Loyang Jin

Chapter 359: Voice 2

After a while, Wei Yan let out a long breath and let go of the delicate body in his arms: "You stay a little farther away from me, lest I can't control myself and hurt you."

Ling Jingshu blushed and hummed, quickly retreating two meters away.

Wei Yan was unhappy again: "There's no need to stay so far away!"

It was a rare meeting and I had to torment him like this.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but want to laugh, and the corners of her lips could not help but raise: "How far away is appropriate?"

Wei Yan thought carefully and measured the appropriate distance: "Three feet away from me is enough."

At this moment, he was like a childish big child, seriously considering every little thing.

A soft emotion surged in Ling Jingshu's heart, and she followed his words and moved closer. Wei Yan was then satisfied: "Okay, that's it! Don't you have something else to tell me?"

Ling Jingshu hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly: "Yes. You have always been curious about why I, a girl in a boudoir, suffered from such unspeakable strange diseases! What I told you is only half of the truth. The real reason, I I never know how to express it. This is my biggest secret. Today, I will tell you everything!”

The sweet smile disappeared from her face, and her eyes gradually became cold and painful, as if she was remembering some unbearable past event.

That was her deepest and most painful scar!

It was also a secret she never told anyone.

Now, she wanted to uncover her scars with her own hands and present all the secrets in front of him.

Wei Yan felt an inexplicable pain in his heart and blurted out: "Ah Shu, if you don't want to say it, just don't say it!"

Ling Jingshu raised her head and looked at Wei Yan with a look of pity: "Don't you always want to know my secret? Now that I am willing to tell it, why do you persuade me not to tell it again? Maybe if you miss this time, I will never have the courage to mention it a second time.”

"This will become my forever secret, and it will also be something you will never let go of. Even so, you won't regret it?"

Wei Yan was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Ah Shu, I don't want to lie to you. I really want to know everything about you, and I want to know all about your past. Because I like you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Fall in love. People who are together should be honest with each other.”

"But, I care about you more. If this past event is your biggest pain, even thinking about it makes you so painful. Then I would rather never know."

"Don't force yourself. This will make my heart hurt even more."

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed with crystal water, but the corners of her lips raised slightly.

The smile with tears in it is crystal clear and incredibly beautiful.

"Wei Yan, I have made up my mind to never mention this secret in my life. Even the people closest to me don't know. Ling Xiao doesn't know, and Bai Yu doesn't know either."

"Today, I want to completely uncover this scar. Because I finally have the courage to face the past."

"Actually, I lived one more life. In that life, I fell in love with my cousin Lu Hong at first sight, and we pledged each other to each other. When I was sixteen years old, I married into the Lu family and became their daughter-in-law... "

Wei Yan, who remained calm despite the overwhelming pressure, had been stunned from the moment Ling Jingshu opened her mouth.

Ling Jingshu obviously tried her best to control her excitement and talked about everything in her previous life in a calm tone.

She once loved her husband Lu Hong so deeply and gave birth to their child with such joy. Then he waited with great expectation for the return of his beloved.

However, the husband she had been waiting for so hard failed her. He was entangled with Princess Changping, who wanted to recruit him as her consort.

Lu Qian's entanglement with her, Ling's dissatisfaction with her, and Lu An, who is worse than a beast...

When Ling Jingshu talked about being strangled to death, Wei Yan finally couldn't listen anymore.

He strode forward and took her into his arms, his voice choked with sobs:

"Ah Shu, stop talking. Don't talk anymore... It's all over. Now I'm with you..."

For more than twenty years, he has been patient and strong. I have never been defeated by difficulties and have survived until today. The man bleeds but does not shed tears!

But at this moment, looking at her silently weeping face and hearing her painful and almost cruel past, his heart seemed to be cut into pieces by countless knives, and he could hardly breathe in pain.

He didn't even know what he was going to say to comfort her.

I could only hold her tightly and repeat these two sentences over and over again.

Ling Jingshu lay on his chest, crying silently, her tears falling in strings and quickly soaking his clothes.

He felt the wetness on his chest, and his heart ached again.

This world is so unfair!

Powerful people are arrogant and indulgent in doing whatever they want. And those who are forced by power can only suppress and endure. Even so, it may not be possible to escape disaster.

For example, she was in her previous life.

That weak, kind and helpless woman had no idea how much resentment and hatred she had in her heart at the moment before she died.

Fortunately, God took pity on her and gave her a new life. Give her a chance to start over.

She is just a helpless girl in a boudoir. To reach this point, I don’t know how much effort and trembling she put into it.

Ling Jingshu didn't know how long she cried.

Her eyes were already red and swollen from crying, and her throat was also hoarse from crying.

But my heart felt calmer than ever before. The suffocating pain that I could not forget day and night quietly passed away with this outpouring and tears.

It was because of his company that she became stronger and braver.

Ling Jingshu whispered in a hoarse voice: "Wei Yan, did I scare you?"

Resurrected from the dead with all the memories of his previous life! Such a thing sounds scary and terrifying. Putting herself in her shoes, if someone else told her this, she might not believe it.

Wei Yan's voice sounded above her head: "I'm not scared, I just didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this."

"No wonder you traveled thousands of miles to come to the capital. It turned out that you were looking for opportunities to take revenge. No wonder you suffer from such a strange disease and cannot touch any man."

Just as he had judged before, her strange illness was basically a mental illness.

Once the knot in the heart is resolved, the strange illness will be cured without medicine.

Wei Yan sighed softly, his voice full of pity and distress: "Speaking of which, Queen Xu is our two common enemies. It can be said that the two of us worked together to bring her down. Now Princess Changping has also entered Ciyun'an, your only enemies are the Lu family."

Ling Jingshu nodded silently.

Wei Yan continued: "So, you surrendered to the emperor's grandson to avenge the Lu family. In fact, you don't have to work so hard to do all this."

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