Loyang Jin

Chapter 386 Suspicion 2

The emperor's grandson who was kneeling in the palace remained unmoved, but King Yan, who was originally quite confident, secretly thought something was wrong.

He knew the emperor's temperament very well. When you trust someone, it's best to fool them. But once he falls out, he becomes completely ruthless and ruthless.

I don’t know what was written in this pile of letters, but it actually made the emperor shaken.

King Yan's heart was cast into a shadow.

For the past six months, he has been recuperating in Prince Yan's Mansion. After the injury healed, he couldn't wait to enter the palace to accompany the emperor. Because the prince has been recuperating and cannot go to court to govern, the emperor's grandson is leading troops outside. The emperor naturally asked him to go to court to listen to politics, and he also took on the errands of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works.

He quietly wooed officials and cultivated cronies.

Everything is going smooth.

However, the emperor's grandson returned victoriously from putting down the rebellion and immediately wiped out all the meager advantages he had gained. Yesterday's grand celebration banquet had already made him jealous. What's more, he didn't expect that the emperor's grandson would attack him hard in the court today!

"Father, I can swear to God that I have never had any correspondence with King An, let alone the mastermind of the assassination." King Yan opened his mouth with a face full of indignation: "If I lie even half a word, I If you say so, I will accept the death penalty of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives!”

King Yan's sworn oath made the emperor's expression soften: "I didn't say I didn't believe you, so why did I make such a oath?"

The hard work over the past few years has indeed paid off.

The emperor still trusted and favored him after all.

King Yan was not relieved because of this. The emperor's grandson chose this time to launch an attack, and his methods could not be so simple.

Sure enough, the emperor's grandson said loudly: "Grandfather, my grandson read these letters and didn't believe them at first. However, King An's words were unequivocal and he insisted that King Yan was the mastermind. Right and wrong, you can't just believe one side of the story. Since King An has been brought back to the capital, why not summon King An to the palace and confront King Yan."

This is not a bad idea.

Now that things have happened, I don’t care whether it’s embarrassing or not.

The emperor's eyes were gloomy and he said coldly: "Okay, now let King Xuan'an go to the palace!"

Compared to the good-looking Prince Yan, Prince An's image was far inferior. He is fat, has small eyes, and looks stupid.

For this reason, the emperor never liked this son very much. When King An came of age, he was sent to the feudal land.

After not seeing each other for many years, King An is now fatter than when he was young. He was escorted to the capital in a prison car all the way, so he was naturally clean and tidy. His eyes were blank and dull, with a look of panic and cowardice.

After entering the Jinluan Palace, King An walked hesitantly and slowly, and knelt down in front of the emperor: "My son, I have met my father!"

The emperor snorted in disgust and said coldly: "I don't have a son like you! You intended to assassinate me and the prince, and then raised an army to rebel. I really didn't expect that you would have such courage and ambition."

King An trembled all over and kowtowed repeatedly to beg for mercy: "Father, please listen to what I have to say. What I did was all instigated by King Yan! How could I have such courage alone? There are letters to prove it. Please give me a warning! Please spare my life for the sake of father and son!"

He knocked his head loudly and hard, and his forehead was soon stained with blood.

The emperor did not relent at all and sneered: "You have a good idea. With just these few letters, you want to pour dirty water on King Yan. Do you think that I am stupid and can let you go? fool?"

"This letter was obviously forged by someone who imitated King Yan's handwriting!"

King An immediately cried: "Now that we have reached this point, I no longer dare to deceive my father. These letters are indeed written by King Yan to me."

"My son has been away from the capital for so many years and has never returned to the capital. I am not familiar with King Yan's handwriting. Even if I want to find someone to imitate it, it is impossible! Father, please don't wrongly accuse me and let the real mastermind go. ah!"

King An cried heartbreakingly, with tears and runny nose streaming down his face, looking extremely embarrassed.

King Yan glared angrily: "King An, you assassinated my father and launched an army to rebel. These are unmistakable facts. Now that you are at the end of your rope, you have maliciously framed me and put the blame on me. How can someone like you have the face to see me?" Father, how can I have the face to face the officials of the imperial court, and how can I live in this world!"

He then raised his head and looked at the emperor, with a generous and decisive look on his face: "Father, I behave upright and sit upright, and I have never done anything detrimental to my father. If my father doesn't believe me, I am willing to die to prove my will!"

After saying that, he stood up and rushed towards the pillars of Jinluan Hall.

If he hits his forehead this time, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

The emperor's expression suddenly changed: "Here comes someone, stop King Yan quickly!"

The imperial guard guarding the palace had quick eyesight and quick hands, and stopped King Yan who was about to die to prove his innocence before his forehead hit the pillar.

The officials were so shocked by this series of events that they didn't know how to react.

The emperor's grandson looked coldly at the showmanship of King Yan who was both good at singing and reciting, with a sarcastic smile on his lips, and said slowly: "Since King Yan insists that he is innocent, there is no need to be so excited and desperate. Let King An finish his words!"

King An used his sleeves to wipe his tears and nose carelessly, his eyes were red, and he looked at King Yan with a look full of hatred: "King Yan, please stop being pretentious here! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be ambitious, let alone We will get to where we are today step by step.”

"Since I want to testify against you, the evidence certainly goes beyond these letters."

King Yan's heart thumped, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, but there was no trace of guilt on his face: "What evidence do you have? Just show it in front of my father and the civil and military officials of the court."

He had always acted cautiously and confidently, leaving no evidence behind.

These letters were clearly forged by King An. What other "evidence" can Wang An come up with?

King An vigorously kowtowed to the emperor several times, with a look of remorse on his face: "These letters were written to me by King Yan, and I wrote a reply to each one. With King Yan's cautious nature, I am afraid that he would have sent my letters to me long ago." The reply was burnt clean, and not even the dust could be found.”

"However, I was more careful that day. In order to prevent any changes in the future, I wrote each reply twice. One letter was secretly sent to King Yan, and the other was sent to the mother-in-law. "

"The mother-in-law hid these letters in a very secret place in the palace. This place is known only to the children. It is under the bed in the mother-in-law's bedroom, counting from the right to the left, under the fifth floor."

"Please my father, please send someone to my mother's palace right now to get these letters. If you compare them, you will know that what I said is the truth!"

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