Loyang Jin

Chapter 379 The Wind Rises 2

The health of the prince and King Yan improved day by day.

The emperor's anger over the assassination slowly subsided.

However, there are many people involved this time. Countless people were executed secretly. Guard commander Yang Wei and deputy commander Sun Yi were both dismissed.

The worst thing was that of Concubine Li Shu. Her body was exposed to the sun for three days, wrapped in a straw mat and buried casually. After death, you are not even eligible to enter the royal tomb.

A month later, the emperor set off back to Beijing.

Both the prince and King Yan returned to their mansion to rest in peace. No one knows how many tears the Crown Princess and Princess Yan shed when they saw their respective husbands.

The emperor returned to the court to listen to the government. Because the prince and King Yan were both recovering from illness and could not participate in the government affairs, the emperor's grandson took on the important task at this time and helped the emperor handle the government affairs every day.

Although the emperor is diligent in his work, he is not in good health and should not work too hard. Simply call the emperor's grandson to live in the palace.

The emperor's grandson was young and strong, very diligent, and handled political affairs decisively and straightforwardly, even better than the prince. The emperor saw this and was quite pleased.

There are successors to the country. As the emperor, how can we not be happy?

But soon, the emperor couldn't be happy anymore.

The officials who summoned King An to Beijing disappeared before arriving at King An's vassal territory. There were hundreds of people in the group plus guards. It just disappeared without a trace!

Without the messenger, of course King An would not be able to receive the imperial edict to enter the capital. Still staying in the domain, jumping around.

"How ridiculous!"

After receiving the tip, the emperor was furious: "How could so many people disappear in such a good way? No one can see the dead or alive! This is like seeing a ghost!"

"What a Prince An! What a courageous dog! He even dares to attack the person who delivers the decree. Is there anything else in this world that he dares not do!"

"I will never spare this evil beast!"

The emperor gritted his teeth as he scolded, and his eyes turned red.

Several courtiers who came to meet the emperor to discuss matters looked at each other, and for a while no one dared to offer words of comfort.

The emperor was so angry that he scolded King An bloody. But no matter what, he is still the emperor's son. The emperor can scold him, but they cannot insult him at will. It’s better not to pick up the conversation!

The emperor cursed angrily for a long time, and his anger became more and more intense. I almost couldn't catch my breath, and my chest was wheezing.

One hand supported the emperor: "Grandfather, please don't make the dragon body angry!"

The emperor turned his head, and the emperor's grandson's calm and condensed face suddenly came into view. The anger in the emperor's heart miraculously calmed down a lot, and he sat down with the help of the emperor's grandson.

The emperor's grandson took the information report on the side, read it carefully, and then opened his mouth and said: "There is no way that so many people have disappeared for no reason. King An must have caused trouble! In this case, the emperor's grandfather does not need to continue If you have any concerns, you might as well send a decree to inform the world that King An intends to assassinate the prince and is committing treason. If he does not go to the capital to plead guilty in person, the imperial court will send troops to suppress him!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

With this oracle, there are only two ways left for King An. Either bow your head and admit guilt, or simply start a rebellion.

The Minister of the Ministry of War coughed: "Please think twice, Your Majesty. If you do this, King An will rebel. The country of the Zhou Dynasty is peaceful and peaceful, and the borders are peaceful. There has been no war for many years. With this war, the people are afraid Displaced, there is no day of peace.”

"This is wrong!" The emperor's grandson immediately retorted: "If you let it go, you will be appeasing and supporting the traitor. If King An dares to send people to assassinate his father, if he dares to kill the officials sent by the emperor's grandfather to convey the order, he will dare to raise troops in the future."

"Instead of waiting for the future, it is better to take the initiative and eliminate this hidden danger while King An is still young. Only then can we truly keep the people safe!"

These words left the Minister of War speechless.

When the emperor was young, he was also aggressive and decisive, and he once personally led troops on the battlefield. Hearing the emperor's grandson's heroic and merciless words, Qian Yun felt no displeasure at all, only praise.

This is what a king should do!

"Okay! I will personally issue an order to inform the world to see how courageous this traitor is. If he comes to the capital to plead guilty, I will spare his life and let him guard the imperial mausoleum. If he has any objections, I will also No wonder I’m so cruel.”

The next day, the emperor announced his decree to the world.

The imperial edict listed King An's faults and ordered him to go to Beijing immediately to plead guilty.

This decree spread to all official residences and counties in the Zhou Dynasty as quickly as possible. Within five days, the news reached King An's vassal territory. Everyone pointed out that King An could not avoid it.

King An's reaction was also as expected. While submitting memorials to defend himself, he secretly gathered troops and occupied several states and counties around the vassal territory.

After receiving the battle report, the emperor cursed angrily and made a quick decision. The British father-in-law and his son were sent to lead an expedition with 100,000 troops. The emperor's grandson accompanied the troops to supervise the formation!

After the prince learned about this, he earnestly warned the emperor's grandson: "Don't be greedy for merit and rush into the war. The imperial court's military, material and financial resources can completely support a war. Although King An is ambitious, he is far from being as powerful and wealthy as the imperial court. . As long as the situation is stabilized, King An will be defeated sooner or later. The victory in quelling the chaos is yours, and no one can take it away!"

The emperor's grandson responded loudly, with determination in his eyes: "My son, I will obey my father's orders and will never let him down!"

No matter how many tricks you use, they can't compare to the reputation and ambition brought by your military achievements in quelling chaos!

King Yan is good at plotting and plotting! Then he will use his upright conspiracy to crush him back.

Let King Yan recover from his injuries in Prince Yan's Mansion, while watching helplessly as he regains his prestige, convinces all the officials, and makes the emperor prefer him!

In Prince Yan's Mansion.

The guard reported all the information he had found to King Yan in detail: "...the army will set off tomorrow. His Highness Taisun originally lived in the palace, and the emperor specially issued a decree to allow His Highness Taisun to return home for one night."

After hearing this, King Yan looked gloomy.

That idiot King An actually rebelled so quickly!

It's a pity that in order to be realistic, he blocked the emperor's sword firmly that day, and the injury was really serious. There was too much blood loss, and even the iron body couldn't help it.

It's only been over a month now, and I can barely get out of bed and move around. Not to mention taking the initiative to ask Ying to lead troops on an expedition, he could not even go to court to listen to politics. Not being able to see the emperor means that he has no chance to please him.

As long as he delays it for three more months, no, two months, he will be able to take the lead and take the credit.

Only two months!

The emperor's grandson also saw this clearly and deliberately encouraged the emperor to issue an imperial edict, forcing King An to rebel.

What a conspiracy!

He knew what was going on, but he was powerless to do anything about it. I can only stay in Prince Yan's palace frustrated and helpless, watching the emperor's grandson lead the troops to go to war in high spirits!

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