female official in the Zichen Palace. More than three months ago, Concubine Xian The empress asked me to come to Lingbo Palace again. Now, I am working as an errand beside the empress.”

In just a few words, everyone who listened was dumbfounded and shocked.

Ling Jingshu said it calmly, but her experiences this year have been so surprising!

This year, I changed three places!

Especially the Zichen Palace, which is the emperor's bedroom. I don't know how many people in the palace have their heads sharpened and want to work as servants in Zichen Palace. It was so easy for Ling Jingshu to come and go! How could Concubine Wei Xian suddenly ask for someone?

After all, Uncle Ling had been involved in officialdom for many years and was far more perceptive than others. He figured out all the anomalies after just a moment's thought. Su Rong asked: "Ah Shu, why did the emperor suddenly summon you to the Zichen Palace? How could the Concubine Xian ask for someone from the emperor? Tell us what the reason is."

Ling Jingshu would not tell the truth, so she said lightly: "There are indeed some reasons. However, this is all in the past, and there is nothing to say. As long as you know, I am now working for the Concubine Xian, Just treat me very well, the Concubine Xian.”

Ling Jingshu refused to say more, and it was difficult for Uncle Ling to get to the bottom of it.

Ling Xiao and Ling Jingyan didn't say anything either, thinking to themselves that they would just ask the reason later when they had some free time in private.

"Ah Shu, it's New Year's Eve today, can you spend the night in the house and then come back?" asked Sun with a smile.

Ling Jingshu responded apologetically: "There are rules in the palace. You must return to the palace before the palace gate closes, and you are not allowed to stay outside overnight. Therefore, I can only stay until the afternoon before returning to the palace."

It’s been such a long time since I came back, and it turns out I can only stay for half a day!

Ling Xiaojun's face darkened, and he felt sad.

However, after studying in the Imperial College for a year, he was no longer the innocent and naive young man who didn't understand the world. It's not easy to leave the palace, and I don't know when we will see each other again. It's better not to say this, lest Ah Shu feel sad.

Ling Xiao cheered up and changed the topic: "Ah Shu, my father returned to Dingzhou a month ago."

Ling Jingshu's attention was indeed attracted: "Did something happen in Dingzhou?"

Ling Xiao hummed, without hiding anything, and told the whole story: "A letter came from Dingzhou, saying that the fourth brother climbed a tree in a mischievous manner and fell from the tree. Although he was not alive, However, one leg was injured, which made it difficult for her to walk in the future. My mother cried and begged my father to go back, so my father packed up and left for Dingzhou. "

Ling Xiao said it implicitly, but the implication was very clear.

Ling Huo has lost one of his legs, and it will be difficult to recover in the future.

Just like the blind Ling Xiao, Ling Huo will never be able to take the imperial examination again in this life. From now on, I can only live in the house with good food and drink, and be a useless person for the rest of my life.

This must be an unbearable blow to stepmother Li, who has high expectations for her son to become a successful child!

I don’t know if this was an accident or if Ling Ting did it secretly. In short, Ling Huo's life is over. No matter how sad and despairing Ms. Li was, she could only accept the accident.

In the previous life, Mrs. Li was cruel and ruthless, causing Ling Xiao's life. In this life, she also received retribution.

Ling Jingshu said lightly, with no sadness on her face. She thought it was okay to pretend and deceive the Ling family. However, she was in a really good mood and had no intention of pretending.

Uncle Ling felt a little unhappy.

After all, Ling Huan was Ling Jingshu's younger brother. When she heard that he was injured, she was so cold.

However, it was a rare occasion for her to return home, and as an uncle, it was not convenient for him to reprimand her.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat condensed, Mrs. Sun quickly changed the subject with a smile: "Ah Shu, there is a happy event in the house that I haven't had time to tell you! A Yan has already made a marriage arrangement and will get married in March next year."

Ling Jingshu was quite surprised: "Really? Who is my future cousin-in-law?"

When it comes to her life-long events, Ling Jingyan, who has always been cheerful, lively and generous, is also a little shy: "You know her too."

Ling Jingshu thought for a moment and knew who the other party was: "It must be Mr. Zhang!"

Ling Jingyan blushed and nodded: "Yes. After I got my hairpin this year, the Zhang family came to propose marriage. My parents felt that the Zhang family was upright, so they agreed to the marriage."

To be honest, Ling Jingyan didn't have any particular fondness for him at first. Zhang Jian shamelessly visited the house several times, and the two bickered back and forth when they met. Unexpectedly, they gradually developed feelings for each other. They are completely a pair of happy enemies!

Ling Jingshu was sincerely happy for Ling Jingyan.

The Zhang family and the Ling family are also considered to be well-matched. That Zhang Jian fell in love with Ling Jingyan at first sight, and will definitely treat her well when they get married in the future.

after lunch.

Ling Jingshu returned to her long-lost boudoir to say farewell to Ling Xiao.

"Ah Shu, what happened to you in the palace?" Ling Xiao couldn't wait to ask: "You hid it from uncle and the others, so don't hide it from me."

Ling Jingshu smiled, and indeed she didn't hide anything from him. She slowly told everything that happened in the palace one by one.

That said, it lasted more than half an hour.

Ling Xiao's handsome face turned pale at first and she looked nervous. When she heard the part where the emperor summoned her to the Zichen Palace, her face was full of anger and her hands were clenched into fists.

After hearing it again, I slowly relaxed.

"Ah Shu, this palace is a place where people can eat people without spitting out their bones." After hearing this, Ling Xiao's eyes were red: "I don't know how you survived this year."

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