Loyang Jin

Chapter 385 Suspicion 1

"What did you say?"

The emperor's face, who was originally sitting on the throne with a smile on his face, suddenly changed. His eyes were full of disbelief and shock, and his voice unconsciously raised: "How can you say such words casually!"

The civil and military officials standing in the middle of the court also had astonished expressions on their faces, and looked at the emperor's grandson, who was standing tall and solemn, and King Yan, who looked surprised and innocent.

Under the attention of everyone, the emperor's grandson looked calm and calm, raised his hands and said: "Grandfather, you heard me right. What my grandson said just now was personally confessed by King An after he surrendered."

"Since the year before last, King Yan has secretly contacted King An and encouraged King An to compete for the throne."

"King An was unwilling to settle for a while, so he was persuaded by King Yan, so he made a plan to assassinate Concubine Li Shu. King Yan was responsible for bringing the emperor's grandfather to the palace."

"The people who assassinated the emperor's grandfather and father were indeed Concubine Li Shu and King An's men. But the real mastermind who secretly planned this matter was King Yan!"

Each sentence is sharper than the next, especially the last sentence, which is even more powerful.

The officials could no longer hold back and there was an uproar.

Is it true that King Yan is the real mastermind of the assassination in the palace, as the emperor's grandson said?

King Yan was stunned for a long time. He smiled miserably when he heard this, stepped forward and knelt down: "What is right and wrong depends on the heart of the people. I don't want to make any excuses. I believe that my father will definitely give me justice."

An angry blush appeared on the emperor's face, and he said solemnly: "I will not listen to one side or believe the other. Don't worry, I won't let anyone wrongly accuse you."

The prince was obviously shocked by the emperor's grandson's earth-shattering words, and angrily rebuked the emperor's grandson: "How can you believe King An's words about such a big matter? How could you know that King An deliberately shirks his responsibility? How could King Yan be the mastermind behind the scenes? ? If King Yan hadn't blocked the sword that day, your imperial grandfather would have been struck by the sword."

"If King Yan really intends to assassinate him, he can just pretend and stand by. Why risk his life to block the sword?"

The emperor nodded subconsciously.

The prince said everything he wanted to say.

Emotionally speaking, he never believed that the filial King Yan would do such a treasonous thing.

The emperor's grandson also took a step forward and knelt down. His voice was still calm and strong: "When King An first said this, I didn't believe a word of it. King Yan's filial piety towards the emperor's grandfather impressed everyone. I have witnessed them all. I am ashamed of myself, and I don’t believe that King Yan can be such a vicious and cruel person.”

"It's just that King An later took out a pile of letters. The letters were indeed written by King Yan. After reading them one by one, I had to become suspicious."


King Yan, who was kneeling beside him, flashed his eyes and sneered in his heart.

When he secretly contacted King An that day, he never wrote a letter. Every time, secret guards were secretly sent to King An's vassal territory, and all they delivered were oral messages.

After the incident was completed, the secret guards who were responsible for delivering messages were also silenced by him.

There is no evidence in this world that can prove that he and Wang An were secretly connected.

The emperor's grandson keeps saying that there is such a letter, which is pure nonsense!

"Father, please give me a clear warning. I have never had any correspondence with Prince An." King Yan raised his head, with a look of injustice and grievance on his face: "I think King An must have had someone imitate my handwriting and write the letter. Intention to frame the blame on my son."

The emperor's heart was obviously on the side of King Yan. Hearing this, his expression became stern and he said calmly: "Where are those letters now? Have them presented to me. I want to see them myself."

The emperor's grandson responded in a deep voice: "These letters are of great importance. My grandson divided the letters into several parts and asked several skilled guards to carry them with him. I will present them to the imperial grandfather for his review."

The emperor had already restrained his anger and nodded coldly: "Okay, I will take a look at these letters today."

Soon, a stack of letters was presented to the emperor.

At a glance, there are a dozen letters in total.

The emperor started from the first letter.

When the familiar handwriting on the letter came into view, the emperor's brows couldn't help but move.

The handwriting on this letter is exactly the same as that of King Yan. Even the strokes of the writing strokes are the same. King Yan also had a little-known habit of pausing for a moment when writing. Therefore, this stroke of ink will be slightly heavier.

The writing and writing in this letter are a little heavy. It is no different from King Yan’s daily writing habits.

If this is really a letter forged by King An, it would be too realistic...

seeing is believing! The emperor's unbreakable confidence in King Yan began to quietly waver.

Looking at the contents of each letter again, the emperor's face became increasingly gloomy and ugly.

These letters implicitly showed King Yan's dissatisfaction with the prince, and implicitly hinted that King An was the most suitable candidate for heir apparent. Later, the content of the letter gradually became more explicit, with a hint of instigation everywhere.

By the last two letters, the assassination plan was decided.

There are a few passages that are particularly dazzling.

"...My father is old and fatuous, and it is best to be fooled. As long as I use some tricks, I can make my father trust me. On the day of the assassination, I will assassinate my father first, and I will block the sword for him. Winning the father's trust will also make the prince relax, and if he takes advantage of that moment, he will definitely succeed!"

"Once the crown prince dies, my father will definitely appoint another crown prince. This candidate must be the second brother! One day, the second brother becomes the crown prince, and I will definitely follow my second brother's lead."

"I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope that my second brother will be kind to my mother-in-law and eldest sister. Let my mother-in-law move out of the cold palace and my eldest sister out of Ciyun Nunnery."

The emperor clenched the thin letter paper tightly, feeling shocked and uncertain.

Every word and every word in the letter was clearly the tone of King Yan.

When King An left the capital, King Yan was still a few years old. It seems that King An was not familiar with King Yan's temperament. Even if you want to forge a letter, you definitely can’t make it so realistic...

Could it be that all this is part of King Yan's plan?

King Yan was willing to take risks to block that fatal sword, but was it actually just a ploy? Just to gain his trust so that he would not be suspicious of King Yan's strategy?

Human psychology is very strange. When you have deep trust in a person, you will never be suspicious no matter what he does.

But once this confidence is shaken, doubts will arise everywhere.

Just like a seed, if it falls into the soil, it will take root and sprout.

The emperor suddenly remembered Concubine Li Shu's crazy shouting before her death.

"You have been confused for a long time! You can't see Xu Man's true face, nor her son. It's ridiculous that you support him everywhere, but you don't know that the person who really wants to rebel is your most beloved King Yan..."

The emperor looked uncertain and did not speak for a long time.

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