Loyang Jin

Chapter 364: Childbirth

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly and whispered: "Should this news be sent back to the capital?"

The palace is heavily guarded. Wei Yan is the emperor's full-time physician, and every move he makes can easily fall into the eyes of someone with an intent to do so. In comparison, Ling Jingshu's message passing through Qiaoyun was much more secretive.

I don’t know what method Qiaoyun used, but in short, the news spread very quickly and very covertly. So far, no one has noticed Qiaoyun's true identity.

Wei Yan ignored the taste in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Of course you have to tell the emperor grandson about such an important matter."

Ling Jingshu responded: "Okay, I will ask Qiaoyun to send the news back overnight."

Wei Yan hummed. After thinking for a while, he said: "This elixir of longevity is beneficial to the body in the short term. Only if you take it for a long time will you become dependent on the elixir. Looking at this situation, the emperor will stay in the palace for a long time. The emperor's thoughts now It’s all about asking for immortality, so you don’t have to be too nervous about being a woman. However, to be on the safe side, it’s better to show up as little as possible in front of the emperor.”

Ling Jingshu nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, I understand the importance."

That night, Ling Jingshu called Qiao Yun over again and gave the written letter to Qiao Yun: "Have someone send the letter to His Highness the Grand Sun overnight."

Since arriving at the palace, all the news sent back were written by Ling Jingshu herself.

Qiaoyun responded, quickly received the rolled letter, and then stuffed the letter into the special bamboo tube.

This letter was sent to the palace by Qiaoyun in a special way. After receiving the letter, the secret guard guarding outside the palace rode a fast horse overnight to deliver the letter back to the capital.

The city gates are tightly closed in the middle of the night, so no one can enter or exit. Only a few people with special status can open the city gate. For example, the secret guard holding the crown prince's badge.

The next day, before dawn, the letter reached Lu Cai's hands.

Lu Cai did not dare to delay and immediately sent the letter to the emperor's grandson.

At this time, the emperor's grandson had already stood up.

The emperor's grandson lived a very self-disciplined life. He went to bed every now and then, got up at five o'clock, and practiced in the training room for half an hour before entering the palace. Over the years, there have been very few exceptions.

However, the content of the letter I received early this morning is very important. After seeing it, the emperor's grandson's expression became solemn. He had no intention of going to the practice room, and he had no intention of thinking about Ling Jingshu's personal letter to him.

After the emperor's grandson handled the letter promptly, he rode into the palace.

Before the court meeting, the emperor's grandson met the prince.

"Father, I have something important to report." The emperor's grandson said in a low voice.

The prince was well aware of the emperor's grandson's temper. When he saw his solemn look, he knew that the matter was serious. With an order, all the servants who were serving him retreated.

"What happened?"

The emperor's grandson walked to the prince and whispered a few words.

The prince's brows moved, and a coldness flashed in his eyes: "This King Yan encouraged his father to go to the palace. It turned out to be this idea."

What a King Yan! The ambition is indeed not small!

The emperor's grandson sneered: "If the emperor's grandfather was in the palace, it would be difficult for those Taoist priests to enter the palace. Not to mention making elixirs to confuse the emperor's grandfather. King Yan deliberately followed him to the palace, and he had no good intentions. But the emperor's grandfather believed in him deeply. Not only did he favor those Taoist priests, but he also favored King Yan even more because of his initiative to test the medicine. "

The emperor who was wise and decisive when he was young will inevitably become incompetent and blindly believe in things when he is old.

The father and son worked hard and exhausted in the court, but in the end they could not match the attentiveness and flattery of King Yan. It’s really chilling!

The prince remained silent, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart.

At first, I felt that I could not bear to let the emperor let it go, but at this moment, I had to harden my heart: "Since you have guessed King Yan's methods, what are your countermeasures?"

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed and he said lightly: "Stay unchanged to cope with all changes."

"King Yan hasn't shown any signs of weakness yet, let's let him be proud for a while. When he can't hold back anymore and take action, it won't be too late for us to take action against him."

The prince frowned slightly: "Isn't this too passive? What if King Yan suddenly takes action and we have no time to respond?"

"Father, don't worry, I have ordered people to keep an eye on Prince Yan's Mansion secretly. Every move in the Mansion cannot be hidden from our eyes and ears. On the other side of the palace, there are people around the Imperial Grandfather. I can't get involved yet, but , There are also secret guards outside the palace. There are also my people in the palace. If there is any trouble, the message will be sent back in time. "

The emperor's grandson was confident and talked eloquently: "Although King Yan has party members, he has no soldiers. The number of guards and secret guards in Prince Yan's palace is only more than a thousand. He does not have the ability to start a rebellion. He can only use it on the emperor's grandfather. Kung Fu. Thinking about it this way, it’s not surprising that he can use many tricks.”

On the other hand, the prince is the legitimate eldest son and has been the crown prince for many years. Now the emperor is in charge of the government and has both the favor of officials and the hearts of the people. Countless people support it.

How can King Yan easily shake it?

Time flies, and more than a month has passed.

Concubine Jiang Rongyue suffered from abdominal pain that day. The midwives, who had been waiting for her for a long time, immediately helped Jiang Rongyue into the delivery room.

After hearing the news, the Crown Princess rushed over immediately and ordered someone to deliver a message to the Crown Prince and the Jiang family.

When the emperor's grandson rushed back to the mansion, it was getting late.

Men were not allowed to enter the delivery room. The emperor's grandson was anxious and could only wait outside the delivery room.

It was midnight and the baby had not yet been born.

The screams in the delivery room gradually became fainter.

The Crown Princess couldn't sit still anymore and summoned one of the midwives to come out and ask: "It's been so long since the Crown Princess has been in the delivery room, why haven't you given birth to a baby yet?"

The midwife grimaced and replied tremblingly: "Prince Princess, everyone's situation is different when a woman gives birth. If it goes well, the child can be born in less than two hours. Some people have to wait for two or three days. Princess Princess This time I had two more fetal movements, and my body is already weak. The size of the fetus is larger than normal, so the delivery will be more difficult. "

It’s just that it didn’t mention that it might be difficult to give birth!

The Crown Princess is also a person who has been here before. How could she not understand the danger involved? Her expression suddenly changed.

The emperor's grandson's heart sank when he heard that. He stared at the midwife coldly and asked, "You mean, Rong Yue will have difficulty in giving birth?"

The midwife didn't dare to tell the truth, so she responded vaguely: "I can't say for sure. I have to take another look..."

Before she could finish her words, there was another scream in the delivery room.

The experienced midwife felt chilled when she heard this.

Looking at the crown princess and the emperor's grandson again, their expressions were ugly.

The emperor's grandson pursed his lips and raised his feet to enter the delivery room. But he was stopped by the Crown Princess: "You wait outside, I'll go in and see Rong Yue."

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