Loyang Jin

Chapter 390 Queen 1

In the past few days, Concubine Wei has been staying in the Zichen Palace to take care of the emperor, and has never left.

When the prince and the emperor's grandson came in, Concubine Wei was sitting by the bed, wiping the emperor's face gently and carefully with a wet handkerchief.

The emperor could not speak yet and lay stiffly, but his expression was quite peaceful.

All of this is the result of Concubine Wei.

At this moment, not only the prince, but also the emperor's grandson was somewhat grateful to Concubine Wei.

Seeing the prince and the emperor's grandson coming in, Concubine Wei hurriedly stood up and gave up her seat.

The prince sat down beside the bed, held the emperor's stiff hand, and said with a smile: "Father, I finally woke up. I was in a coma for five days and five nights, but it scared us."

The grandson of the emperor stood beside the prince, with a look of joy and relief on his face: "Since the emperor's grandfather is awake, there is nothing serious. The grandson and father can also rest assured. I also ask the emperor's grandfather to rest well and recuperate the dragon body. My father and grandson are here, so there is no need for the imperial grandfather to worry about matters in the court."

The emperor's whole body was stiff, and the muscles on his face were also extremely stiff. Even moving his mouth took a lot of effort. There were no words at all.

The emperor tried several times and finally gave up.

The prince obviously knew the emperor's thoughts and whispered: "Father, King An and King Yan are still imprisoned in the clan's mansion. I will never take revenge for personal reasons. Everything will be done after the emperor's dragon body is recovered." Decision.”

Relief flashed in the emperor's eyes.

Even if King Yan and King An deserve to die, they are still his biological sons. Tiger poison does not even eat seeds! No matter how angry he was, he still couldn't be cruel.

I'm afraid that the prince can't swallow this breath. If he kills him when he can't move... he will kill him. Can he punish the prince again for this?

Fortunately, the prince was kind-hearted and did not do anything to kill them all.

He believed wrongly in his youngest son, King Yan, but not in his eldest son!

After receiving the prince's assurance, the emperor finally felt relieved, slowly closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

The prince sat beside the bed, silently looking at the emperor's old face. After a long time, the corners of his lips twitched, and a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

The father is indeed extremely partial. Even at this time, he still has to protect King Yan's life. That’s it! There are many ways to make a person's life worse than death.

Now that King Yan has fallen into his hands, it is absolutely impossible for him to stand up again.

The prince stood up and said to Concubine Wei: "From now on, I will ask Concubine Wei to take more care of my father."

There are few people around the emperor to take care of him. The attentive and gentle Concubine Wei is the best candidate.

Concubine Wei responded hurriedly: "This is my responsibility, Prince, there is no need to be polite."

The prince nodded to Concubine Wei, then turned and left.

The emperor's grandson left with the prince. When passing by Ling Jingshu, the emperor's grandson paused and whispered quickly: "Over there with the Lu family, just wait for the good news!"

Before Ling Jingshu could react, the emperor's grandson walked away.

Ling Jingshu tasted this sentence carefully, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

The emperor's grandson never forgot his promise to her! This is to take advantage of King Yan's defeat to deal with Lu An and Lu Ping!

Wei Yan was farther away and could only see that the emperor's grandson and Ling Jingshu whispered something, but he did not hear what the emperor's grandson said. In fact, no one except Wei Yan noticed the moment when the emperor Taisun paused.

What on earth did the emperor's grandson say? Why does Ling Jingshu's face show such obvious excitement and joy?

Reason told him that Ling Jingshu had no affair with the emperor's grandson, and considering the emperor's grandson's character, she would definitely not say anything inappropriate.

But when he thought of Ling Jingshu's unusual behavior, Wei Yan couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

If he had the opportunity to be alone in the future, he would definitely try a few words in a tactful way... no, ask directly.

Wei Yan thought confidently.

She and he had already made a promise. They were honest with each other and had the same understanding. The only difference was that they were married to a matchmaker. In his heart, she was already his wife.

He is naturally confident and qualified to care about everything she does.

After that, Concubine Wei stayed in Zichen Palace for several days.

In order to facilitate the care of the emperor, a small bed was placed in the emperor's bedroom, and he slept on the bed at night. Upon hearing the slightest movement, Concubine Wei was able to wake up in time and get up to take care of her.

The emperor cannot move half of his body. He needs to be fed when eating, and even for convenience, he needs to be served. Sometimes I even become incontinent on the bed.

Concubine Wei does everything by taking care of herself. He also often offered words of explanation and comfort.

With Concubine Wei's careful care and gentle comfort, as well as the meticulous care of Wei Yan and other imperial doctors, the emperor's condition finally gradually improved.

However, this improvement is also extremely limited.

The emperor still couldn't move. At most, he could raise his head slightly and raise his hands. He could barely speak, but after just a few words, he became too weak and unable to continue.

The prince and the emperor's grandson also visited Zichen Hall every day. Seeing that the emperor's health was improving, the prince felt relieved and rewarded the imperial doctors heavily. Especially Wei Yan.

As for Concubine Wei, the prince was inconvenient to say anything.

Concubine Wei is now the head of the harem, ranking only below the queen. Now the throne is vacant. To appreciate Imperial Concubine Wei, gold, silver, and jewelry are not suitable, and only one step up is reasonable.

Before the prince could open his mouth, the emperor took the initiative to talk about the matter: "These days, thanks to Concubine Wei's careful care, I have been getting better day by day. This harem cannot be left without a master for a day. Concubine Wei has a virtuous temperament and can be regarded as a good wife." The harem sets an example. I want to make her my queen.”

After saying this long speech, the emperor was out of breath for a moment.

Concubine Wei hurriedly stepped forward, patted the emperor's back, and said softly: "I will always remember the emperor's kindness to me. The emperor's dragon body has not recovered yet, so it is better not to worry about it. This Let’s talk about it later!”

But the emperor insisted: "I still don't know when my body will recover. Do we want to keep the post vacant? Okay, you don't have to say anymore, I have made up my mind. I will issue an edict today to declare the Sixth Palace. ”

After lying on the bed for nearly a month, my body still couldn't move.

The emperor is not a fool and has already vaguely guessed what is going on.

The prince and grandson were involved in court matters, so he had nothing to worry about. Concubine Wei took care of him without taking off her clothes and showed true affection for him.

He, the emperor, was burdened by his illness and could not give her anything else.

This position of queen was the only thing he could give her.

Concubine Wei was so moved that her eyes were already wet, and she choked with sobs and called out to the Emperor.

The emperor looked at the prince: "Prince, what do you think?"

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