Loyang Jin

Chapter 371 Assassination 1

How could you not like this heroic sword dance?

I don’t know how much effort King Yan put into finding so many young girls with martial arts skills, and painstakingly rehearsing such a wonderful performance.

The emperor smiled happily and nodded repeatedly: "Your Majesty is interested. I really like it."

King Yan smiled: "As long as my father likes it, it's not in vain that I have put so much effort into it."

As he said that, he glanced at the emperor's grandson intentionally or unintentionally.

A coldness flashed in the eyes of the emperor's grandson, and he sneered secretly in his heart. King Yan took great pains to arrange such a sword dance. It seems that the wonderful "show" is yet to come!

The drumming became more intense, and the sword dance became faster and more intense.

The emperor was so drunk when he saw this that he couldn't help but think of the past when he led troops into battle to kill the enemy when he was young. For a moment, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The young woman who was standing in front and leading the dance suddenly showed a murderous look in her eyes and rushed forward with a long sword. The gleaming sword pointed directly at the emperor's chest!

This sudden change is too sudden!

Everyone was shocked by it!

"Father, be careful!" The prince sat closest to the emperor and subconsciously rushed forward.

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured on the battlefield. Although he took good care of himself, his bones were broken. His skills are far less agile than before, and he can't be saved at all. He was only two steps away, watching helplessly as the sword was about to hit the emperor's chest.

At this moment, another figure stood in front of the emperor in time.

It's King Yan sitting on the right side of the emperor!

The sharp sword edge pierced King Yan's chest, and a flower of blood bloomed in King Yan's chest instantly.

King Yan felt severe pain in his chest, his handsome face turned pale, and his eyes were full of pain. But he did not forget to shout loudly: "Come here, catch the assassin!"

The imperial guards guarding the palace had already reacted and quickly gathered around.

Yang Wei, the commander of the Royal Guards who was sitting in the banquet, changed his expression greatly. Without thinking, he pulled out his long sword and threw it with all his strength. The sharp long sword flew out like an arrow off the string.

The female assassin seemed to have eyes behind her. She pulled out the sword with force and knocked it down with a clang.

King Yan screamed miserably, and blood splattered on his chest, quickly soaking the clothes on his chest.

More than a dozen Royal Forest Guards all took action to surround the female assassin. Although the female assassin was extremely skilled, she was alone and soon became exhausted and at a disadvantage.

The emperor witnessed this scene with his own eyes and was already pale with shock.

If King Yan had been slower just now, he would have been stabbed by the sword!

To everyone, it only took two blinks, so fast that no one could react in time. In the blink of an eye, King Yan stepped forward to block the assassin, who had already suffered multiple stab wounds. Defeat and death are inevitable sooner or later.

The concubines had never seen such a bloody scene before, and they were so frightened that they screamed loudly.

Among the screams, Concubine Wei Xian was relatively calm. He shouted loudly: "Come here, escort us! Capture all these people and never let any of them go!"

The one who leads the dance is a female assassin. Even if the other women are not accomplices, they cannot be let go!

Even if Concubine Wei Xian didn't give the order, the guards guarding outside the palace had heard the strange noise and rushed in to protect her!

Even though Ling Jingshu was mentally prepared, she didn't expect the scene to be so chaotic, so she subconsciously took two steps back.

Everyone's eyes were on the emperor and the seriously injured King Yan.

The guards who came to rescue surrounded the female assassin and the young women with murderous intent. The prince had already arrived at the emperor's side, but no one noticed him.

At such a tense time, a vague idea flashed through Ling Jingshu's mind.


This assassination was clearly planned by King Yan. How come it was King Yan who was injured in the end?


This result was also expected by King Yan. It was a smoke bomb prepared by King Yan to confuse everyone.

The person he really wanted to kill was not the emperor, but another important person.

Ling Jingshu took a breath and looked at the prince suddenly.

The prince had already walked to the emperor's side. Looking at the bleeding and dying King Yan lying in the emperor's arms, a trace of complicated and inexplicable emotions flashed in his eyes.

This assassination was both expected and unexpected.

How could it be King Yan who was injured?

However, this is definitely not the time to get to the bottom of things. As a prince, you must be calm and calm at this time and be in control of the overall situation.

"Father, calm down!" The prince said solemnly: "This assassin will never escape today. I will definitely catch the mastermind behind it."

The emperor was still in shock. How could he still be in the mood to listen to this? He said angrily with an ugly face: "We will talk about these later. Hurry up and let people come to save King Yan."

The prince's face felt a little hot.

Although he had the intention to save people, his actions were a beat slower than King Yan. The emperor was already partial, but now he is afraid that his heart is partial to King Yan.

Sitting at the end of the table, Wei Yan and Dr. Zhou didn't wait for anyone's orders. They each carried medicine boxes and ran over quickly to treat King Yan's injuries. The emperor was sitting on the dragon chair, and King Yan lay weakly in the emperor's arms. Wei Yan and Dr. Zhou also came to the dragon chair.

The prince took two steps back naturally.

The chamberlain who was originally serving the emperor's drinks quietly approached the prince. A silver needle glowing with black light slipped out of his sleeve and he held it lightly in his hand.

The palace was in chaos, and the prince was completely unaware of the approach of the servant.

The female assassin was unable to defeat the guards alone, and soon fell to the ground seriously injured.

The other young women were also forced to one place by the guards with swords, and all of them had pale faces and pale faces. Those who were less timid were already trembling and crying that they were wronged.

The emperor's grandson pulled out the long knife from his waist and said coldly: "Keep alive!"

All the guards acted very carefully and did not hurt the female assassin's vital parts. The female assassin was covered in blood and bruises. She looked terrifying, but in fact, her life was not in danger.

Guard commander Yang Wei and deputy commander Sun Yi stood behind the emperor's grandson, each with heavy and ugly expressions on their faces.

Surrounded by the imperial guards, an assassination attempt occurred, almost injuring the emperor. This was like a slap in the face to both of them!

After this incident, both of them will definitely be severely punished! It could be as minor as losing an official position, but in a fit of anger, the emperor could kill both of them.

"Who ordered you to assassinate the emperor's grandfather!" The emperor's grandson's voice was full of chills: "If you tell me who the messenger is, you can keep your body intact. Otherwise, thousands of swords will be waiting for you. cut!"

The female assassin didn't say a word, but there was a hint of ridicule in her eyes. Then, black blood overflowed from his mouth and he died!

This is a real dead man!

Before the assassination, the fatal poison had been hidden in his mouth.

The emperor's grandson frowned and looked at the other women.

A familiar girl's voice sounded sharply:

"Prince, be careful!"

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