Loyang Jin

Chapter 388 Visit

Concubine Wei stepped into the bedroom eagerly.

The prince and the emperor's grandson each had important matters to attend to. After confirming that the emperor's dragon body was fine, they left separately. In the dormitory at this time, in addition to the palace maids and chamberlains, there were Wei Yan, Imperial Physician Zhou and Zhang Yizheng.

As soon as Ling Jingshu stepped into the dormitory, she met Wei Yan's eyes from a distance. Both of them felt sweet in their hearts, and quickly moved away from each other.

The emperor was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, his face dejected, quite as sad and desolate as a dying tree.

Hearing the footsteps, the emperor still did not open his eyes.

Concubine Wei approached the bed, looking at the emperor like this, she felt some unspeakable sadness and pity in her heart.

The emperor who has been in charge of the government for decades and has been respected by everyone is really old. It's like a tiger without sharp claws and fangs, being fooled and played like a sick cat.

What's even more hateful is that the one who fooled and teased him was his most beloved son.

The other son who dared to kill him was not his favorite, but he was still of his blood.

There is no father or son in heaven! This statement is absolutely true!

"Your Majesty," Concubine Wei sighed softly, her voice full of pity, "I am here to see you."

The emperor didn't want to open his eyes, let alone speak, so he reluctantly waved his hand to indicate that Concubine Wei could leave.

Since Concubine Wei was here, she would not leave so easily. Instead, she sat down beside the emperor's bed.

"I have also heard about the events of the previous dynasty, and I feel really sad and unjust for the emperor. I wish I could take my own life to save the emperor from such suffering."

Concubine Wei's gentle words calmed the pain in the emperor's heart like gentle breeze and drizzle: "But the matter has come to an end, and it is useless to think about it any more. The most important thing now is to find out the truth of this matter. In the end, is King An Whether it is framed or framed, King Yan has evil intentions, and the emperor will know about it soon. "

"The emperor is the emperor of the dynasty, the pillar of the court, and the backbone of the concubine and the sisters in the harem. I would like to say something selfish, but I only hope that the emperor is in good health and has a long life. No matter how sad the emperor is, , I can't torment my body. My concubine is really heartbroken..."

Speaking of which, his voice gradually became choked with sobs.

The emperor was also greatly moved and finally opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was Concubine Wei's beautiful, gentle and caring face.

So much has happened in the past two years. When he was sad, it was this gentle and lovely woman who accompanied and comforted him every time.


He can't just collapse!

He still has the country, the country, and the country to take care of, and he still has thousands of people to take care of. Without King An and King Yan, he still has his eldest son and grandson. There is a successor to the Yang family, so what else can he be sad about?

The emperor took a deep breath and said: "You are right, I was confused. When you said that, I really felt hungry."

Concubine Wei wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief and smiled: "I will let others pass the meal around."

Eunuch Ding said hurriedly: "My wife is here to accompany the emperor. For this trivial matter, I can just run errands."

The imperial concubine was indeed deeply favored by the emperor. After a few words of persuasion, the emperor was willing to eat.

With this favor, the position of queen will be impossible to escape sooner or later.

The imperial dining room quickly delivered meals.

Concubine Wei personally fed the emperor, and several imperial doctors and female officials all retreated to the side hall outside the bedroom.

Wei Yan calmly took a few steps closer and looked at Ling Jingshu calmly: "Ms. Ling, I just looked at the imperial concubine and her expression didn't seem to be very good. Is it because the empress has not been sleeping well these days?"

Ling Jingshu composed her mind and replied: "Yes! The imperial concubine has had a bad appetite recently and has not been sleeping well. She often wakes up in the middle of the night."

In fact, Concubine Wei eats well, sleeps well, and is in good health.

Wei Yan pretended to be oh, and said with a worried look on his face: "It won't work if it goes on like this. When I'm free, I'll go to Lingbo Hall to get a safe pulse for the empress."

Ling Jingshu turned slightly sideways and said with a smile: "Then there is Imperial Physician Lao Wei."

She has a slim figure and a graceful profile.

Wei Yan remembered the ecstasy of having her soft body pressed under him last night, and couldn't help but feel excited. A strange light flashed in his eyes.

Ling Jingshu was startled by the eagerness in his eyebrows and glared at him without any trace.

Wei Yan resisted the urge to touch his nose and quickly calmed down.

As an imperial physician and the younger brother of Concubine Wei, Wei Yan had close and frequent interactions with Concubine Wei. At this time, it is reasonable to ask the female officials next to Concubine Wei.

Neither Zhou Taiyi nor Zhang Yizheng took it seriously. They chatted in low voices without even looking at him.

As for Xinyun...

Xinyun is such a smart person, I'm afraid he has already seen some clues. You would never disturb the situation at a time like this. He even walked away a few steps as if nothing had happened.

Of course, with so many people present, it was impossible for Wei Yan to say anything outrageous to Ling Jingshu.

The two of them talked about Concubine Wei's diet and daily life and various trivial matters. They spoke seriously and expressed affection with each other's eyes.

When can they join hands openly and openly in front of others?

The same thought flashed through their minds at the same time, and they couldn't help but look at each other. They all sighed secretly in their hearts.

I just hope that King Yan will fall as soon as possible.

Without this hidden danger, they can open their arms and plan for a better future.

King An and King Yan were imprisoned in the clan mansion, which was an earth-shattering event both inside and outside the court.

King An was far away from the vassal territory and had no capable people in the court. Moreover, it was a certainty that he would launch an army. Now that he was captured alive and brought back to the capital, even if he escaped the death penalty, he would still be punished alive.

Anyone with bright eyes can see that the sun is setting on King An.

Because of this, no one spoke up for King An at all.

King Yan is different.

When Empress Xu was still on the throne, the connections she had worked so hard to cultivate for him, as well as the cronies cultivated by King Yan himself, were not willing to let King Yan fall. There were not a few people who worked openly and secretly to intercede for King Yan.

Judging from the emperor's love for King Yan, as long as King Yan is cleared of the crime of assassinating the mastermind, King Yan will be safe and sound.

Moreover, King Yan is still so young. There are many officials who dare to place bets on King Yan.

Among them, there is Lupine.

Although Lu Ping's official position is not prominent, he is a shrewd and smooth person. He also had a personal relationship with Prince Rong, who was in charge of the clan's mansion, so he prepared a generous gift and quietly went to Prince Rong's mansion under the cover of night.

Now King Yan is imprisoned in the clan's mansion, and no one is allowed to visit him. If you want to find out the information, starting from Prince Rong is of course the best way.

It's a pity that Prince Rong didn't care about personal friendship at all and turned Lu Ping away unceremoniously.

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