Loyang Jin

Chapter 375 The Envoy 2

Hearing this, Ling Jingshu's heart moved: "Mother, maybe these are King Yan's tricks. If the assassination succeeds, once the prince dies, he will be the best candidate for the crown prince. If the assassination fails, he can also push everything aside. To Concubine Li Shu and Prince An.”

"With them taking the blame, King Yan can clear away all suspicions. With the credit of saving the emperor's life, there is no chance of future plans!"

"In short, the one who benefits must be King Yan."

What a great way to kill two birds with one stone!

What a thoughtful and vicious King Yan!

Concubine Wei Xian was speechless for a moment, then said: "If it is really as you think, this King Yan is too terrifying."

King Yan has not yet reached the age of weak crown, but he is already so ruthless in his tactics and methods, and he is even more cruel to himself and others. Such an enemy makes people tremble even just thinking about it.

Ling Jingshu also smiled bitterly.

yes! King Yan has never been a fuel-efficient lamp!

In the previous life, it was not only Empress Xu who was able to win the throne and become the emperor's prince!

Judging from this alone, King Yan is enough to become the crown prince's rival!

However, King An was not a good person to begin with. His ability is mediocre, but his ambition is not small. The death of the prince in the previous life was also the work of King An. The assassination of the prince this time may also be a conspiracy set up by King Yan and King An secretly colluding.

"Now I just hope that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can be out of danger as soon as possible." Concubine Wei Xian's voice sounded: "If the Crown Prince does not fall, the Emperor will not change the crown prince."

Wei Yan had already secretly surrendered to the emperor's grandson. Concubine Wei Xian had no choice and naturally sided with the prince.

Ling Jingshu was full of confidence in Wei Yan: "Don't worry, Madam. Since Wei Yan can rescue the prince, he will definitely be able to cure the prince."

Concubine Wei Xian cheered up and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, it was thanks to you that you brought the antidote pills with you that day and fed the prince the pills in time. Otherwise, no matter how good Ayan's medical skills are, there would be no time to save the prince's life."

Before going to the banquet, after she and Ling Jingshu took the detoxification pills, out of caution, she asked Ling Jingshu to keep the detoxification pills in the bedroom. To avoid being noticed and suspicious. Ling Jingshu persuaded her and insisted on taking the antidote pill with her.

Unexpectedly, this small detail saved the prince's life.

Ling Jingshu had no intention of covering up in front of Concubine Wei Xian, and smiled to herself: "Actually, I didn't expect these things to happen at the time. I just had a bad feeling that this banquet would not be peaceful. That’s why I insisted on taking the antidote pills. In the final analysis, it was because I was too timid.”

"No matter what, it is a fact that you saved the prince." Concubine Wei Xian smiled happily: "With this great contribution, you will have no problem walking around in the palace in the future. The grandson also remembered your kindness. There may be unexpected rewards in the future.”

I hope so!

I hope the emperor’s grandson will not forget his promise to her and take action to get rid of the Lu family in the future!

Ling Jingshu thought secretly in her heart. Naturally, he would not mention this in his mouth, and quickly dropped the topic.

That night, Concubine Li Shu was sent to the palace.

What awaited Concubine Li Shu was the emperor's livid and angry face, and a question as sharp as a blade: "At the Zhongyuan banquet, there was a female assassin who dressed up as a dancer and attempted to assassinate me during the sword dance. Is this female assassin influenced by you? Instigated? The chamberlain who assassinated the prince was also sent by your good son An Wang! "

"Over the years, I have treated you well. Why do you do this? Do you want to be the queen and want Prince An to be the prince? Just because you and your mother are worthy?"

Concubine Li Shu was detained all the way and didn't even have time to change her clothes.

Her hair was a little messy, and the wrinkles on her face looked particularly eye-catching without the makeup. He looked a bit older than the emperor.

Listening to these vicious, sharp and merciless reprimands, Concubine Li Shu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

"You poisonous woman, you actually have the nerve to laugh in front of me!" The emperor's anger surged, he strode forward and kicked Concubine Li Shu hard in the heart.

This kick used up all the strength of the emperor

Li Shufei was kicked to the ground violently, the back of her head hit the ground hard, and there was a sharp pain in her heart and back of her head. It's wet, probably bleeding.

A trace of blood also overflowed from Concubine Li Shu's mouth. However, there was no look of panic or fear on her face, instead she raised her head and smiled.

The laughter was crazy and shrill, like the howl of a trapped animal before it died, echoing in the empty hall.

"I've been holding it in my whole life, why don't I dare to laugh."

Concubine Li Shu actually laughed again, her laughter was sharp and high-pitched, with desperate madness: "When I married you, you were just the crown prince. I can't compare to the crown prince Jiang, and I won't be happy with you even if I give birth to a son. I recognize all of this.”

"Empress Jiang died of illness. I have the highest status. I have served you for many years, without any merit but with hard work. This throne should have been given to me, but you devoted yourself to that bitch Xu Man and let her take the throne. , I was overwhelmed all the time."

"The son she gave birth to is something you hold in the palm of your hand like a jewel. The son I gave birth to, you didn't even bother to look at. You sent him to the domain early. Separate our mother and son."

"For ten years, I haven't been able to see my son at all. I live with my tail between my legs every day and humble myself in front of that bitch Xu Man. How can I not feel resentful in my heart?"

"Xu Man has been cuckolding you one after another. There are many people in the palace who know about it. But no one dares to mention a word in front of you. You don't know how happy I am. As long as I think of this, I wake up laughing in my dreams.”

The emperor's face turned red and white, and his whole body was trembling.

He didn't know what he had found, so he threw it at Concubine Li Shu hard.

The paperweight made of jade hit Concubine Li Shu hard on the forehead.

Suddenly the skin was torn open and blood flowed freely, quickly blurring Concubine Li Shu's face.

Concubine Li Shu didn't seem to feel the pain in her flesh. She was still smiling happily. Her face was covered with blood like a ghost. She looked weird and terrifying: "After Xu Man was deposed, I was so happy that I stayed awake for several nights."

"You left the palace affairs to me. I thought you finally thought of me. But why did you let Concubine Wei Xian also take charge of the palace affairs? I have endured it for decades, and now I have to endure a woman younger than me. Beautiful Concubine Wei Xian. If you continue to endure this, the position of queen will never be mine."

"You don't have me in your eyes. I want to kill you. What's wrong with that?"

"My son is no better than the prince!"

"I'm going to kill you, the prince! By then my Prince An will be the eldest prince, and he should sit on the throne."

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