Loyang Jin

Chapter 377 Awakening

Concubine Wei Xian did not pretend to be stupid. Instead, she smiled bitterly and sighed softly: "Why does the emperor do this? Does Concubine Li Shu make the emperor lose confidence in his concubines and other sisters?"

"I don't dare to say anything about what other people think. I only know that in this life, I will be the emperor's people. As long as the emperor doesn't dislike me for a day, I will always be with the emperor."

Concubine Wei Xian raised her head slightly, her face was gentle and her eyes were full of affection.

What kind of man in the world can refuse such tenderness and affection?

What's more, a man whose heart was broken by betrayal by those around him?

Most of the hostility and anger in the emperor's heart melted away at this moment, and his expression softened unconsciously. He stretched out his hand to hold Concubine Wei Xian's soft hand: "Okay, as long as you treat me wholeheartedly, I will never let you down."

A glimmer of water flashed in Concubine Wei Xian's eyes, and she choked with emotion: "Your Majesty has such trust in me, I am really happy in my heart."

With that said, he took the initiative to snuggle into the emperor's arms.

With the Emperor's soft jade in his arms, he felt much calmer.

Ling Jingshu and Eunuch Ding and others had already lowered their heads.

Ling Jingshu was secretly amazed by Wei Xianfei's wonderful performance.

To be favored in the palace for a long time, it is naturally not enough to just rely on a face. There is never a shortage of young and fresh beauties in the palace. Concubine Wei Xian was very skillful in winning the emperor's favor.

Sure enough, you can’t underestimate any woman!

After some tender words, the emperor's face looked much better and his voice became much gentler: "I want to go see the prince now, and you should come with me."

Concubine Wei Xian responded softly.

The prince and King Yan both rested in the emperor's palace.

King Yan suffered a superficial wound, which was serious, but his life was not in danger. Apply medicine, bandage and drink medicine every day, and just keep it in bed honestly.

The remaining poison of the prince has not yet been completely eliminated, and his body is in and out of health, and he is in a coma most of the time.

The emperor visited once a day in the morning and afternoon, first to see the prince, and then to see King Yan.

Concubine Wei Xian followed the emperor into the prince's house, and Ling Jingshu also got the benefit of the doubt and was able to step into the house.

She raised her head and glanced around quietly.

The prince lay unconscious on the bed, and the maid serving him was silent.

The emperor's grandson stayed by the prince's side day and night, and his handsome and condensed face became much thinner. His eyes were bloodshot, without the fierce and unstoppable energy of the past, Shen Shen was much quieter.

In the past few days, Wei Yan has never left the prince's side. Always pay attention to the condition of the prince and use acupuncture to drive away poison every day. Even the soup and medicine he fed were made by his own hands.

Even though Wei Yan was young and strong, he endured quite a hard time. His eyes were red, and there was some stubble on his smooth chin. The clothes on his body had not been changed in an unknown number of days, and he looked a little sloppy.

Ling Jingshu felt heartbroken when she saw it.

In front of everyone, the two of them didn't even have a chance to speak, so they could only look at each other silently.

Take care! But don’t burn out your body!

Well, I get it!

There is no need for words between lovers, just one look can clearly know each other's thoughts.

"Ah Yao, has the prince woke up today?" the emperor asked in a deep voice.

The emperor's grandson responded in a low voice: "I woke up once in the morning, took the injection and drank the medicine. Then I fell asleep again."

Wei Yan added: "Not comatose, just asleep." Of course there is a big difference between the two. The prince had been unconscious before, but now, although his body is weak, he is awake more and more often.

The emperor's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask: "So, the remaining poison in the prince's body has been eliminated?"

Wei Yan cupped his hands and replied: "Reporting to the Emperor, the poison in His Highness the Prince is too violent and overbearing. At this time, most of the poison has been cleared away, and there are still some remaining in the blood. This will have to be slowly adjusted by drinking decoction in the future. However, His Highness is out of danger and there is no longer any fear for his life.”

The emperor breathed a long sigh of relief: "It would be great if I could save this life. I will take care of it slowly in the future, and my body will always be well."

After saying that, he smiled and said to Wei Yan: "Physician Wei, you have made great achievements this time, and I will definitely reward you heavily."

Wei Yan declined repeatedly, feeling secretly regretful.

If the emperor had never had any thoughts about Ling Jingshu, he would now be able to bring up the marriage proposal openly and openly... Now, he can only regretfully miss such a good opportunity.

The emperor's grandson glanced at Wei Yan with a complicated expression and said calmly: "If Imperial Physician Wei has any wish, don't worry, just say it. I will definitely let you get your wish."

In the past few days, he had been waiting beside the prince without any clothes on, and he could clearly see that the prince was getting better day by day, and the time he spent awake was getting longer and longer.

The prince's life was saved by the joint efforts of Ling Jingshu and Wei Yan.

For this, he was extremely grateful.

He is willing to give in and help Wei Yan and Ling Jingshu!

Wei Yan's expression paused slightly.

When the same words were spoken from the mouth of the emperor's grandson, they suddenly became more meaningful.

Wei Yan's heart was racing, but he didn't refuse, and smiled and thanked him: "Thank you so much for His Highness Taisun's kindness. I accept it shamelessly, but it is disrespectful. If I ever ask for Your Highness's help one day, I hope His Highness will be extra merciful." ”

The emperor's grandson nodded, quickly withdrew his gaze and said no more words.

With this unexpected incident, the emperor simply smiled and said: "That's the case, then I will take back the reward."

Wei Yan responded with a busy smile: "Wei Chen is an imperial physician, and it is his duty to diagnose and treat His Highness the Crown Prince. I dare not ask for any reward. The emperor said this, and Wei Chen is really ashamed."

As he was talking, the prince lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

"Father!" The emperor's grandson was the first to notice that the prince had woken up. He felt excited. He rushed to the bed and held the prince's hand firmly: "Father, you're awake!"

The prince's body was still very weak, but his consciousness was much clearer. He twitched his lips at the emperor's grandson, and then looked at the emperor: "My father is worried because my son is unfilial."

The emperor who killed people last night without blinking was like a Shura. Looking at the prince who woke up, he felt ecstatic in his heart and the expression on his face was particularly gentle: "I'm fine. I'm relieved that you can wake up safely."

After a pause, he snorted again: "The people who intend to assassinate me and you this time are Concubine Li Shu, Prince An, and her son. Concubine Li Shu has been killed by me, and Prince An is far away in the vassal territory. I have ordered people to convey the order to let him in." When the time comes, I will ask him personally what kind of wolf-hearted man he is that dares to kill his father and his brother!"

The prince's thoughts were still a little chaotic and sluggish. He couldn't react in time and repeated in a daze: "Li Shufei Prince An? How could it be them?"

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