Loyang Jin

Chapter 368 Wind and Rain

Time flies, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

At a glance, the emperor has lived in the palace for more than half a year. Autumn has entered at this time, and it is the season of crisp autumn air. The Mid-Autumn Festival is just a few days away.

The emperor ordered people to return to Beijing to deliver the imperial edict, and ordered the prince to take the emperor's grandson and his three-month-old great-great-grandson to the palace to stay for a few days to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After the prince accepted the decree, he immediately ordered someone to call the emperor's grandson to come to discuss the matter.

"Ah Yao, your imperial grandfather suddenly sent a decree that our father and son should go to the palace to stay for a while." The prince frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "After I received the decree, my eyelids were always twitching, as if something bad was going to happen. Like it happened.”

The last time I had such a bad premonition was on the battlefield a few years ago. That time, he was seriously injured and almost lost his life.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the emperor's grandson: "Father, do you suspect that King Yan will take the opportunity to attack us?"

Since Jiang Rongyue's death, the emperor's grandson has lost a lot of weight, his temperament has become colder and harsher, and he doesn't like to talk. His eyes were deep and cold, making people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at him.

The prince nodded slowly: "Yes. I do have this concern."

"Your imperial grandfather has been taking the Immortality Pill for some time. If the Immortality Pill really contains addictive medicinal materials, it should be effective now. Your imperial grandfather cannot live without the Immortality Pill. I don't know what this imperial edict is. Your imperial grandfather’s intention is still the result of King Yan.”

The emperor's grandson twitched his lips coldly: "It must have something to do with King Yan. The emperor's grandfather lived in the palace for more than half a year, and King Yan also secretly made plans for more than half a year. Now he feels that he has a chance to win, and he can't hold back anymore. , I want to take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival to attack our father and son."

The prince's face became more solemn: "I guess so too. However, your imperial grandfather has made a decree, and there is no way to refuse this trip to the palace."

"Why refuse?"

The emperor's grandson's voice was cold, and there was a murderous aura in his tone: "King Yan has been watching us for so long, and we have been on guard, waiting for him to take action. I have been impatient for a long time. He dares to take action, which is exactly what I want."

"Let's take advantage of this opportunity to let the imperial grandfather see the true face of King Yan and completely eradicate this hidden danger! My father will be able to feel at ease and at ease!"

These murderous words made the blood of those who heard it boil.

The prince's brows relaxed, and finally there was a smile on his lips: "You said it easily and easily. I'm just afraid that if something happens, your imperial grandfather will be hurt."

Listening to this, it sounds a little bit insincere.

The grandson of the emperor and the prince looked at each other, exchanged a tacit look, and said calmly: "The emperor's grandfather is the true dragon emperor. He has a long life and is protected by God. Father, don't worry!"

After a pause, he then said: "I will go to the palace with my father. However, Nian'er is still young and it is not suitable to travel in a carriage. Let the mother and concubine stay in the palace with Nian'er!"

The child lost his biological mother when he was born, and his body is weaker than ordinary babies. He has not been carried out of the house in the past three months. Where can I bear the fatigue of traveling and driving?

The prince nodded: "You are right, Nian'er will stay in the mansion. When we get to the palace, I will explain it to your grandfather. I think your grandfather won't mind."

Then, the father and son discussed the specific matters of the trip.

Five days later.

Outside the palace, the prince's ceremonial guard can be seen from a distance.

About five hundred of the prince's personal guards arrived, and the sound of horse hooves sounded like a dull drum. If a timid person listens to this, his legs and feet will become weak from fear.

King Yan did all the etiquette and went out ten miles to greet him.

The two brothers, who had not seen each other for more than half a year, were particularly affectionate when they met.

"Sixth brother, you have worked hard these days. Fortunately, you have been taking care of my father, so I can settle down and take care of the government." The prince patted King Yan on the shoulder affectionately, with a smile on his face.

King Yan responded with a smile: "This is my duty. It makes me ashamed to praise you so much. The stability of the court is all due to your hard work. I can't help with anything, I can only take care of you." My father’s dragon body has taken care of my brother’s worries. This time he comes to the palace, so he might as well stay there for a few days before returning to the capital.”

The prince responded repeatedly.

A harmonious and harmonious group of brothers, friends and brothers.

King Yan's eyes fell on the face of the emperor's grandson beside him again, and he sighed with concern: "Ah Yao, I haven't seen you for three months, and you have lost a lot of weight. I know that Jiang's death makes you sad, However, no matter how sad you are, you have to take care of your own body. The dead are dead, and the living should live better."

These seemingly concerned words were like a sharp knife, stabbing deeply into the scar of the emperor's grandson.

The emperor's grandson twitched the corners of his lips, and his eyes were cold and unsmiling: "Thank you for your concern, Uncle Sixth Emperor. I will keep this advice in mind."

The four eyes looked at each other, and cold murderous intent flashed through them all.

However, this murderous intention was fleeting. It was so fast that no one could notice it, and it returned to normal almost immediately.

Half an hour later.

The prince and the emperor's grandson knelt down to greet him: "My son, I have met my father."

"My grandson sends his regards to the imperial grandfather."

The emperor laughed loudly: "That's all, please forgive me!"

The prince smiled and thanked him, and stood up straight first. After taking a brief look at the emperor's face, he was secretly shocked.

The emperor has grown old over the past few years and often lingers on his sick bed. His face is often slumped and pale. He looked like an old man.

But at this time, the emperor's complexion was actually much rosier, his laughter was full of energy, and he looked a few years younger. Even the wrinkles on his forehead were lighter.

There is indeed something mysterious about the Immortality Pill!

"The emperor's grandfather has only lived in the palace for more than half a year. He is much more energetic than before. Looking at the dragons and tigers, he looks much younger." The emperor's grandson opened his mouth in amazement: "Could it be that the emperor's grandfather took some miraculous medicine?" ? Otherwise, how could it have such a miraculous effect?”

The emperor was so proud of his success that he laughed again: "Ah Yao, you have such good eyesight! Your uncle Sixth Emperor invited several famous immortal masters to practice the elixir of longevity for me. I take one pill every day. , My appetite is better than before, my ears and eyes are clear, and my whole body feels much younger."

"As long as I keep taking it for one year, I can extend my life by ten years! This longevity pill is really a rare good thing."

All of this is ultimately the result of King Yan!

The emperor said while looking at King Yan with a smile.

The grandson of the emperor immediately smiled and held his hands in his hands: "My grandson congratulates the emperor's grandfather for his long life and immortality!"

The emperor felt physically and mentally comfortable after hearing this, and Long Xin was delighted: "I will take it for a year and see. You are all still young and healthy, so you don't need this. When you see the effect in the future, I will give you this longevity pill to take together. "

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