Loyang Jin

Chapter 373 Credit

Amid the cries and begging for mercy, the surrounded young women were escorted down by the murderous and gloomy-looking guards.

It is conceivable that no matter whether these women are innocent or not, their lives are difficult to save. The only difference is whether death is more painful or less painful!

At times like this, no matter how soft-hearted you are, you have no time to be distracted and lamenting over these people.

All the chambermaids who were originally serving in the palace were taken away for interrogation with panic-stricken expressions. Even Xinyun was taken away.

Ling Jingshu is the only exception.

She was the first to discover that the prince was assassinated, opened her mouth to remind him in time, and quickly responded by feeding the prince detoxification pills. If the prince can save his life, she will be the first to succeed.

The imperial guards let Ling Jingshu go with a tacit understanding.

After these people were suppressed, more than half of the people in the main hall were reduced.

The emperor's face was gloomy, his eyes turned on the faces of the disgraced concubines and the officials who came with the prince, and he said coldly: "In broad daylight, such a powerful assassin unexpectedly appeared. He first carried out the assassination." I then assassinated the prince. I am such a coward and incompetent!"

Everyone was shocked and knelt down in unison. Some said, "Your Majesty, your concubines don't know anything." Others shouted, "Your Majesty, please calm down." Their voices were mixed.

The emperor's eyes were sinister, and his voice was like winter ice: "Shut up, everyone! King Yan hasn't woken up yet, and the prince is still giving first aid. If anyone dares to talk too much and disturbs the imperial doctor's rescue, I will kill him now!"

In the emperor's rage, killing a few people was nothing.

Everyone was so frightened that they all stopped talking.

The huge main hall immediately became quiet.

Only the emperor's voice was heard coldly: "I don't know who planned and participated in such a sophisticated assassination, which almost killed me. Everyone in the palace today is suspected. Until the suspicion is cleared, no one can Don't take a single step away without permission. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The royal guards holding sharp blades looked at everyone with eager eyes, as if they were ready to draw their swords and kill at any time.

No one dared to move anymore, let alone make any noise.

Half an hour later.

The bleeding on King Yan's chest has stopped, the wound has been bandaged, and he has regained consciousness a little. When he saw the situation in the palace clearly, King Yan asked in confusion and uneasiness: "Father, what is going on? What's wrong with brother?"

The emperor was dejected and didn't want to say more, so he just said: "We will talk about this later. Please step back and rest first!"

Two guards came over and carefully carried King Yan to the bedroom.

The emperor sat stiffly for a long time, not only his waist was stiff, but also his whole body was exhausted. It was all because of his anger that he didn't fall down.

The emperor motioned to the guards around him to help him stand up and walked to the lying prince.

Almost all of the prince's body was pricked with golden needles, especially his head and upper body. The golden needles were pricked densely, and the black blood oozing out had already soaked into his clothes. It was shocking to see.

That face was like a piece of white paper, without any blood. Lying there like a lifeless corpse.

The emperor only glanced at it, and then he was overwhelmed by the sorrow and pain in his heart. His eyes were filled with water, and his voice trembled unconsciously: "Why hasn't the prince woke up yet?"

After resuscitation for so long, why hasn’t the prince woke up yet?

Could it be that even Wei Yan couldn't save his life?

Wei Yan happened to have used up the last golden needle at this time. Concentrating on administering acupuncture to save people and competing with the King of Hell for a life is an extremely consuming task. Even though he is young and has good physical strength, he feels exhausted after being so busy.

He took a deep breath, stood up and responded: "Reporting to the emperor, I have tried my best to give the prince acupuncture first aid. However, the poisonous needle the prince was hit by is not trivial. It is an extremely violent and overbearing poison. Once the poison attacks the heart, the gods will It’s hard to save.”

"Fortunately, Miss Ling brought the detoxification pill with her. This detoxification pill was carefully prepared by Wei Chen and dedicated to the Concubine Xian. It has anti-poison and detoxification effects. Miss Ling acted carefully and took this bottle of detoxification pill with her. She also gave it to the prince in time. The pills have been taken to slow down the toxicity. Otherwise, even if Wei Chen is good at acupuncture, it will not help."

This also explains why Ling Jingshu has detoxification pills on her body.

The emperor was now preoccupied with the prince's safety, so he was not in the mood to care about this detail. He frowned and asked, "According to what you said, the prince should not be in danger of his life now?"

Wei Yan responded with a heavy expression: "I am incompetent, so I dare not say that. I have to wait until all the poisonous blood is drained, and the blood will be bright red, and then I can claim to have taken back the life of His Highness the Crown Prince. Moreover, there must be something in the blood." There are still residual poisons, and it will take at least two days to determine the specific situation. "

If any other imperial doctor had dared to say this, the emperor would have been furious.

Wei Yan has superb medical skills, and the emperor has great trust in him. He also knew that he had a fickle temperament, so after hearing these words, not only was he not angry, but he was slightly relieved.

In any case, the prince's life is not in danger for the time being.

"Auspicious people have their own destiny, and the prince will be fine." The emperor seemed to be telling everyone, and seemed to be talking to himself: "It was okay to suffer such a serious injury back then, and he will definitely be able to get through it this time. ”

The emperor's grandson was heartbroken when he heard this, and stared at the prince's face without blinking, as if the prince would open his eyes unharmed in the next second.

Ling Jingshu stood aside silently.

The danger of that moment before is still frightening when I think about it now. She didn't even know where she got the courage, so she just rushed over.

I hope the prince can survive this ordeal and be safe and sound.

Otherwise, King Yan will be unstoppable after this incident.

Once King Yan gained power, Queen Xu and her daughter would have a chance to make a comeback. The Lu family, who is clinging to King Yan's thigh, will also be safe.

From this point of view, her and the emperor's grandson's positions were completely consistent.

"Ms. Ling!"

A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ling Jingshu's thoughts.

Ling Jingshu suddenly came to her senses and responded respectfully: "Yes, I am here. Please give me your orders, Your Majesty!"

The emperor looked at Ling Jingshu with complicated eyes, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, he said: "You have done the most great work this time. As long as the prince is safe and sound, I will never forget your contribution."

The emperor's promise is worth more than a thousand gold!

Ling Jingshu naturally knew the importance of this, and was secretly happy in her heart, but there was a stern look on her face: "These are all things that slaves should do. How dare I take the credit? I only hope that God will protect His Highness the Crown Prince and let His Highness wake up soon."

This response shows loyalty.

The emperor's grandson, who had been silent all this time, also raised his eyes and looked over at this time: "Ling Jingshu, you don't need to be too modest. Everything you have done today, I will keep in mind, and you will be rewarded in the future."

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