Loyang Jin

Chapter 378 The Wind Rises 1

The emperor hadn't noticed anything yet, but the emperor's grandson was secretly trembling in his heart. He subconsciously opened his mouth and took over the conversation: "My father has been unconscious all this time and still doesn't know the whole story. The emperor's grandfather ordered people to be tortured and the matter has been found out. The truth.”

"The female assassin was sent by Concubine Li Shu. The chamberlain who assassinated King Father was from King An."

"Both of them, mother and son, are so bold that they dare to do such a heinous and unethical thing. Grandfather will definitely seek justice for his father and uncle Sixth Emperor, and will never let them go."

One sentence after another penetrated into the prince's ears.

There was a look of shock that could not be concealed in the prince's eyes, but his expression gradually calmed down, and he sighed in a weak tone: "I never expected that Concubine Li Shu and Prince An would be so cruel and ruthless!"

King Yan is really good at it!

He secretly colluded with Concubine Li Shu and her son! The assassination failed, and everything was put on Li Shufei's mother and son, and they were successfully cleared.

This is truly a powerful enemy that cannot be underestimated!

The emperor deliberately comforted the prince for a few words, then stood up and left.

Before Ling Jingshu left, she glanced at Wei Yan again.

Wei Yan stared at Ling Jingshu's figure silently, sighing quietly in his heart. The two of them were obviously very close, but they didn't even have a chance to talk.

Fortunately, the prince has passed the most dangerous days, and he no longer has to stay by the bed all the time. There is always an opportunity to peek at her.

Thinking like this, Wei Yan's mood improved again.

The prince was in good spirits today and ordered someone to help him sit up. Then he smiled and said to Wei Yan: "Thanks to Imperial Physician Wei, I saved Gu's life from the hands of the King of Hell this time. No amount of thanks for saving my life is too small. From now on, Imperial Physician Wei will belong to the Prince's Mansion." No matter what you ask for, I will grant it to you.”

The prince's promise carries much more weight than that of the prince's grandson.

Wei Yan did not refuse politely and accepted the favor solemnly: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. I accept it shamelessly. In the past few days, I have not bathed or changed clothes, which is an eyesore. I will leave now."

The prince smiled and nodded in agreement.

After Wei Yan withdrew, the people on his left and right were ordered by the Emperor Taisun to also retreat.

Only father and son were left in the house.

"Father, I'm sorry." The emperor's grandson whispered apologetically: "I was too confident and arrogant and didn't take Prince Yan seriously. I didn't expect that he would set up such a sophisticated and ruthless assassination plan. Bureau. It almost caused the death of my father..."

The prince was frightened when he thought about the assassination that day. He smiled bitterly and interrupted the prince's self-blame: "Don't talk about you, I didn't expect him to be so thorough and ruthless. I didn't expect that he would kill Concubine Li Shu's mother and her son. It also dragged down the water.”

"This King Yan is only eighteen years old, but he is already so scheming. It is really unexpected."

At this point, sweat broke out on the prince's forehead, and his voice became weaker and weaker: "Ah Yao, what happened this time is not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself. Fortunately, I saved this life. As long as I live for one day, this prince King Yan can’t even think of taking it away.”

"However, we can no longer allow King Yan to be arrogant. After this incident is over, we will take the initiative to deal with King Yan! Get rid of him as soon as possible!"

A cold murderous intent flashed in the prince's eyes!

A cold light flashed across the eyes of the emperor's grandson, but his voice was quite calm: "Father, please rest in peace and rest in peace. Leave all these matters to me!"

Compared to the cold and forceful person before, the emperor's grandson is now much calmer, like a sharp sword with a scabbard. The sharp edge is fully restrained, and it will only be unsheathed when the enemy appears.

The prince looked at the emperor's grandson like this and felt secretly happy.

After this incident, the emperor's grandson has lost the overconfidence and impetuosity of a young man, and has truly matured.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you." The prince looked deeply at the emperor's grandson: "I am poisoned this time. I don't know how long it will take to recover. What I leave to you is not only to deal with King Yan. There are also more It’s important for you to do.”

"The affairs of the court and the common people are more important than dealing with King Yan!"

Don't let hatred go to your head!

The emperor's grandson solemnly agreed.

At this time, Ling Jingshu was visiting King Yan with Concubine Wei Xian and the emperor.

Although the prince's poisoning was dangerous, there was no external injury, and the overall situation looked pretty good.

King Yan was wounded by a sword.

The wound on his chest was so deep that it almost hurt his heart and lungs. King Yan had lost too much blood, his handsome face was bloodless, and his chest was in severe pain and was tied with layers of gauze, making it difficult to move. He just lay there motionless, looking extremely miserable.

As soon as the emperor saw King Yan, he couldn't help but think of the scene where King Yan flew to block his sword, and compassion and love suddenly came to his heart.

The emperor sat beside the bed, held Prince Yan's hand and asked, "How do you feel today? Does the wound on your chest still hurt?"

King Yan cheered up and said with a smile: "My son's injuries are all superficial injuries, nothing serious. Father, don't worry. By the way, how is eldest brother? Has the poison been removed?"

Why didn't you kill him then?

It was all Ling Jingshu who reacted so quickly. If she hadn't warned him, the prince wouldn't have stepped aside vigilantly, and the poisonous needle would have penetrated deeper. If she hadn't fed the prince the interpretation pill in time, the poison would have spread through the blood...

King Yan couldn't help but glance at Ling Jingshu, who was bowing her head and saying nothing. After all, she was the woman he liked, so he couldn't bear to blame her. After thinking about it, it was better to put the blame on Wei Yan.

Wei Yan can't move now. When he recovers, sooner or later he will find a way to kill Wei Yan!

King Yan was thinking extremely viciously, but his face showed concern.

The emperor smiled happily and said: "Dr. Wei has worked hard for several days and has removed the poison from the prince's body. There is no obstacle to his life. Just take care of him slowly. You can rest assured and recover, and don't have to worry about the prince."

Although he knew that the possibility of the prince's death was slim, King Yan's heart still sank when he heard the bad news.

After nearly a year of careful planning, and almost risking his own life, he unexpectedly fell short in the end! Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit blood in frustration.

The prince is fine. It will be his turn if something happens next.

The emperor was blinded and could not see the truth. But the prince and the emperor's grandson knew full well that it was him who did it.

In the past, the prince maintained his identity and did not take the initiative to deal with him. After this incident, I'm afraid I won't show any mercy anymore.

After all, the prince has the title of crown prince, has a good reputation both inside and outside the court, and has a large number of officials under his command who support orthodoxy. His power is beyond compare.

All he could rely on was himself and the emperor's favor. Compare the two and make a judgment!

King Yan sighed secretly in his heart, but he was not depressed or upset.

No matter how bad the situation was, he could survive it. He doesn't need to be afraid of the upcoming storms!

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