Loyang Jin

Chapter 372 Assassination 2

This is Ling Jingshu’s voice!

The emperor's grandson suddenly shuddered and looked at the prince reflexively.

He saw the prince with a shocked and surprised face, saw the chamberlain standing beside the prince, and saw the chamberlain's cold smile. He saw the chamberlain stabbing the prince with something unknown in his hand.

The prince was reminded by that sound and was already aware of the danger. He took a step back and kicked the servant hard. The chamberlain was kicked several meters away and fell to the ground with a scream.

However, it was already too late.

The prince's waist felt a slight pain, as he had been stabbed by a poisonous needle.

His blood surged, and his face quickly became covered with a layer of black energy.

What a domineering poisonous needle!

The emperor's grandson's whole body was shaken violently, and his handsome face turned pale: "Father!"

The accident happened so fast that no one could react in time. The emperor was still looking down at King Yan, who was still bleeding in his arms. Wei Yan and Doctor Zhou were looking down at King Yan's first aid.

The exclamations of Ling Jingshu and the emperor's grandson reached everyone's ears one after another. In just an instant, the prince's face turned black and he was about to collapse.

A slim figure rushed over, supported the prince's body before he fell, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms as quickly as possible, poured out a few pills, and stuffed them into the prince's mouth.

The poison on this poisonous needle was so strong and overbearing that the prince's consciousness was blurred and his vision was dim. I only heard a sweet and melodious girl speaking urgently in my ears: "Your Highness, this is an antidote pill. Take it quickly."

Fortunately, she had this bottle of antidote pills with her. At this critical moment of life and death, she might be able to save the prince's life from the hands of the King of Hell.

The prince still had some consciousness and swallowed the pill with all his strength.

Then he just passed out.

Only at this moment did everyone react.

The emperor's face suddenly turned pale and bloodless, and his voice trembled: "Wei Yan, go and save the prince! Go!"

Although the injury on King Yan's chest was serious, it was not life-threatening. And the prince, if hit by such a violent poisonous needle, may not even be able to save his life.

Wei Yan responded without hesitation, handed over the matter of rescuing King Yan to Dr. Zhou, and then quickly arrived at the prince's side.

The prince was unconscious, and it was only Ling Jingshu who supported him that kept him from falling. The emperor's grandson strode over and supported the prince's other arm.

Wei Yan glanced at Ling Jingshu, who was nervous and pale, with distress and pity. However, the situation at this time was too urgent and there was no time to say a word.

The two people's eyes met in a hurry. Wei Yan immediately set his eyes on the prince's face. The prince's face was filled with black air and his breathing was very weak, which was a sign of being poisoned.

It was too late to carry the prince into the house, and he needed to be treated immediately.

Wei Yan looked solemn as never before and commanded in a deep voice: "Put His Royal Highness gently on the ground. I will bleed him."

The emperor's grandson seemed quite calm on the surface. He listened to Wei Yan's instructions and acted according to them without thinking.

Ling Jingshu was weak, so Yang Wei on the side immediately stepped forward and took over from Ling Jingshu. Together with the emperor's grandson, they used their strength to carefully lay the prince down on the ground.

Wei Yan knelt down and without hesitation picked up the thickest and longest golden needle and pricked it. Black blood quickly overflowed from the golden needle, which made the prince's pale face look even more terrifying.

The emperor's grandson remained silent, silently wiping the prince's blood with a handkerchief. His handsome face was like a statue carved in stone, exuding a heart-stopping chill.

No one knows how much he hates and is annoyed at this moment!

I hate King Yan’s cruelty! I regret my own self-confidence!

He knew clearly that King Yan had evil intentions, but he was confident that he could handle everything. He entered the palace with a rash heart and also stepped into this trap.

The female assassin in front was just a cover to assassinate the emperor.

King Yan blocked the sword for the emperor, which not only won the emperor's trust, but also successfully cleared his own suspicion. Most importantly, it grabs everyone's attention. When everyone is defenseless, that's when the real assassin takes action.

King Yan's goal has always been the prince.

If Ling Jingshu hadn't been careful and keen, she would have noticed something strange about the waiter and warned her in time. If it weren't for Ling Jingshu's quick movements, she would have fed the prince the detoxification pills in time. At this moment, the prince has already passed away to the west...

Once the prince dies, King Yan, who has won the trust and favor of the emperor, will naturally become the new crown prince with his contribution to saving the emperor's life.

What a King Yan!

What a gamble!

And for his unspeakable selfishness, he just wanted King Yan to reveal his flaws as soon as possible so that he could get rid of King Yan, and he didn't even care about the emperor's life. But he just fell into King Yan’s plan...

Since the day he was born, he has been the royal grandson with a distinguished status. Over the years, he has been going smoothly, and he has unknowingly thought highly of himself. He kept saying that he wanted to deal with King Yan, but in fact he didn't really take King Yan seriously.

This carefully planned assassination was undoubtedly a blow to the head. The pain was unbearable, and it also made him truly aware of the gap between himself and King Yan.

In terms of strategy, forbearance, and cruelty, he was not as good as King Yan. He still has a long way to go and he must really grow up. Otherwise, how can we talk about Jiangshan Sheji?

The emperor's grandson closed his eyes and pushed back the tears flashing in his eyes.

The man bleeds but does not shed tears. Now is not the time to feel upset and blame yourself!

The emperor held King Yan who was unconscious from excessive blood loss in his arms. Because King Yan was not allowed to move, no matter how worried he was about the prince's injury, he could not approach him. He could only ask anxiously: "How is the prince doing now?" ?”

Wei Yan concentrated on administering acupuncture and first aid, turning a deaf ear to all the sounds.

No one else is qualified to answer for you. The emperor's grandson took a deep breath and replied without looking back: "Reporting to the emperor's grandfather, Imperial Physician Wei has been bleeding poisonous blood for his father."

The poisonous blood is all black. Only when the poisonous blood has almost completely flowed can you stop bleeding and use decoction to detoxify.

Fortunately, the poisonous gas had not yet hit his heart. If he had been a little delayed, the prince would have died on the spot.

The emperor was anxious and angry.

He had a total of six sons, two of whom died early and the other two had already gone to the feudal territory. Those who stayed in the capital were the most respected eldest son and the favorite youngest son.

Now the youngest son is seriously injured, and the life or death of the eldest son is unknown. It was like stabbing him twice in the heart. Each knife stabbed deep and painful.

The female assassin committed suicide by taking poison, and the chamberlain who assassinated the prince also bit the poison in her mouth and died.

Only the sword-dancing women were left, surrounded by guards, trembling with fear.

The emperor's long eyes swept away, with anger and murderous intent in his eyes: "Capture them all and torture them severely. Also capture all the maids serving in this palace!"

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