Loyang Jin

Chapter 387: Furious

King An's voice echoed endlessly in the Jinluan Palace.

The emperor's originally relaxed expression became tense and gloomy again. His eyes passed over King Yan's face.

By this time, it was useless no matter how much King Yan said.

King An said that he has a nose and eyes, no one can believe it!

The emperor finally gave the order. Immediately, the imperial guards were ordered to go to Concubine Li Shu's palace. It only took a cup of tea before the guards came with a pile of letters.

The emperor looked through the letter again, his face gloomy, as if a rainstorm was approaching.

Those letters were indeed written by King An himself. The content of each reply corresponds to the previous one.

There is no way this was forged by King An alone!

"Father, everything I said is true."

King An's cry resounded: "I have sinned so much that I have no shame to come to see my father. However, I really don't want to take the blame for King Yan. All of this was clearly done by him secretly instigating me. . As a result, the assassination failed, but the mother and concubine were killed. "

"In the past six months, I haven't been able to sleep well even a day. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw my mother and concubine lying on the ground covered in blood. She couldn't rest in peace!"

"I beg my father to spare my life, even if I am under house arrest for the rest of my life and never leave the house for the rest of my life. I will never complain. I just ask my father to spare my life!"

As he spoke, he cried and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

King Yan's heart felt as if it were in an ice cellar, and he understood instantly.

This was a trap that the Emperor Taisun had already set.

There was never any correspondence between him and King An, and all conspiracies relied on secret guards to deliver messages from him. Now King An insisted that the two of them had written letters, not only his "letter", but also his "reply".

This pot of dirty water that had been planned for a long time left him almost unable to resist.

After all, the content of this letter is not unfair. He just wrote down the conspiracy between him and King An on the letter paper!

The civil and military officials who had been silent for a long time looked at each other in confusion, and finally someone stood up and spoke.

"Your Majesty, this matter is complicated. The truth needs to be carefully investigated before making a decision." The official who spoke seemed to be impartial, but in fact he was interceding for King Yan.

The Minister of Punishment also came forward: "The official believes that it is not appropriate for Prince An and Prince Yan to return to the palace before the truth is found out. They should be imprisoned in the clan mansion first."

The Minister of Punishment belongs to the prince's faction. At this time, the righteous petition was really clever.

As long as King Yan is imprisoned in the clan mansion, he will never be free again. You can't interfere in external affairs either.

Queen Xu is already a disabled person, and Princess Changping is locked up in Ciyun Nunnery and cannot come out. There are only a few people left who can really do errands for King Yan, so it's not difficult to deal with them.

It's easy to get in, but it's difficult to get out again.

King Yan's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, the emperor said coldly: "What Ai Qing proposed is very much in line with my wishes. Come, please send King An and King Yan immediately to the clan's residence to conduct a thorough investigation of Prince Yan's residence."

King Yan had no chance to defend himself and was quickly taken into custody.

Seeing the emperor's ugly expression, the prince comforted him in a low voice: "The truth of the matter is still unclear, and it is not convenient to draw a conclusion now. Please calm down your father and take care of your dragon body!"

The truth is still unclear?

The emperor twitched his lips mockingly.

They are all his sons. No matter who is the mastermind and who is the accomplice, they all want to be crown prince. He even did not hesitate to bear the notoriety of patricide!

Was it Prince An who framed him? Or has King Yan been deceiving him?

This question is heartbreaking to think about even a little bit!

The emperor closed his eyes, opened them again quickly, and told the emperor's grandson: "You personally captured Prince An, and you have read these letters. I will leave all the next matters to you. It must be done in the shortest possible time." It will take time to get to the bottom of it.”

The grandson of the emperor accepted the order with a solemn expression: "Yes! My grandson will definitely live up to the expectations of the emperor's grandfather!"

"Retreat!" The emperor could no longer hold on anymore and waved his hand weakly.

The prince immediately supported the emperor's arm. The emperor's grandson stood up and supported the other side, shouting with concern: "Grandfather, are you okay?"

Fortunately, there is also a kind and honest prince and a shrewd and capable eldest grandson.

The emperor whispered: "Help me go back."

In just half a day, King An and King Yan were imprisoned in the clan mansion.

News from the palace always spreads the fastest.

In just two hours, this shocking news spread to everyone.

When Ling Jingshu found out, she was also stunned: "Xinyun, what did you say? How could King Yan be imprisoned in the clan mansion together with King An?"

Concubine Wei also looked shocked: "How could such a change happen suddenly? What happened?"

Xinyun smiled bitterly and said: "I heard what a chamberlain said just now. In the court today, His Highness Taisun took out a pile of letters, saying that King Yan had written a letter to King An. King Yan was the mastermind of the assassination in the palace. ”

"Later, King An was brought to the Jinluan Palace to confront King Yan. I heard that the Royal Forest Army went to the late Concubine Li Shu's palace and took a pile of letters from somewhere."

"Then, Prince An and Prince Yan were both sent to the Zongren Mansion and imprisoned."

Concubine Wei and Ling Jingshu looked at each other, and both saw a trace of excitement and joy in each other's eyes.

This is really great news!

I only hope that the emperor's grandson can take advantage of this matter to overthrow King Yan in one fell swoop and completely eliminate this henchman.

"If something like this happened, the Emperor must be very angry and sad now." Ling Jingshu suggested in a low voice: "Why don't you go to the Zichen Palace to visit the Emperor?"

First, I can get more useful information.

Secondly, this is also the time when the emperor is at his weakest and saddest. The effect of thoughtful comfort at this time is much stronger than usual.

Concubine Wei glanced at Ling Jingshu approvingly: "This is an excellent suggestion. Both you and Xinyun will go with me."

Ling Jingshu and Xinyun had long been accustomed to accompanying Concubine Wei in and out of the Zichen Palace, so they agreed upon hearing the words.

Lingbo Palace was some distance away from Zichen Palace. Concubine Wei was in a hurry and soon arrived at Zichen Palace.

As for the other concubines in the palace, when they heard such shocking things, they were so frightened that they were afraid of getting into trouble and wanted to stay as far away as possible. Because of this, the Zichen Palace was not lively, but seemed particularly quiet and deserted.

"This slave has met the imperial concubine."

Eunuch Ding personally welcomed them out, and while leading Concubine Wei and her party inside, he complained in a low voice: "The emperor was very angry in the court today. After he came back, he became so angry that he couldn't control his anger and almost fainted from exhaustion. Dr. Wei has given the emperor acupuncture and emergency treatment. However, the emperor’s face is still ugly and he has not had any fluids at noon. "

"Your Majesty came just in time. With your Majesty's comfort, maybe the Emperor will be in a better mood and be able to eat some food."

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