Loyang Jin

Chapter 357 Preference

The prince and the emperor's grandson knew the emperor's preference for King Yan, and the officials in the court also heard about it.

The concubines and maids in the palace have an even deeper understanding of this.

King Yan suggested, and the emperor nodded in agreement without hesitation. Musicians and singers and dancers were quickly summoned, and the concubines who came to pay their respects happened to be present to enjoy the singing and dancing with the emperor.

There are fresh fruits and melons in the mouth, beautiful singing and dancing in front of the eyes, the sound of music in the ears, and the touching glances from the concubines from time to time.

After a change of environment, I felt much more relaxed and happy.

The emperor's face was full of smiles, and while his mind and body were relaxed, he could not help but have some thoughts that he had not thought about for a long time.

It's a pity that I took too much medicine last time and completely lost my dragon body. Over the past six months, my health has really failed me...

The emperor glanced at the green figure behind Concubine Wei Xian with regret. If it wasn't for his physical weakness, how could he let go of such a delicate flower?

King Yan was sitting on the right side of the emperor. He was always paying attention to the emperor's every move, and naturally he did not miss the emperor's eyes looking at Ling Jingshu.

If it had been another woman, he would have fallen in love with her and suggested to his father to summon her for fun. Even if you can't really be in ecstasy, there are plenty of ways to have fun...

But that was Ling Jingshu, the woman he had fallen in love with before. No matter how unbearable he is, he doesn't want the woman he likes to be humiliated and treated by his father.

King Yan coughed lightly and said in a low voice: "Father, I have something I want to tell you."

The emperor's attention was indeed attracted: "What's the matter?"

King Yan smiled: "There are many people here with mixed opinions, so it is not appropriate to talk too much. I will report to my father after lunch."

After lunch.

The emperor only left Eunuch Ding to serve him personally, while the rest of the palace maids and chamberlains withdrew.

"Didn't you just say that you had something to report to me?" the emperor asked with a smile.

King Yan did not show off, he smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Yes. I know that my father is devoted to Taoism, and there are many Taoist priests in the palace who are good at alchemy. It's a pity that they can only make elixirs that strengthen the body. Father. Now that the emperor's dragon body is in great shape, I thought that if someone can develop a medicine that can prolong life and make people immortal, the emperor can live forever and the empire of the Great Zhou Dynasty can last forever."

These words can be regarded as speaking to the emperor's mind.

The older people get, the more they fear death.

"Is there really a pill that makes people immortal in this world?" the emperor asked, his eyes already shining with eagerness to try.

King Yan knew the emperor's thoughts well and did not say too much: "In the past six months, I have been secretly searching for Taoist masters in various places. But I have actually found a few famous ones. Especially among them A Taoist named Yu was over a hundred years old, but he was full of energy and had not a single gray hair on his head. He looked like he was only about forty years old. This Taoist priest was the best at practicing elixirs in order to seek immortality. Erchen spent a lot of thought on this invitation. He came to the capital."

"However, I dare not say for sure how much Taoist Priest Yu is really capable. When I came to the palace this time, I brought him and several other Taoist Priests here. My father has nothing to do, so he might as well summon They came to see me.”

The emperor thought for a moment and then agreed: "Okay, it's okay to meet him at your leisure. If this Taoist Yu really has the ability to refine elixirs for immortality, I will definitely mark your merits and reward you heavily."

King Yan refused to take credit and said sternly: "My son, I only do this to wish my father a long and prosperous life, and I have no intention of seeking reward. Moreover, we cannot just listen to what they say about the effectiveness of this elixir."

"If my father can trust me, I will let him try the elixir for my father first. It will not be too late to try taking it after I am sure that the elixir is harmless to the body."

Who can not be moved after hearing such words?

The emperor's eyes were full of relief: "Okay, okay, it's rare for you to have such filial piety, and I feel happy in my heart. You will ask Taoist Master Yu to come see me in the afternoon. I want to take a look at him personally."

King Yan agreed with a smile.

The palace is about one-third the size of the imperial palace and covers an area of ​​several hundred acres. It takes half a day to walk around it.

The emperor and his concubines lived in the inner palace, while five hundred royal guards lived in the outer palace.

This palace is neither small nor big. The emperor's words, deeds, and actions cannot be hidden from anyone who cares.

The emperor summoned the alchemy Taoist priest on the second day of his stay in the palace, and word spread quickly.

I heard that the Immortal Wind Dao Bone located in Dao Changsheng has some real abilities.

When the emperor saw it, he immediately appointed Taoist Priest Yu as a fourth-grade minister and rewarded him with a lot of gold and silver. Instruct Taoist Priest Yu to start preparing the furnace and practicing elixirs from now on.

Although Imperial Physician Zhou is old, he likes to gossip. After hearing about this, he pulled Wei Yan and sighed: "Look at you, you have tried your best to take care of the emperor for half a year, and finally allowed the emperor to be able to leave." The bed moved. As soon as the emperor turned around, he threw you aside and began to favor those Taoist priests who only flattered and concocted pills. "

"We haven't achieved anything yet, but we have been granted a fourth-grade official position. We have been working hard in the Taiyuan Hospital, and so far we are only a fifth-grade official."

When it comes to alchemy, all the doctors in the imperial hospital who pride themselves on their medical skills look disdainful.

When the emperor was sick, he had to rely on the imperial physician for diagnosis and treatment. As soon as he recovered from his illness, he thought about refining elixirs to seek immortality, forgetting all the hard-working imperial doctors.

Just thinking about it makes me feel angry!

Wei Yan's eyes flashed, and his expression was quite calm: "It would be a good thing if that Taoist priest can really develop the elixir of immortality."

Doctor Zhou snorted softly: "There is no pill in this world that can make people live forever. Your Majesty is really..." He is so confused!

Doctor Zhou couldn't bear to say these last four words, and then said: "I don't know how Taoist Yu came to be so trusted and valued by the emperor."

This is asking knowingly!

Who doesn't know that it was Taoist Priest Yu who was recommended by King Yan? The Emperor was partial to King Yan and had a high opinion of Taoist Priest.

Wei Yan smiled faintly: "I'm not sure about this either."

Seeing that Wei Yan refused to say more, Dr. Zhou felt a little resentful and stopped saying anything.

After Dr. Zhou left, the indifferent smile on Wei Yan's face faded and his expression became serious.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Yan got up and went to Concubine Wei Xian's bedroom.

The two siblings looked at each other, feeling each other's heavy expressions, and said in unison: "What's wrong with you?" They then changed their words in unison: "Did you hear about the Taoist priest?"

Ling Jingshu, who was standing next to Concubine Wei Xian, saw that Wei Yan was a bit nervous and apprehensive, so she couldn't help but laugh softly when she saw this.

The Wei Yan siblings also burst into laughter, and the heavy atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

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