Loyang Jin

Chapter 381 Cloud Surge 2

On a quiet and windless night, King An sent his most elite soldiers out of the city to attack the imperial military camp at night.

Little did he know that the emperor's grandson was already on guard. This sneak attack was naturally unsuccessful. Almost all the soldiers sent by King An were wiped out.

After King An was shocked to hear the bad news, he was so angry on the spot that he spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

When King An woke up, the emperor's grandson had already personally led the troops to attack the city.

King An did not have the courage to commit suicide, and finally surrendered like a bereaved dog.

It took half a year from King An's rebellion to the suppression of the rebellion.

In March of the following year, the emperor's grandson led a large army back to the court.

This is destined to become a battle that will always be remembered in the minds of the officials and people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It also brought the reputation of the emperor's grandson to its peak.

The moment the army entered the capital from the city gate, the people lined up on both sides to welcome the army back were so excited that they all shouted in unison to the emperor's grandson.

Wang An, who was locked in the prison car, was still neatly dressed, but his eyes were dull and dull, like a living dead.

Hearing the thunderous sound in his ears, King An finally had some reaction and looked up and around in a daze. A stone flew from nowhere and hit his forehead, causing blood to flow out immediately.

Later, more than just rocks flew over. Rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, all kinds of pickled filth.

King An lowered his head dejectedly.

The emperor's grandson sat on the horse, his slightly weathered face still handsome, his eyes sharp and radiant.

The army returned victoriously, and the prince and King Yan came to greet them in person.

In the past six months, the remaining poison in the prince's physical strength has been completely eliminated. Except for his face being slightly weak and pale, everything is no different from ordinary people.

After the emperor's grandson dismounted, he knelt on one knee in front of the prince: "My son has lived up to his father's expectations and returned victorious."

Looking at the heroic and vigorous grandson of the emperor, the prince was so proud and excited that he could hardly say anything else except good things.

After the emperor's grandson knelt down and worshiped the prince, he stood up and looked at King Yan.

"After several months of separation, the Sixth Emperor's uncle has finally recovered from his injuries, and it seems that he is still as charming as ever." The Emperor's Grandson bowed his hand indifferently and politely.

In comparison, King Yan was much more enthusiastic: "Ah Yao, you have done a great job in quelling the rebellion and capturing King An alive. My father and brother are both proud of you. Even I, the emperor's uncle, am very proud of you." ”

The emperor's grandson twitched his lips and said, "Uncle Sixth Emperor has oversold him. The Zhou Dynasty is stable, and anyone who attempts to rebel and usurp the throne is nothing more than a clown. No matter who leads the army, King An is destined to lose."

After a pause, he sighed with pretense of regret: "It's a pity that the Sixth Emperor's uncle was seriously injured at that time and was not suitable for the expedition. Otherwise, our uncle and nephew could go on the expedition together, fight together, and return to the court together. It would be a happy event." .What a pity!”

These words immediately hit King Yan's pain point.

King Yan's pupils shrank for a moment, flashing a cold chill, and quickly returned to normal. He patted the emperor's grandson on the shoulder affectionately: "This is also a big regret of mine. That's all, what happened in the past is in the past. It’s useless to say more. The most important thing is that you returned victorious and eliminated a hidden danger for the Zhou Dynasty.”

"My father has already held a celebration banquet in the palace, and all the officials are waiting in the palace, waiting for you to enter the palace."

The emperor's grandson smiled and actually took Prince Yan's hand: "Okay, let's ride into the palace together."

The smile on King Yan's face remained the same, but his heart suddenly sank.

The sharp-edged young man before has now become unfathomable. I can't see through his mind!

The army returned to Beijing in victory, and the happiest person was none other than the emperor. This celebration banquet was held to the highest standards. As long as they are officials in the capital, they are eligible to attend the banquet.

Many low-level officials who had never entered the palace in their lives were able to enter the palace for banquets. This honor was all brought by the emperor's grandson. Everyone was grateful, and the image of the emperor's grandson in everyone's minds became taller and taller.

In addition to the main hall and several side halls, banquets were set up, with a total of nearly a hundred tables.

All the concubines in the palace, led by Concubine Wei, sat in the side hall waiting for the banquet to begin.

At the beginning of the new year, the emperor personally issued an order to promote Concubine Wei Xian. Now, Concubine Wei Xian has become Concubine Wei. She also became the concubine with the highest status in the harem.

Above the concubines, there is the queen.

At that time, Empress Xu was first an ordinary Concubine Xu, then became a noble concubine, and then was naturally granted a posthumous title.

Looking at the rise of Concubine Wei, she is even better than Empress Xu back then. The position of queen will probably fall to her sooner or later.

There are many people in the harem who have quick minds and bright eyes. Who can not see this? Because of this, everyone is vying to please you.

Concubine Wei sat at the head of the banquet with a smile on her face, and those sitting around her were all high-ranking concubines in the palace. There are many people who are better than her in terms of age and qualifications, but no one can take away her charm.

As a confidant of Concubine Wei, Ling Jingshu has become quite famous in the past two months.

Just like this moment, she didn't have to stand behind Concubine Wei and wanted to find a quiet place to rest for a while, but she was already surrounded by a bunch of female officials.

"Why doesn't Miss Ling dress brightly on such a happy day?"

"Miss Ling is naturally beautiful. She only wears ordinary light green palace clothes, and she is also more gorgeous than any other. The few of us standing next to each other are a bit shabby even though we are green leaves."

"Yes, it's natural. We can't even envy it. Speaking of it, no one in this palace is more blessed than Lady Ling. The Imperial Concubine is really kind to Lady Ling..."

Bah, bah, bah, it's so noisy that it gives me a headache.

Ling Jingshu listened to this bunch of flattery, feeling helpless and amused. It was hard to break up and leave, so I could only respond patiently and with a smile: "Everyone, please stop praising me. Why am I so good as you say?"

"It's true that I'm lucky. The imperial concubine has always treated me extremely well."

Xinyun on the other side was almost the same as her. They were all surrounded by other concubines and female officials, and they couldn't get away.

The two looked at each other and showed a slightly helpless smile.

It has long been a habit for people in the palace to flatter others and suppress others. No matter what, it is better to be praised than to be ridiculed and ridiculed everywhere.

This was also when Concubine Wei gained the upper hand, and they followed suit. In the past, the glorious female officials around Queen Xu had always been locked up in the sky prison. I don’t know when he will be released.

A chamberlain walked up to Concubine Wei and reported with an attentive smile: "The Emperor has issued a decree. His Highness the Grand Sun has entered the palace. The banquet can begin."

Concubine Wei nodded with a smile and said loudly: "Today is a good day for our great Zhou Dynasty to celebrate. Don't be restrained! Everyone, please take your seats!"

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