Loyang Jin

Chapter 382 Night Party 1

Today's celebration banquet was also attended by people from Tai Hospital.

There are more than 20 imperial doctors in the Taiyuan Hospital, and the one who leads the Taiyuan Hospital is Zhang Yizheng. But everyone knows in their hearts that the most popular person with the brightest future in Tai Hospital is Wei Yan.

My sister is a noble concubine, and she may even become a queen in the future. His biological niece was a princess of the Zhou Dynasty, and the emperor had great trust in him. I stayed in the Prince's Mansion for nearly half a year and saved the Prince's life...

Regardless of these, Wei Yan is also a leader among imperial doctors in terms of medical skills.

Imperial Physician Zhang also took the initiative to pick up the wine glass: "Imperial Physician Wei has been staying in the Prince's Mansion for the past six months to take care of His Highness the Crown Prince's body. His Royal Highness's body recovered so quickly, and it is all the result of Imperial Physician Wei. I represent everyone in the Taipei Hospital. , a toast to you!”

Wei Yanqian was as calm as before: "As an imperial physician, this is what I should do. I don't dare to praise Doctor Zhang. This glass of water and wine should be given to everyone by me. I have been living in the Prince's Mansion these past few months. I don’t have time to worry about everything in the hospital, so I’ll help you all.”

Everyone raised their glasses happily.

Everyone took turns to toast, but Wei Yan was disrespectful and drank a lot more than usual. Even though he had a good capacity for drinking, he secretly took anti-rescue pills before going to the banquet, which made him a bit drunk.

After drinking too much wine, the longing that had been suppressed for a long time also surged into my heart.

He never returned to the palace, and Ling Jingshu couldn't go to the Prince's Mansion. In the past few months, the two of them have relied on Hongyan to pass messages. It has been a long time since he saw her and hugged her...

The banquet was over and it was already past midnight.

Taking advantage of the chaos when the banquet guests dispersed, Wei Yan quietly went to Lingbo Hall alone.

At this time, Concubine Wei had not had time to come back.

The palace maid guarding the door was very familiar with Wei Yan, so she opened the door with a smile: "It's so late, why did Doctor Wei come to Lingbo Hall? The imperial concubine hasn't come back yet, so Doctor Wei has to wait for a while."

Wei Yan smiled casually: "Okay, I'll go in and wait for the imperial concubine."

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and their fragrance floats in the cool night breeze. It also aroused the secret longing in Wei Yan's heart. Wei Yan took advantage of his drunkenness and did something bold - he went directly to Ling Jingshu's boudoir.

He was familiar with the location of this boudoir, and this was the first time he had really gotten close to it.

On weekdays, he had to carefully abide by the rules of the palace and be wary of other people's eyes. Most of the places where he and Ling Jingshu met were in Concubine Wei's room.

According to the rules of the palace, the rooms of the palace maids and chamberlains are not locked. Ling Jingshu's boudoir was no exception.

Wei Yan pushed open the door with a little force.

No menorahs were lit in the house. The moonlight outside the window is like water, falling in through the window. By the moonlight, Wei Yan had a panoramic view of the boudoir.

On the small dressing table, there are scattered hairpins. On the table nearby, there is an elegant porcelain vase with flowers inside, exuding a faint fragrance. Light-colored gauze covers the exquisite carved wooden bed...

Wei Yan looked at the carved wooden bed, his thoughts floating in the air.

As a healthy, older, unmarried young man, having a beloved girl, but not being able to see her all the time and stay with her day and night, and having to remain pure and celibate, is a feeling that only a few people can understand.

Maybe I drank too much and became bolder than usual, or maybe I held it in for too long and now I can't hold it in anymore. Wei Yan lifted up the gauze curtain by some mistake and sat on the bed.

The neat bedding exudes a faint fragrance.

This is Ling Jingshu's body fragrance.

Wei Yanqing couldn't help but take a deep breath.

At this time, Ling Jingshu, who had been busy and tired for a day, followed Concubine Wei back to Lingbo Hall.

The maid guarding the gate hurriedly reported Wei Yan's arrival to Concubine Wei.

It's so late and you're still here? Can't even wait for tomorrow?

Concubine Wei laughed dumbly, glanced at Ling Jingshu, whose cheeks were blushing even under the moonlight, coughed and said, "Okay, I understand."

Ling Jingshu lowered her head guiltily, fearing that Xinyun would notice her shame and joy.

As for Concubine Wei, she knows everything anyway. When he meets Wei Yan, he has to rely on her to cover it up! It doesn't hurt to be thick-skinned in front of her.

Concubine Wei soon stopped laughing.

Didn't this Wei Yan come to Lingbo Palace? Why is there no sign of him? In the middle of the night, he must have sneaked away and hid somewhere!

Concubine Wei glanced at Ling Jingshu subconsciously. Ling Jingshu seemed to have thought of something and looked back in surprise.

No! He has always been calm, careful, and thoughtful in his actions. He would never... do something so bold and wanton!

The look on Concubine Wei's face was also very subtle.

Xinyun saw the two of them looking strange at the side and couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, Imperial Concubine, did Doctor Wei go back alone after waiting for a long time to see your Majesty come back?"

Concubine Wei cleared her throat: "It's also possible. It's already late today. Xinyun, you stay on duty. Jingshu, you go back and rest early and come back tomorrow morning."

Xinyun lives next door to Ling Jingshu. If there was any "unusual" movement in Ling Jingshu's house, Xinyun would definitely not be able to hide it. It's better to leave her behind first.

Xinyun swallowed back all the surprise and responded with a smile.

Ling Jingshu suppressed her blush, felt blessed, and left.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun followed Ling Jingshu.

Arriving in front of the boudoir, Ling Jingshu paused and said, "It's too late today. You two should go back and rest. There's no need to follow me in."

Bai Yu was the most attentive and perceptive, and Qiao Yun was also knowledgeable. The two maids didn't say anything, just responded and returned to the house.

Ling Jingshu composed herself, pushed the door open lightly, and then quickly bolted the door.

There was indeed someone in her house.

There is a pair of men's shoes in front of the bed.

A corner of the gauze curtain was lifted up, the quilt was let go, and there was a high bulge in the quilt. There was still a faint smell of alcohol floating in the room.

This Wei Yan!

How audacious! He actually ran to her boudoir like that. Where is the caution of the past? Isn't he afraid of being discovered and rumored?

Ling Jingshu was angry and funny. She quickly walked to the bed and lifted up the gauze curtain.

Lying on her bed, covered with her quilt, who was sleeping soundly but Wei Yan?

The moonlight was bright and bright, and the handsome sleeping face was quiet and beautiful.

These past few months have not been easy for him. Qingjun's face became thinner, and a short stubble appeared on his chin.

How long had it been since she had looked at him quietly like this? After returning from the palace, he went to the Prince's Mansion. In the past six months, the two had no chance to meet. What couple has endured as hard as these two?

Therefore, as soon as he returned to the palace, he couldn't wait to find her.

Ling Jingshu's heart filled with soft and sweet happiness, and she gently reached out her hand and touched his face.

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