Loyang Jin

Chapter 367 Night Talk

When we arrived at Ling Mansion, it was already dark.

Everyone in the Ling Mansion did not expect Ling Jingshu to come back suddenly, and when they saw her, they were both surprised and happy.

It's a pity that Ling Xiao and Ling Ji are both in the Imperial Academy and not in the mansion. Uncle Ling is still in the Prince's Mansion at this time and has not returned yet. The people staying in the mansion now are the Sun family, the Jiang family, and the married Ling Jingyan.

"Ah Shu, why are you back when you have time?" Sun asked with concern.

Ling Jingshu simply told the whole story.

Mrs. Sun sighed: "We went to the Prince's Mansion in the morning and returned to the mansion at noon. No wonder we didn't meet you."

Mrs. Jiang, whose eyes were already red and swollen from crying, said in a low and hoarse voice: "Ah Shu, have you seen the grandson's concubine for the last time?"

Ling Jingshu nodded lightly: "I saw her. She was lying in the coffin, her face was peaceful, as if she was asleep."

"Actually, she could have saved her life. When it was difficult to give birth to a child, the midwife said that only one of the adults and the child could be saved. His Highness the Grand Sun clearly said that he would save her, but she, a silly girl, insisted on persisting. Keep the child.”

Jiang said, tears falling down again, her voice choked and obscure: "Why is she so stupid? The child is gone, and she can have another baby in the future. Now the child is saved, but she herself lost her life. She is not even eighteen this year. Years old, she is still so young..."

Jiang and Jiang Rongyue are cousins. They have frequented each other since childhood and have a good personal relationship.

Jiang Rongyue's death made Jiang feel extremely sad.

When Mrs. Jiang cried, Ling Jingyan couldn't help but cry: "Sister-in-law, please stop talking. I feel so uncomfortable when I hear that."

Crying is the most contagious sound.

The corners of Ling Jingshu's eyes were moist, and she took a step forward and hugged Ling Jingyan.

Ling Jingyan fell into Ling Jingshu's arms and cried loudly: "Ah Shu, Sister Rongyue was so good, why did she die so early? God is so unfair, why can't good people live longer? There are so many bastards and evil people in the world, why should we take them away? A bad one would take her life.”

Ling Jingshu felt sad in her heart.

yes! This God is never fair! The bad guys lived happily, but the kind and lovely Jiang Rongyue died early.

Everyone hugged each other and cried for a long time before their emotions gradually calmed down.

Mrs. Sun cheered up and said to Mrs. Jiang: "Yu Niang, don't be too sad. Brother Lin will let the wet nurse take care of him tonight. You have a good night's rest."

Lin Geer is the name of the son Jiang gave birth to last year. Now he is one year old.

When Brother Lin was mentioned, Jiang's grief subsided slightly and she nodded in response.

Mrs. Sun looked at Ling Jingshu: "A'shu, your boudoir is cleaned every day. You should go and rest early. You have to rush back to the palace tomorrow morning."

Then he said to Ling Jingyan: "Ayan, you have just got married, so it is not appropriate to stay at your mother's house. You will go back later."

Ling Jingyan wiped her tears with her sleeves: "Mom, I don't want to go back. I want to sleep with Ah Shu tonight. I will send someone back to deliver a message. My parents-in-law are reasonable people and will not be angry."

Even if she is angry, Zhang Jian will protect her.

Before Sun could say anything else, Ling Jingyan had already pulled Ling Jingshu away.

This girl! Even after getting married, I still have the same impulsive and willful temper.

Sun rubbed her temples with a look of helplessness. It's a good thing that the Zhang family are all kind-hearted and gentle. Otherwise, no one could tolerate such a willful daughter-in-law.

Returning to the familiar boudoir that she had not seen for a long time, sitting opposite Ling Jingyan, she felt vaguely like she was in another world.

Ling Jingyan stopped crying and sat quietly for a long time before whispering: "Ah Shu, you didn't come back the day I got married. You promised me before that you would definitely come back."

Ling Jingshu smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, Cousin Yan. I have already told Concubine Xian. Unexpectedly, the Emperor suddenly decided to go to the palace. I followed Concubine Xian to the palace, and it was difficult to come out again. Difficult."

Ling Jingyan raised her head and looked at Ling Jingshu, her bright eyes still shrewd and more tolerant than when she was unmarried: "I'm not angry with you. You are an errand in the palace and are restricted everywhere. How can you be as free as before? comfortable."

After a woman gets married, she is completely different from when she was a married woman.

In the past, Ling Jingyan would never have said such words.

Ling Jingshu didn't want the atmosphere to be so dull, so she smiled and joked: "Cousin Yan, you have really matured and grown up now that you are getting married. My cousin-in-law deserves a lot of credit."

Speaking of her newlywed husband, Ling Jingyan blushed, and a sweet smile flashed in her eyes: "He is really considerate to me. Even with his mouth, he is still very irritating. He always bickers with me from time to time, which often makes me so angry."

"However, I also have a good way to deal with him. As long as I pretend to cry, he will immediately raise his hands and surrender to comfort me."

The sweet and intoxicating look made Ling Jingshu purse her lips and smile.

A man is willing to give in and coax his wife, of course because he cares.

It's great that Ling Jingyan has her own happiness.

Ling Jingyan looked at Ling Jingshu with a smile on her face, and suddenly said: "Ah Shu, you and Wei Yan are already on good terms!"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Even though Ling Jingshu was calm and composed, she didn't expect Ling Jingyan to say such a thing suddenly, and she forgot to cover it up for a moment. He just stared at Ling Jingyan in silence.

Ling Jingyan blinked and laughed: "Looking at you like this, I was right."

All right!

That's right!

Ling Jingshu was rarely shy for a moment: "Cousin Yan, how did you know that? I have never mentioned him to you!"

"Does this need to be said?" The wind and water turned around, and finally it was Ling Jingyan's turn to express herself like an experienced person: "Look at you, your face seems to be shining, and your eyes are full of happiness and sweetness. Can’t help it. You must have a sweetheart.”

"You keep a respectful distance from King Yan, and you are not attracted to the emperor's grandson. Then it can only be Wei Yan! What's so hard to guess about this."

Ling Jingshu's cheeks were slightly hot, but she soon calmed down: "Since you have guessed it, I won't hide it from you. He has cured my strange disease, and he and I are in agreement."

Ling Jingyan was pleasantly surprised: "Your disease is really cured? That's great! Then you can get married and have children in the future."

Ling Jingshu laughed: "How could it be so fast? Now he is in the Imperial Hospital, and I am trapped in the palace. If I want to get married, I have to wait until I have a chance to leave the palace."

"No matter what you say, it's always good news." Ling Jingyan's confidence and optimism can always easily infect the people around her: "I believe that the two of you will eventually get married."

Lovers finally get married!

Ling Jingshu raised the corners of her lips slightly, and her eyes shone with joy and hope.

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