Loyang Jin

Chapter 348 Reunion 3

The palace is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

Ling Jingshu must have had a hard time in the palace this past year. His brother couldn't do anything. I could only watch her suffer.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao felt sour in his heart.

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly: "No matter what, I finally got through it. Now I have finally got through all the hardships. Concubine Xian is really good to me. I will live well in the palace. Ah Xiao, you are the same. I don't know when. You have to take care of yourself before you can leave the palace. As long as you are well, I will have nothing to worry about."

Ling Xiao responded with red eyes: "I will study hard and take good care of myself. You have worked hard enough in the palace, you don't have to worry about me anymore."

Ling Jingshu hummed, took out the handkerchief, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Ling Xiao's eyes: "After today, you will be sixteen years old. Why are you still acting like a child, crying and wiping tears when you are excited?"

Ling Xiao was a little embarrassed by Ling Jingshu's teasing. He took the handkerchief and wiped away the tears on his face. After thinking for a while, he whispered: "You know about the Lu family's cousin, right?"

Ling Jingshu's expression remained unchanged and she nodded.

After leaving the prison, she knew that Lu Hong had become a monk.

"Speaking of which, Cousin Lu is really pitiful."

Ling Xiao sighed with some regret: "He has outstanding talent and learning, and is also well-known in the Imperial College. He is just waiting to take the imperial examination next year. With his talent and learning, he will surely be admitted as a Jinshi and honor his ancestors. Unexpectedly, he and Princess Changping Having an affair, you ruined your great future and ended up like this!"

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and said lightly: "If he hadn't been involved with Princess Changping, he wouldn't have caused so many things. With today's ending, no one else can be blamed."

Of course there was a reason for the emperor's anger, and Lu Hong was not an innocent person.

It can be said that it was not allowed once, but the two and three times after that...could it be that others forced him to go to Princess Changping's Mansion?

This kind of thing, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Lu Hong has a weak character and is uncertain about the beauty of Princess Changping. It is entirely his own fault for falling into such an end.

Princess Changping made up her mind to kill Xu's consort, indeed for Lu Hong. Even if Lu Hong didn't know about it before, his second uncle Lu Ping was also involved. Emperor Long Yan was so angry that he would have been extremely merciful if he had not taken Lu Hong's life at that time.

Thinking of herself in her previous life, who suffered humiliation and pain to death because of such a cowardly and selfish man, Ling Jingshu couldn't help but twitch the corners of her lips into a sarcastic smile.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

Bai Yu's voice sounded outside the door: "Miss, Miss Yan is here."

Ling Jingshu went to open the door herself.

Ling Jingyan stood outside the door with a bright and bright smile: "I originally wanted to wait for you two siblings to finish talking before coming over. But I was impatient to wait, so I came over. I didn't disturb you two talking!"

Looking at that familiar pretty face, Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart. She raised her lips and smiled: "Why bother? I'm so happy to see you here! Come in and talk quickly."

As soon as Ling Jingyan arrived, Ling Jingshu had to repeat what she just said.

After listening to it again, Ling Xiao's mood finally became much more stable.

Ling Jingyan burst into tears, hugged Ling Jingshu and choked with sobs: "Poor Ah Shu, I really didn't expect you to live such a hard life in the palace. It's okay if you don't come back to the palace! From now on, you will stay at home, and no one can bully you. ”

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly and coaxed gently: "You can't enter this palace just when you want, and you won't come back if you don't want to go back. I am now working as an errand in Lingbo Palace, and the Concubine Xian is very kind to me, and it is not hard at all. Your Majesty is very gracious today and asked me to come back to see you!"

Ling Jingyan also knew that she was talking nonsense, so she sniffed and said in a rather thick nasal voice: "You are doing better, so we can rest assured. By the way, has Concubine Xian told you when will she be able to let you go?" Leaving the palace?"

This sentence can be regarded as asking Ling Xiao's heart.

Ling Xiao also looked over expectantly.

As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea! After entering the palace, how easy is it to get out of the palace safe and sound!

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly in her heart, but a relaxed smile appeared on her face: "It's only a few years at most!"

several years?

Ling Jingyan murmured in a low voice: "It's easy to say. A woman's best youth is only these few years. If she becomes an old girl in the palace, she will not have any good marriage opportunities after leaving the palace."

Ling Xiao also frowned: "That's what Cousin Yan said. Ah Shu, can't you ask the Concubine Xian to let you out of the palace earlier?"

A pair of fools, all talking stupid things!

As long as the emperor lives, she must stay in the palace for one day. No matter how courageous Concubine Wei Xian was, she would not dare to let her out of the palace privately.

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly in her heart, but she couldn't tell the truth, so she responded evasively: "Okay, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely beg the Concubine Xian to let me out of the palace."

She didn't want to talk about these heavy topics anymore, so she changed the subject in a brisk tone: "Don't just talk about me. Cousin Yan, weren't you and Mr. Zhang tit-for-tat and disliked each other before? How come it's only been a year? Are you an unmarried couple? Please tell me quickly."

Ling Jingyan's cheeks turned red as she was teased, and she responded hesitantly: "It's just... that's it! Nothing special."

Ling Xiao coughed and said seriously: "My cousin-in-law comes to Ling's house every few days and stays there shamelessly. As time goes by, everyone knows that the young master of the Zhang family loves his cousin Yan. Those official media Cousin Yan also refused to come to the house again. Cousin Yan had no choice but to accept the marriage. Cousin Yan, is that what I said? "

Ling Jingyan, who was duplicitous, nodded shamelessly: "That's the truth!"

Ling Jingshu couldn't help laughing.

It seemed like we were back in the old days, sitting together and chatting, talking endlessly from east to west, saying whatever came to mind.

When Ling Jingyan heard Ling Jingshu's laughter, she stopped blushing and asked confidently: "March 12th next year is a good day for me to get married. You must come back on that day."

Ling Jingshu agreed without hesitation: "Okay. After I return to the palace, I will tell the empress about this in advance. On that day, I will definitely come back and watch you get married."

Ling Jingyan was very happy when she saw that she agreed easily and she smiled sweetly: "This is my good sister. By the way, don't forget to prepare a gift for me when the time comes."

Asking for gifts so straightforwardly is indeed Ling Jingyan's style.

Ling Jingshu smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

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