Loyang Jin

Chapter 380 Cloud Surge 1

The Great Zhou Dynasty had been peaceful for several years and had not fought a war for a long time.

King An's rebellion not only caused an uproar inside and outside the court, but also caused a lot of discussion among the people. People in the palace are no exception. They rarely have to discuss things when they meet.

"I don't know how long this battle will last." Xinyun's tone did not contain much fear, but some unspeakable excitement: "I didn't expect that King An would rebel like this. The emperor Taisun personally led the troops to fight the battle. If there is chaos, success will be achieved immediately. It is best to capture Prince An alive and return to the capital!"

The emperor's grandson took the initiative to invite Ying to go on an expedition, and became famous among the government and the public. Even Xinyun's eyes sparkled when he mentioned the emperor's grandson.

Ling Jingshu sighed softly: "I also think that King An will be defeated sooner or later. It is a pity that the soldiers and people under King An's command are fighting together. I don't know how many people will die, let alone how many people will be displaced and their families destroyed."

In the previous life, King An's uprising took place a few years later. Not to mention that this life was advanced, the person who led the troops on the expedition was no longer King Yan, but the emperor's grandson.

After hearing what Ling Jingshu said, Xinyun also sighed a little: "Yes, a lot of people will inevitably die in a war. There is nothing we can do about it. The rebellion must be put down before the Zhou Dynasty can truly be stable. Those of us who live in the palace Only then can people live a peaceful and good life.”

Ling Jingshu laughed at herself: "You're right! I'm too pretentious. It's useless to think about it at this time. It's better to hope that the emperor's grandson will return victorious as soon as possible. The sooner we finish the battle, the sooner we can Peace of mind.”

While the two were whispering, Concubine Wei Xian, who was already dressed and dressed, came out: "What are you two whispering about? You look at each other with a more solemn face."

Ling Jingshu braced herself and responded: "Reporting to the queen, this servant and Xinyun are talking about His Highness Taisun leading the troops to fight."

When the war was mentioned, Concubine Wei Xian sighed: "When there is a war, there is no peace in this palace. The emperor has been anxious and angry these days and is in a bad mood. I heard that he scolded a chamberlain yesterday. You two follow me to the Zichen Palace. , be more careful.”

Ling Jingshu and Xinyun looked at each other and agreed in unison.

The emperor has indeed been angry quite often recently. When he went to court, all the officials were trembling with fear. After retreating from the court, when he returned to the Zichen Palace, the maids who served him were even more trembling with fear.

In just a few days, five or six chambermaids were scolded. Another one was seriously injured and looked like he would not survive. How can anyone not be frightened when they see each and every one of them?

None of the concubines who usually used various excuses to flatter me dared to come to Zichen Palace at this time. To avoid accidentally offending the emperor.

Concubine Wei Xian was commendable for her courage, insisting on coming to Zichen Hall every day to pay her respects. The tenderness and concern for the emperor never stopped.

The same is true today.

The emperor was scolding Eunuch Ding with a sullen face. When the chamberlain reported that Concubine Wei Xian was coming, the emperor's expression suddenly softened a lot: "Let Concubine Wei come in."

Eunuch Ding was quite happy to have escaped the disaster and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Concubine Wei Xian, who was wearing a light blue palace dress, walked in with a gentle smile on her beautiful face: "I send my regards to the Emperor."

The emperor helped Concubine Wei Xian up and held Concubine Wei Xian's hand naturally: "I said yesterday that you will take care of all the trivial matters in this palace by yourself. You don't have to come to pay my respects every day."

Once Concubine Li Shu died, no one in the palace could compare with Concubine Wei Xian. Because of his dragon body, the emperor no longer got close to any concubines, and became increasingly fond of the considerate, gentle and considerate Concubine Wei Xian.

Concubine Wei Xian said with a smile: "The emperor is tired of worrying about the court and the people, and I can't help. I feel guilty enough. I can come and chat with the emperor every day, and I feel more comfortable. The emperor doesn't Send me away again."

These words made the emperor feel relieved, and he relaxed his brows and smiled: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything from now on."

Ling Jingshu watched from the side and couldn't help but admire Concubine Wei Xian secretly.

The emperor is very young and has a volatile temper, making him really difficult to take care of. Concubine Wei Xian was able to make a gentle flower of explanation in front of that wrinkled face. This determination and acting skills are far beyond the reach of others.

Any woman who can gain a firm foothold in this palace cannot be underestimated!

Concubine Wei Xian didn't stay long. As expected, she only chatted for a few words, earnestly told the emperor to take care of the dragon body, and then left.

It was like this every day for several days.

Ling Jingshu follows Concubine Wei Xian in and out of the Zichen Palace every day, so there are naturally many opportunities to see the emperor. However, the emperor's eyes rarely fell on her.

For the emperor who has lost his lustful heart, youth and beauty have lost their appeal. What made him most comfortable and happy was Concubine Wei Xian's gentle company.

Ling Jingshu was finally relieved.

The only regret is that Wei Yan moved into the Prince's Mansion after returning to Beijing and carefully nursed the Prince's body every day. One of them was in the palace and the other was in the Prince's Mansion, so they had almost no chance to meet.

Every few days, Wei Yan would have someone secretly send a letter to Lingbo Palace.

Because of the war, people in the palace were uneasy, and no one had the time to pay attention to Ling Jingshu's every move. With Concubine Wei Xian's cover-up, the correspondence between the two of them has always been secretive and smooth.

In the first month when the emperor's grandson led the troops on the expedition, the battle report came back very simple. It would take time for the army to march to the battlefield. Still on the road, nothing worth saying.

After the second month, news of victory frequently returned to the capital.

The emperor's grandson first took back several states and counties controlled by King An, forcing King An to retreat to the vassal territory. Then he led his troops to surround the feudal territory.

The emperor's grandson was well versed in the strategy of attacking the heart and was not in a hurry to attack. He sent people to shout outside the city every day to ask King An to lead the troops to surrender. On the other hand, he secretly sneaked into the city and spread rumors. The people in the city were frightened by the force of the imperial army and were in panic.

Even the soldiers under King An began to have wandering thoughts, and some even sneaked out of the city gate in the middle of the night and surrendered to the imperial army.

After such battle reports reached the capital, all the officials in the court praised the emperor's grandson for his magnanimous behavior and his ability to subdue others without fighting, just like the emperor back then.

After praising the emperor's grandson, he also flattered the emperor.

The emperor was in a great mood and praised the emperor's grandson highly.

The emperor's grandson was proud of the spring breeze, but Prince An's life was difficult.

More and more soldiers are escaping and surrendering secretly, and there are also a huge number of people who crowd at the city gate every day and want to escape from the city. If this continues, before the emperor's grandson can attack the city, he will be in danger without a fight.

But at this time, it would be too cowardly to open the city gate and surrender!

Wang An, who refused to give up, finally made a last-ditch effort!

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