Loyang Jin

Chapter 355 Conspiracy 2

The emperor's grandson is usually cold-spoken and doesn't like to talk too much. Today it is rare for me to speak out and express my opinions directly.

The prince's face was full of anger at first. After hearing these words, the anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by thinking and solemnity.

The emperor's grandson stopped talking and continued to kneel and listen to the instructions.

After a long while, the prince opened his mouth and said: "No matter what your intention is, such a move is too bold. You don't know the specific strategy of King Yan, so how can you be on guard? What if King Yan is not good for your grandfather? , hurting your imperial grandfather’s dragon body, wouldn’t it be worth the loss at that time?”

Although he was still scolding, his tone was much softened.

The emperor's grandson responded calmly: "There are only two of us here, father and son. I want to say something unfilial and hope that my father will not be angry. As long as we, father and son, firmly guard the palace and all the officials inside and outside the palace, even the emperor's grandfather If something goes wrong, it won't endanger my father's status, so why should I be afraid?"

The prince's whole body was shaken, and he stared at his son kneeling on the ground, with shocked anger flashing in his eyes: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

These words are not only audacious, they are simply treasonous!

It's just that he didn't say it clearly, "It doesn't matter if the emperor's grandfather is dead, because the father will be able to sit on the throne earlier!"

Facing the prince's anger, the emperor's grandson did not panic. He raised his handsome and indifferent face and looked at the prince: "Everything I said is true, and my father also knows it. There are no outsiders here. , Who is the father showing such anger for? Doesn’t the father want to sit on the throne as soon as possible and become the emperor? "

Prince: "..."

The prince's expression changed, hesitating between kicking his son and slapping him.

"My imperial grandfather is already old. When people grow old, they become dull and cannot see right from wrong."

The emperor's grandson said coldly: "My father has been the prince for so many years, and he has always been cautious and never dared to make any mistakes. But how did the emperor's grandfather treat his father? He knew that Queen Xu was ambitious, and he knew that King Yan was here He formed a clique secretly for personal gain in an attempt to become the crown prince. But in the past few years, the emperor's grandfather only acted in ignorance and deliberately indulged the Queen of Yan and his son. "

"Queen Xu's wifely virtues were lacking and she was deposed from the throne. King Yan's snobbery dropped sharply. Even under such circumstances, the emperor's grandfather did not dislike King Yan. He also asked him to serve him personally, and he loved King Yan even more than before. Those officials in the court are all well-informed, how could they not know that as long as King Yan returns to the court, a large number of people will support him. "

"The imperial grandfather knew everything, but he still indulged King Yan blindly. Everyone knew his partiality. My father worked hard all day long, and I didn't see any words of praise from the imperial grandfather. We are both the sons of the imperial grandfather, so there is such a difference in treatment. It’s so obvious that my father doesn’t have any resentment in his heart?”

How could it not be!

As the prince of a country, he worked hard for the government, but he was not favored by the emperor and could not match the flattery of King Yan. He didn't know how aggrieved he felt. On the surface, you can't show even a hint of it, but in front of the emperor, you have to show your brother's kindness and tolerance to King Yan!

Even a saint will inevitably feel resentment in his heart after enduring it for a long time.

The prince was hit in a sore spot, and all the smiles on his face faded, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

At this moment, the father and son, who had similar faces, looked surprisingly similar.

The emperor's grandson looked at the uncertain prince and continued: "King Yan can't help but take the initiative. It's not a bad thing for the father, but a good thing. The only thing to worry about is that I don't know what King Yan will do. No matter what the tricks are, we must be extra vigilant during this period and be on guard against them secretly.”

"As long as we, father and son, are safe and sound, no matter how powerful King Yan is, there will be no trouble."

"My father didn't know about this matter. I made everything on my own. If anything happens in the future, it has nothing to do with my father. As long as my father sits firmly in the palace, I will take care of everything." "

The prince remained silent.

After a long time, the prince let out a long sigh: "That's it! Stop kneeling and get up first!"

The emperor's grandson knelt for a long time, his knees were a little numb, but he stood up quickly: "Thank you, father."

I finally convinced my father! It's not in vain that he spent all his time.

The palace is located at the foot of the mountain in the western suburbs of the capital. We started from the palace in the morning and didn't arrive at the palace until the evening.

The prince who was guarding the palace had received the news ten days ago. He had already led his maids to clean the palace inside and out, and welcomed the holy driver with a smile on his face.

This palace has been under construction for more than ten years. At that time, the emperor had been on the throne for ten years and his position was stable. The Zhou Dynasty was in good weather and the treasury was abundant.

Therefore, the palace was built quite exquisitely and luxuriously, and many rare treasures were placed there. The garden is Jiangnan style, with many rare flowers, plants and trees, as well as many birds and animals.

The annual cost of maintaining and caring for this palace is a staggering amount.

The emperor used to stay in the palace for a month or two every year, but he has not been able to come in the past two years because of his poor health. At this time, I was in a good mood when I came back to the old place. I smiled and said to the princes and the others who were kneeling on the ground: "You can all get back on your feet without any courtesy!"

The prince and others thanked him again, and then stood up respectfully.

The tall and handsome King Yan stood beside the emperor with a smile and supported the emperor's arm with one hand: "Father, it's getting late. Let's settle down and have a good night's rest. Tomorrow, I will accompany my father on a tour of the palace. ”

Princess Anya stood on the other side of the emperor. After hearing this, she also smiled and agreed: "Yes, father, after riding in the carriage for a whole day, my daughter is also feeling tired. Father, the dragon body has just been restored, so please don't Tired."

The emperor looked pleased and entered the palace with the support of King Yan and Princess Anya.

Concubine Wei Xian and several other concubines followed closely behind.

Behind them are Wei Yan, Imperial Physician Zhou, Eunuch Ding and others.

Ling Jingshu, Xinyun and others, and those around the other concubines, moved further back. Through the numerous figures, it was actually difficult to see which one was Wei Yan.

But Ling Jingshu always looked in Wei Yan's direction subconsciously.

Thinking that Wei Yan was not far away, I felt particularly fulfilled and my mood improved inexplicably.

Five hundred royal guards had already dismounted and occupied all important positions inside and outside the palace. These five hundred imperial guards are all the elite of the imperial army. They are all agile and disciplined. After this action, no one made any noise. There is an awe-inspiring momentum in his movements.

The young and beautiful palace maids and ladies-in-waiting walked past gracefully, but the imperial guards still looked at them intently, no one looked at them, and no one laughed.

After everyone had settled down in the palace, Yang Wei, the commander of the guards, breathed a sigh of relief and passed on the order, ordering the guards to divide into three shifts and patrol in shifts.

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