Loyang Jin

Chapter 354 Conspiracy 1

The next day, Qiaoyun spread the news.

One day later, the emperor's grandson came to the palace with news.

"Miss, this is the letter that His Highness specifically ordered to be delivered to you personally." Qiao Yun handed a tightly rolled paper roll to Ling Jingshu.

This is the second letter written by the emperor's grandson to her.

The first letter was sent to the palace on the day of his wedding.

Ling Jingshu unfolded the paper, and the strong handwriting came into view. The ink was thick and penetrated the back of the paper. Before he had time to read the contents of the letter, a cold and solemn air rushed over his face.

The words are just like the person, no fake!

Ling Jingshu quickly read through the letter. There was no personal relationship involved in the letter, and Leng Ning's indifferent and condescending tone was the same as his usual tone of voice.

The message has been received! I will order people to secretly keep an eye on King Yan's every move and be on guard early. If you do a good job in this matter, I will record your contribution. The day my father ascends the throne and I become the crown prince is the day I fulfill my promise. I will uproot the Lu family so that the Lu family will never recover.

The last sentence was full of blood and extremely cruel.

In just a few words, Ling Jingshu read it over and over again, and her brows relaxed.

It’s good that the emperor’s grandson didn’t forget his promise.

As for his feelings for her, she was destined to be disappointed. It can only be regarded as ignorance of the longing and longing revealed in this letter, and the letter was quickly burned.

Four days later.

The emperor led King Yan, Princess Anya, and several young concubines in the palace to the palace. There were about two hundred palace maids and chambermaids accompanying him, as well as dozens of palace musicians and singers and dancers.

The five hundred Imperial Guards who escorted him in front and back were all tall and burly, riding horses, carrying long swords, and their neat armors sparkled in the sun.

A long train of horses and horses stretched for several miles and was very powerful.

The prince and the emperor's grandson led the civil and military officials in a procession to see him off.

It wasn't until the holy driver left that everyone heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the court together.

If the emperor is not in the palace, the prince will have to sit in the palace on his behalf and will stay in the palace from today on. The Crown Princess also entered the palace together.

After the court meeting, the prince privately summoned the emperor's grandson to speak.

Father and son have always been close, and there is no need to mince words when talking.

The prince said bluntly: "Your imperial grandfather is here to stay in the palace. He will stay at least for a month or two, and at most he will not return to the palace for three and a half months. The matters inside and outside the court must be supported by us, father and son." . I will sit in the palace on behalf of your imperial grandfather, so you should pay more attention to other matters."

"Except for major matters, all matters in the house need to be reported to me. All trivial matters are handled by you."

The emperor's grandson didn't like to talk much, so he just held up his hands and simply said yes.

The prince knew the emperor's grandson's temper, so naturally he would not be surprised, and added: "With Yang Wei, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, we don't need to worry about the safety of the palace."

Yang Wei is a descendant of the royal family, and he is considered to be the same generation as the prince. He is strict in running the army and loyal to the emperor. With him here, there is no need to worry about the emperor's safety.

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed and he said calmly: "Commander Yang is a smart and capable person with high skills. He is indeed a useful person. However, we cannot be careless, lest he be taken advantage of by treacherous villains."

These words clearly meant something different.

The prince's mind was sharp and he immediately heard something subtle: "Ah Yao, what do you mean by saying that? Did you find out some information?"

The prince's health has never been good, and the affairs of the East Palace have long been left in the hands of the emperor's grandson. In order to prevent the prince from working hard and worrying about his body, there are many things that the emperor will handle on his own, and the prince may not know about them.

The emperor's grandson's expression remained unchanged, and he said seemingly casually: "Father, don't worry too much. I just think you should be more careful in everything to avoid making mistakes."

If something hasn't happened yet and has no shadow, don't tell it, so as not to worry the prince.

The prince was not so easy to fool. He frowned and asked: "I know you are not a person who makes waves without wind. Since you said so, you must have learned some news. Don't hide it from me, tell me. ”

When the prince asked like this, the emperor's grandson could no longer hide it and whispered quickly: "I placed spies in the palace and found out that the emperor's grandfather insisted on going to the palace this time because King Yan encouraged him. With Yan Wang Wuli has a bad character, so he probably doesn’t have any good intentions.”

The prince was startled and looked at the emperor's grandson: "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter earlier?"

"What would have happened if I had told you earlier?" The emperor's grandson raised his eyebrows, his face was so calm that he was almost indifferent: "In the past six months, my father has been particularly fond and trusting of King Yan. Otherwise, he would not have followed King Yan's advice and went to the palace. Even if my father knew about this, he would not be able to say anything in front of his grandfather without any evidence."

The prince was speechless.


What if he knew? Can you still go to the emperor and say that your youngest son actually has ulterior motives and bad intentions?

No matter how much suspicion there is, there is nothing you can do without any evidence.

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "If you guard against thieves for a thousand days, there will inevitably be a thief. It's better to take advantage of King Yan's wishes and see how he will make a move. When things happen, the emperor's grandfather will do it again. Even if you don’t believe that King Yan has the intention to usurp the throne, you have to believe it.”

The prince nodded at first, but soon noticed something strange. He couldn't help but glance at the emperor's grandson: "Are you trying to use your emperor's grandfather as bait to lure King Yan to take action?"

The emperor's grandson pursed his lips, acquiescing.

"Absurd! Ridiculous! Audacious!" The prince's face suddenly changed, he glared at each other, and sternly rebuked: "Who gave you such courage to disregard the safety of your imperial grandfather! Have you ever thought about it, what if? King Yan is so bold that he attacks your imperial grandfather. What will you do if your imperial grandfather has an accident? You... you are so disappointing!"

Facing the prince's anger, the emperor's grandson remained calm. He knelt down and apologized: "Father, please calm down and listen to me."

"I have no choice but to do this. King Yan pretends to be very good on weekdays and stays at the side of the emperor's grandfather all day long. The emperor's grandfather's preference for him has become more and more obvious, almost to the point of obeying his words."

"It would be fine if he was really honest and peaceful. But unfortunately not. My father also knows very well that if this continues, King Yan will sooner or later become a serious problem for his father."

"My father is the crown prince, and everyone's words and deeds are under the spotlight. It is not appropriate to take the initiative to deal with King Yan. Now that King Yan can't help himself and makes some noise, it is actually a good thing for us."

"As long as King Yan makes any changes, we, father and son, will have a legitimate reason to eradicate this hidden danger!"

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