Loyang Jin

Chapter 391 Queen 2

The emperor has already said this, how can the prince object?

Not to mention that the emperor suffered a stroke and was unable to move, even if he only had one breath left, he was still the most powerful person in the world. The emperor's golden words cannot be changed.

Concubine Wei has only one princess, Princess Anya, and only one younger brother from her natal family, so she has almost no involvement with the court. Because of Wei Yan, the relationship between Concubine Wei and the Prince's Mansion became closer.

With one more Queen Wei in the harem, there is no longer any threat to the prince.

The prince's thoughts turned and he responded with a smile: "The noble concubine is modest in temperament, behaves in a moderate manner, and has a virtuous character. She is worthy of being the Lord of the Sixth Palace. Even if the father does not mention it, my son and minister are about to mention it."

The prince's statement made the emperor's eyebrows relax: "Okay, you can issue the decree on my behalf!"

The prince immediately agreed.

Concubine Wei thanked the emperor for his kindness with a grateful look on her face, and sincerely requested: "I am deeply grateful for the emperor's kindness, so I can only accept it with shame. It's just that there are many things in the palace, so there is no need to be extravagant and wasteful on this matter. Just keep everything simple.”

The emperor hesitated for a moment and sighed: "This is just wronging you."

"The emperor's love for me is enough to make all the women in the world envious. How can I feel wronged?" Concubine Wei had a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes.

The emperor was very pleased and held Concubine Wei's hand with great effort.

The prince and the emperor's grandson looked at each other and thought in unison.

In the past, I underestimated Concubine Wei!

This ability to understand people's hearts and her natural tenderness are simply a woman's greatest weapon.

No wonder Concubine Wei has been favored as a palace maid for many years and climbed to the highest position in the harem step by step.

Ling Jingshu and Xinyun both stood aside and had a panoramic view of this scene. The two couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw the excitement and excitement in each other's eyes.

After today, Concubine Wei will be Empress Wei!

Although I had expected such a day before, when the moment actually arrived, I still couldn’t contain my excitement!

From now on, this harem will be Concubine Wei's world.

On the same day, the prince issued an imperial decree on behalf of the emperor.

After hearing this, all the officials sent memorials to express their congratulations.

Although the establishment of a queen is a big event, in the final analysis it is a family matter of the emperor. Who the emperor favors and who he wants to make his queen are all his own business.

This decree also caused a wave of waves in the harem. Of course there are many people who are secretly jealous. However, no one would be stupid enough to reveal it. They all dressed up and went to Lingbo Hall to congratulate them with generous gifts.

It's a pity that they all came to nothing.

Ling Jingshu smiled and received the concubines who came to congratulate her one by one: "The noble concubine is still taking care of the emperor in the Zichen Palace and has no time to return to the Lingbo Palace. Please don't be weird, ladies and gentlemen!"

Zhang Zhaoyi said with a smile: "Mr. Ling, it's time to change your name to the Queen. The Emperor's decree has been issued, and it is not appropriate to call the Queen the Queen anymore."

Other concubines also spoke in agreement.

Ling Jingshu listened to what the concubines said to each other, and after everyone had finished speaking, she smiled and said: "To be honest with you ladies, the imperial concubine has specially warned the slaves. She can only change her words after the formal ceremony of establishing the queen. This will also avoid being disappointed. People talk and criticize."

"The imperial concubine is really considerate and considerate."

"Yes! This pampering and calmness is really innate. We have to learn from it."

Who doesn't know that Ling Jingshu is the most trusted and respected female official of Imperial Concubine Wei?

It is always right to say more good things about Concubine Wei in front of Ling Jingshu. I'm sure it will reach Concubine Wei's ears!

It took Ling Jingshu half a day to deal with all these people.

Of course, her gains are not small.

The concubines who came to send gifts and congratulations could not see the real master, so they could only leave congratulatory gifts. There was no lack of intentional goodwill, and he gave her some good things "by the way".

Such is the relationship between people in the palace. Not accepting it means rejecting other people's good intentions. Accepting it is the right thing to do. Ling Jingshu really made a fortune.

Concubine Wei insists on keeping everything simple, but the ceremony that should be held after getting married is indispensable.

The Ministry of Etiquette has chosen an auspicious day, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is busy preparing the attire, phoenix crown, etc. required for the ceremony.

Half a month later, Concubine Wei was officially established as queen.

Her name was officially recorded in the royal jade plate genealogy. From now on, she will be the most noble woman in the Zhou Dynasty, enjoying all the wealth and honor in the world. After death, you can also enter the royal tomb and enjoy the incense and offerings forever.

For women in the harem, this is the greatest honor in life.

Queen Wei did not move to the Jiaofang Hall where only queens were eligible to live, but still lived in the Lingbo Hall.

The interior and exterior of Lingbo Hall have been reorganized, and many expensive and exquisite ornaments have been placed.

Empress Wei wore the phoenix dress that can only be worn by empresses. The dazzling red color reflected the luxury and elegance of her outfit. In the palace, only the queen can wear this kind of red.

A group of concubines sat on both sides according to their positions, and their words were unconsciously more respectful.

So what if she was just a private woman before entering the palace?

What if she is just a palace maid after entering the palace?

So what if you don’t have a capable natal family?

Queen Wei had the last laugh and was the biggest winner.

No one dared to talk to her in a frivolous tone anymore, no one dared to be sour and jealous in front of her, they could only bow their heads and surrender, and use gentle words to please her.

Queen Wei's temper is almost the same as before, she speaks softly and is very friendly. He didn't become arrogant and aggressive because of his sudden change of status.

After the palace banquet, according to the rules of the palace, the emperor should stay in the queen's palace.

The emperor is in a special situation. It is impossible to even get out of bed, let alone the palace. Therefore, this night, Queen Wei was destined to stay alone in the empty room. She also became the first queen in the Zhou Dynasty who did not have the emperor to stay with her.

"Queen, please sleep peacefully!" This night, it was Ling Jingshu's turn to be on duty.

Queen Wei smiled lightly and said, "No need. You come with me to Zichen Palace."


Ling Jingshu was startled and reflexively raised her head to glance at Queen Wei: "But today is the grand day for the queen to be crowned queen, so she should be placed in the Lingbo Palace."

Going to the Zichen Palace means not being able to sleep well all night and having to serve the emperor at all times.

Seeing Ling Jingshu's surprised look, Queen Wei couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled: "Jingshu, you have seen how I came to be the queen. I have nothing, and I only rely on this gentleness and considerateness to succeed." What will happen to the emperor if I don't serve him today?"

Ling Jingshu was speechless for a moment, and then she was sincerely convinced by Queen Wei: "Your Majesty is right."

On this day, she truly admired Queen Wei from the bottom of her heart.

With all the glory and wealth in front of you, you can still maintain your composure.

Which woman in this world can do that?

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