Loyang Jin

Chapter 376 Shared Sorrow

Concubine Li Shu knew that she could not escape this disaster, so she risked her life and said everything in her heart.

The emperor's anger rushed into his mind, and his eyesight turned black.

This poisonous woman! He wants to kill this poisonous woman!

Where is the sword? Where is the knife?

The emperor had a ferocious face and red eyes. He strode up to a guard and pulled out the long knife from the guard's waist. The long knife shone with a heart-stopping cold light under the bright candlelight.

Concubine Li Shu watched helplessly as the emperor walked toward her with a long knife in his hand. There was no fear in her eyes. Instead, she laughed wildly: "Come on! Kill me now! I have lived with fear for so long, and I have already lived enough." But even if you kill me, you won’t have a good life.”

"You have been confused for a long time! You can't see Xu Man's true face, nor her son. It's ridiculous that you support him everywhere, but you don't know that the person who really wants to rebel is your most beloved King Yan..."

The gleaming long knife suddenly stabbed her chest, causing blood to fly!

Concubine Li Shu screamed miserably, all her words stopped abruptly, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and hung her head slumped.

The emperor's eyes turned red with anger, he pulled out the long knife with all his strength, and stabbed it again.

Knife after knife, I don’t know how many times he was stabbed.

Concubine Li Shu had long since unresponsive. Dark red blood overflowed from underneath her body. A large pool of blood slowly fainted. Her whole body was lying in a pool of blood, which looked particularly terrifying.

The few guards guarding the hall were a little timid when they saw this scene. They looked at each other quietly and quickly lowered their heads.

The emperor finally stopped his crazy movements, his breathing was rapid, his chest was rising and falling, and the murderous look in his eyes remained.

After a long while, he opened his mouth and said coldly: "Come here, drag Concubine Li Shu's body out and expose it to the sun for three days. There is no need to bury it!"

The guards agreed in unison.

News of Concubine Li Shu's death spread throughout the palace in the early morning of the next day.

"...I heard that it was the emperor who did it himself." Xinyun reported the information in a low voice: "Concubine Li Shu was stabbed several times before she died. Her death was miserable and horrific. The body was placed in the open space outside the emperor's palace to be exposed to the sun. Listen. He said that the emperor had ordered that he should be exposed to the sun for three days without being buried!"

After hearing these words, Concubine Wei Xian's face suddenly turned pale and her stomach was churning.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ling Jingshu hurriedly helped Concubine Wei Xian behind the screen.

Concubine Wei Xian vomited everything in her stomach, her whole body was exhausted and she had no strength. He just sat slumped in the chair, his eyes dull and lifeless.

What happened to Concubine Li Shu was actually already expected. But hearing this with one's own ears, one cannot avoid the sadness of things hurting their own kind.

The emperor seemed gentle and affectionate, but in fact he was ruthless and cold-hearted. Once you really offend the emperor, you can imagine the tragic consequences.

For example, Queen Xu, such as Concubine Li Shu.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger, this saying is absolutely true.

Concubine Wei Xian closed her eyes, but she couldn't hide the sadness and sadness on her face.

"Don't be too sad, empress." Ling Jingshu comforted her softly: "Concubine Li Shu intended to assassinate the emperor. It is normal for the emperor to take her life in anger."

Concubine Wei Xian opened her eyes, and her bright eyes were filled with water: "I knew that Concubine Li Shu was bound to die. But I didn't expect that the emperor would not allow her to be buried properly. She would not be able to have peace even after her death."

Even though Concubine Li Shu made a huge mistake, she was still the one who accompanied and served the emperor for more than thirty years, and even gave birth to Prince An for the emperor. The emperor's ruthless treatment of Concubine Li Shu is really chilling.

The emperor treated Concubine Li Shu like this today. What will happen if he offends the emperor in the future?

After all, she had done something detrimental to the emperor secretly.

Ling Jingshu was so keen and careful that she had already understood Concubine Wei Xian's confusion and fear. It was inconvenient for Xinyun to explain directly in front of him, and he said implicitly: "After this incident, the emperor may have become wary of all the empresses in the palace. Although empresses are the most trusted by the emperor, it is better to be more cautious in their words and deeds."

After a pause, he then said: "Your Majesty, I have to pay greetings to the Emperor every day. It's getting late today. Isn't it time to set off?"


When the emperor is angry, he must be far more suspicious than usual. At this time, you must not be distracted by a guilty conscience. What needs to be done is done.

Concubine Wei Xian took a deep breath, composed herself and said: "You are right, I will go to pay your respects to the emperor right away."

Concubine Wei Xian dressed up again, and then led Ling Jingshu and Xinyun to the emperor's palace.

When I arrived outside the palace, I met Zhang Zhaoyi who came to pay my respects.

There was unconcealable panic in Zhang Zhaoyi's eyes, and she took the initiative to come forward and say hello: "Is the Concubine Xian also here to pay his respects to the Emperor? Concubine, I will go in with you."

Concubine Wei Xian nodded and entered the palace with Zhang Zhaoyi.

Sure enough, there was a corpse lying in the open space outside the palace.

His body was covered in blood, his face was blue, and his face was cold. It was Concubine Li Shu who was killed last night. The thick smell of blood blew over with the breeze.

Ling Jingshu only glanced at it, then she felt sick to her stomach and turned her head subconsciously.

Zhang Zhaoyi's face suddenly turned pale, her whole body was shaking, and her legs were trembling. Then, he turned his head and spat it out with a whoosh.

Concubine Wei Xian was mentally prepared, and she still felt chills all over after seeing this scene. However, she managed to hold on and didn't vomit it out again - maybe it was because she had vomited it all before, her stomach was already empty, and she couldn't vomit it out even if she wanted to.

"Zhang Zhaoyi, you go back and rest first, and come back tomorrow to say hello!" Concubine Wei Xian ordered softly, and then said to Xinyun, whose face was also pale: "You also go back first. I just need Jingshu to take care of me."

Disobedience before the Holy Spirit is no small matter.

How could he appear in front of the emperor with this look?

Xinyun didn't dare to show off his strength and hurriedly retreated.

"Ah Shu, are you scared?" Concubine Wei Xian turned her head and asked in a low voice.

Ling Jingshu quickly calmed down and responded softly: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. You don't have to be nervous, I'll go in with you."

Concubine Wei Xian twitched her lips in a self-deprecating tone, straightened her back, and walked past Concubine Li Shu's body.

Ling Jingshu followed closely behind.

The emperor probably had not slept all night, his face was faintly blue, his eyes were full of black shadows, and he looked much older. But in this haggardness, there is also an unconcealable evil spirit and a murderous aura that has not completely subsided.

Those who are timid may be frightened enough to cry just by looking at it.

Concubine Wei Xian quickly adjusted her mood, stepped forward slowly, and saluted the emperor: "I, my concubine, send your regards to the emperor."

Ling Jingshu was also blessed: "I have met the emperor."

The emperor hummed casually and glanced at Concubine Wei Xian lightly: "I thought you wouldn't come today."

He deliberately had Concubine Li Shu's body exposed in the most conspicuous place, not only to vent his anger, but also to shock all the concubines.

Those who dare to have second thoughts will never end well!

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