Loyang Jin

Chapter 366 Condolences

Concubine Jiang Rong died in the moonlight.

The birth of the emperor's great-great-grandson also brought a bit of sadness, and there was silence in the prince's mansion.

According to the regulations of the palace, the funeral of the concubine was held in a grand manner. All officials in the capital personally led their family members to pay their respects.

The emperor and King Yan, who were far away in the palace, soon learned of the bad news.

The emperor, who was immersed in the question of immortality, felt a little regretful after hearing the news that his grandson-in-law had died in childbirth. However, since he was both the emperor and an elder, there was absolutely no reason for him to come to express condolences in person. He only asked Eunuch Ding to go to the Prince's Mansion on his behalf.

King Yan showed great sadness and regret: "I really didn't expect that the great grandson would go like this. Father, I want to go to the prince's mansion to express my condolences. I can comfort my great grandson when I see her."

The emperor nodded and agreed.

As soon as King Yan left, Concubine Wei Xian also came.

"Your Majesty, I was shocked to hear the sad news of the death of the grandson, and my heart was filled with sorrow." Concubine Wei Xian wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief and said with red eyes: "I should have gone to the Prince's Mansion in person, but I am worried about the Emperor's side. There is no one to take care of me. After thinking about it, I have to send the female officer next to me. "

The emperor sighed: "It's okay, let the people around you go to express your condolences on your behalf. It's considered as a good thing."

Concubine Wei Xian thanked her and left.

After returning to the palace, he ordered someone to call Ling Jingshu over: "Ah Shu, please go back to the capital for me now and go to the Prince's Mansion to express my condolences. I can't come back in time tonight, so I will stay in Ling Mansion for one night, and I won't go back tomorrow. Late."

Ling Jingshu has been in a daze since she was shocked to hear about Jiang Rongyue's death. I always feel that everything I hear in my ears seems to be separated by a layer, and I can't hear it clearly.

She nodded silently, even forgetting to thank her.

Concubine Wei Xian would not take such a trivial matter to her heart. Seeing Ling Jingshu's lingering look, she couldn't help but sigh: "Don't say you feel uncomfortable after hearing this, even I still can't calm down. It's like this It’s really sad that such a young and lovely girl disappeared in the blink of an eye.”

The poor child lost his mother as soon as he was born.

The emperor's grandson will definitely marry another person in the future. As soon as the new grandson passes through the family, she will have to have children. I don’t know what the fate of the son Jiang Rongyue left behind will be in the future.

Being born into a royal family is both lucky and the greatest misfortune in the world. Without the care of my biological mother, the road ahead will definitely be difficult.

Thinking of this, Concubine Wei Xian felt sad.

Ling Jingshu was in a depressed mood and had no intention of talking. While listening to Concubine Wei Xian's chatter, Jiang Rongyue's face appeared in her mind.

When they first met, Jiang Rongyue's sweetness, cuteness and cuteness left a deep impression on her. After that, although the two did not interact much, they were harmonious.

The last meeting was actually not very pleasant. However, from Jiang Rongyue's point of view, there is nothing wrong with doing that.

After not seeing each other for several months, what they heard was the sad news that Jiang Rongyue had died in childbirth. While it makes people sad, they can't help but lament that the beauty is not lucky enough.

The emperor's grandson must be feeling very sad at this time!

Ling Jingshu deliberately wore a plain dress, no makeup, and only wore a white hosta on her head.

The carriage galloped and arrived at the Prince's Mansion in the evening.

The servants of the Prince's Mansion were dressed in mourning clothes and looked sad.

The number of people who came to express their condolences has not stopped since the morning. The steward who was standing at the door to greet guests already had tired legs and weak muscles, and the muscles on his face were stiff.

When he saw the carriage with the palace mark, the steward did not dare to neglect it and came to greet it from a distance.

A beautiful girl in a plain dress got out of the carriage.

The steward was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized what he was doing, and stepped forward to salute: "I have seen Miss Ling." Ling Jingshu had accompanied Ling Xiao on several visits, and most of the stewards in the Prince's Mansion knew her.

Ling Jingshu came here in place of Concubine Wei Xian this time. Her status was different from before, so she had to put on the proper airs. He nodded briefly and said warmly: "I am here to express my condolences on the order of the Concubine Xian. Please ask the steward to take me to the mourning hall."

The steward felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly responded, leading Ling Jingshu into the Prince's Mansion.

The mourning hall is located in the front hall of the Prince's Mansion.

Everywhere you look is white. There were many people coming and going, but no one was making any noise. When everyone walked, they also walked lightly, intentionally or unintentionally, as if they were afraid that the heavy footsteps would disturb the people sleeping in the coffin.

When Ling Jingshu entered the mourning hall, the first thing she saw was the heavy coffin.

Also, the emperor's grandson standing beside the coffin.

The high-spirited and dazzling young man in the past witnessed the death of his wife. The whole person was shrouded in silent sadness, and his figure was desolate and lonely.

He didn't look at anyone, he just stood beside the coffin and looked at the woman lying in the coffin.

Jiang Rongyue died of postpartum hemorrhage. Before entering the coffin, he had already been wiped clean and put on clean clothes. At this time, he was lying quietly in the coffin, as if sleeping, with a peaceful face.

Ling Jingshu's heart felt heavy and she felt indescribably uncomfortable and depressed.

She took a deep breath, came forward to express her condolences, and should have left immediately. Looking at the expression of the emperor's grandson who was more sad than his death, he couldn't bear it in his heart. He walked to the emperor's grandson and said softly: "The deceased is dead. Please express your condolences to your highness."

A familiar voice reached the ears of the emperor's grandson.

The emperor's grandson, who had been standing still, finally had some reaction.

He raised his head slightly and glanced at Ling Jingshu.

He hadn't spoken a word all day. His throat was very dry and his voice was low and hoarse: "You're here."

"Yes." No matter how hard-hearted Ling Jingshu was, she could not show her face to the emperor's grandson at this time, and responded softly: "I am here to express my condolences on behalf of the concubine. There is no resurrection after death, and the concubine has knowledge underground. I don’t want His Highness to be depressed. I hope that His Highness will cheer up soon and not worry the people around him and those who care about His Highness.”

In the past, the emperor's grandson might have been swayed by the words "people who care about His Highness", but at this moment, there was no reaction at all. He nodded and stopped talking.

Ling Jingshu said no more, bowed, and turned to leave.

No matter how sad the emperor's grandson was, it was not her turn to care and comfort him. It would be bad if she showed too much concern and caused the emperor's grandson to misunderstand that she intended to take over Jiang Rongyue's position.

Ling Jingshu left too decisively.

When the emperor's grandson cheered up a little, he discovered that Ling Jingshu had disappeared.

The emperor's grandson's already cold heart became even more desolate. Ling Jingshu has always been like this, always knowing exactly what she should do. Never relent.

He turned his head silently and returned his gaze to Jiang Rongyue's face. It wasn't until this moment that he realized what he had lost.

What he lost was the woman who loved him most in the world.

From now on, there will never be another woman who will love him like this!

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