Loyang Jin

Chapter 365 The moon is gone

This wait lasted for more than an hour.

The emperor's grandson had sharp ears and could clearly hear the movements in the delivery room.

Jiang Rongyue's cries of pain became weaker and weaker. The midwife encouraged her while giving her ginseng soup. The Crown Princess also kept speaking comforting words from the side.

However, the child was never born, and Jiang Rongyue's voice gradually became less audible.

No matter how dull he is, he knows that the situation is not good.

The emperor's grandson gritted his teeth and entered the delivery room.

At first glance, he saw Jiang Rongyue, who was pale and almost unconscious. Cold sweat covered her face and forehead, and she lay motionless on the bed, with a mess underneath her.

Several midwives gathered around the bed, all looking panic-stricken.

"Ah Yao! What should I do?" The Crown Princess did not bother to blame the Emperor's grandson for entering the delivery room without permission, and said with a nervous look on her face: "The head of the baby in Rong Yue's belly is too big and cannot be born at all. The amniotic fluid has already broken. If this continues, the adults and children may not be able to survive. The midwives just discussed that they can only try their best to save one. "

Protect the adults or the children?

For the royal family, the importance of heirs is self-evident, and they are naturally more important than adults.

Based on the Crown Princess's feelings, the most important thing at this time is to protect the child.

The emperor's grandson's mind went blank, and his eyes fell on Jiang Rongyue's face.

Jiang Rongyue seemed to have noticed something, and tried her best to open her eyes, and looked at the emperor's grandson.

Those smart and smiling eyes are weak and powerless at this time, but they seem to be holding on to something, which is so complicated and difficult to describe.

"Save Rongyue!" The Emperor Taisun said word by word: "Save your Excellency first."

As for children, there will always be them in the future.

The Crown Princess was reluctant, but she didn't say anything. Jiang Rongyue is the legitimate daughter of a British prince, and her status is of great importance. If he insists on giving up Jiang Rongyue's life to save the child at this time, the British government will inevitably feel resentful and alienated from the Prince's Palace.

That’s it! Just save the adults first!

The words of the emperor's grandson reached Jiang Rongyue's ears.

Jiang Rongyue's mind, which had been in chaos due to the severe pain, strangely came to her senses.

Tears welled up in her eyes quickly, but she yelled with all her strength in a hoarse voice: "No, keep the child!"

She thought her voice must be loud, but in fact it was hoarse and weak, almost inaudible. She persisted and repeated: "Save the child!"

She looked at the emperor's grandson pleadingly, looked at the man she loved deeply, and said with tears: "If the child cannot survive, I will not live alone. Please, keep the child first..."

This is her and his child, the child she has been expecting for so long after being pregnant for ten months.

She must be born!

Those tears hurt the emperor's grandson's eyes deeply.

The emperor's grandson's heart was in knots and his mind was blank.

The midwife said to the Crown Princess bravely: "What should we do? Please make a decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, the lives of both adults and children will be in danger."

The Crown Princess gritted her teeth and said cruelly: "Save the child first!"

If he hesitates any longer, he will lose two lives.

The emperor's grandson wanted to say something, but it was already too late. He was pushed out of the delivery room by the Crown Princess. His body was numb and stiff, without any strength. He sat slumped on the chair and never moved again.

Experienced midwives have their own methods of inducing birth. First, press the mother's belly firmly, and apply needles to the important parts of the belly to induce labor.

However, this method can induce the birth of a child, but the damage to the woman's body is inevitable.

The baby fell to the ground, her little face was bruised from suffocation, and before she could cry, Jiang Rongyue's lower body was already bleeding profusely on the delivery bed, and she passed out completely.

There was chaos in the delivery room.

Later, regardless of the difference between men and women, Dr. Zhang, who had been invited to the Prince's Mansion for a long time, also entered the delivery room.

Even so, Jiang Rongyue's life could not be saved.

Doctor Zhang knelt down to apologize with a face of shame.

Postpartum hemorrhage cannot be saved by gods.

The Crown Princess held the newborn baby boy in her hands, with no joy on her face. The British princess cried so hard that she never came out after entering the delivery room.

The British Duke stood aside with a miserable look on his face, his eyes flashing with water.

The emperor's grandson was also standing beside the delivery bed, his handsome face was pale and his heart was cold.

One day brings a hundred days of grace to a couple!

He and Jiang Rongyue had known each other since childhood, and they were childhood sweethearts and always had a certain affection for each other. This affection was not as intense as the passion between a man and a woman, and he could not truly fall in love with her. But he also respects and likes her.

She is a qualified and good wife. From the moment he married her, he was ready to spend a lifetime with her.

Unexpectedly, she would pass away and leave him so soon.

The smell of blood was so thick that it could hardly be dispersed. At the last moment of her life, Jiang Rongyue woke up, her face was surprisingly rosy, and she looked at the emperor's grandson, her eyes full of nostalgia.

It’s a flashback!

The emperor's grandson felt sad again. He subconsciously walked to the bed and sat down. He held Jiang Rongyue's hand tightly and called Rongyue softly.

A desolate smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Rongyue's lips, which was the last beauty before it withered: "Your Highness, I can no longer accompany you."

The emperor's grandson had a sore nose, and the hand holding Jiang Rongyue began to tremble violently.

"Being able to marry you is the greatest happiness in my life." At the moment before his death, his mind was exceptionally clear. Everything in the past is vivid in my mind, as if it is all before my eyes.

Jiang Rongyue's voice was still weak, but not very sad. Looking at the emperor's grandson, his eyes were full of love and remembrance: "It's a pity that I can't stay with you until you grow old. Fortunately, I gave you a child, and you promised me to raise our child well. . Never forget me!”

Please don’t forget my married wife!

Don't forget that the woman who loves you most in this world died to give birth to your child!

Even if you have someone else you love, please don't forget me.

The eyes of the emperor's grandson became hot, and tears finally fell from the corners of his eyes: "Rongyue, I promise you. I promise you everything. I will take good care of the children. I will never forget you..."

Tears fell on her cold hands, feeling strangely hot.

He finally shed tears for her.

Her life was worth it.

Jiang Rongyue closed her eyes and said the last words with all her strength: "I know that the woman you really love is Ling Jingshu. She is a beautiful, intelligent and strong good girl. After I die, in another year, Just marry her! She has a kind nature and will treat my children well. If you have her by your side, I will also bless you."

After saying this, Jiang Rongyue finally closed her eyes for real.

The smile on her lips was frozen in this moment forever.

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