Loyang Jin

Chapter 392: Alone

The emperor drank the medicine and fell asleep.

When Queen Wei came in wearing a red dress, the emperor's sleepiness suddenly disappeared and he was stunned: "You weren't resting in Lingbo Hall, why are you here again?"

Empress Wei leaned over to tuck the emperor into bed, and smiled at the emperor: "Today is a good day for me, and I want to stay with the emperor."

The emperor's heart softened, his eyes softened, and he sighed softly: "I've really wronged you. Tonight, I should have gone to Lingbo Palace to accompany you."

"The emperor can't go, and the same goes for my concubines." Queen Wei's smile was always so gentle.

The emperor felt moved and warm in his heart, and he stretched out his hand with difficulty to hold Queen Wei's hand: "Okay, then I will accompany my queen in the Zichen Palace."

As usual, Queen Wei sat beside the bed and chatted with the emperor.

The palace maids and chamberlains who were waiting on the side looked away at the discerning Eunuch Ding.

The emperor's condition required him to rest for a long time, and several imperial doctors took turns staying on duty at night. Tonight, it happened to be Wei Yan's turn. Wei Yan silently exited the dormitory, and before exiting, he quickly glanced at Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu hesitated for a moment and then quietly retreated.

After the emperor fell ill this time, he particularly disliked making noise. Because of this, no one in Zichen Palace dared to make a sound. It was already dark at this time, and it was even more silent.

Wei Yan stood under the eaves of the corridor. When he heard the familiar soft footsteps behind him, Wei Yan raised the corners of his lips, turned around pretending not to notice, and then said hello with an "unexpected" look on his face: " It turned out to be Ms. Ling.”

His surprised expression was truly lifelike, and there was absolutely no flaw when viewed from a distance.

Only she who was so close could clearly see the smile in his eyes.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but curl her lips: "I felt a little bored staying in the palace, so I went out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet Dr. Wei here."

The two of them pretended to exchange a few words, not daring to get too close to avoid suspicion. There was a distance of about three meters between the two.

The chamberlain who passed by not far away glanced curiously. After seeing clearly that it was Wei Yan and Ling Jingshu, he didn't look around suspiciously and left quickly.

Wei Yan and Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other.

"Ah Shu, I'm really happy today." Wei Yan lowered his voice, his eyes shining with joy: "Eldest sister has suffered in the palace for so many years, and now she has finally come to an end."

For a concubine who is in the harem and has no chance of leaving the palace for the rest of her life, this is the best ending.

Ling Jingshu also relaxed her brows: "Yes! We are all happy for the empress!"

From now on, no one in this harem dares to say a word about Queen Wei's humbleness, and no one dares to look down on Lingbo Palace. Even if the emperor does not live for a few years and the prince succeeds to the throne and becomes the new emperor, Queen Wei can still enjoy her glory as the queen mother.

The smile in Wei Yan's eyes deepened, and his words were reserved: "I can leave the capital with peace of mind in the future."

He was already tired of the overt and secret fighting in the palace and the intrigue in the hospital. The eldest sister whom I cared about in my heart was now the Queen of the Sixth Palace, and no one dared to insult her lightly.

From now on, he no longer has any worries in his heart.

He could fulfill his wish and take her far away.

Exquisite octagonal palace lanterns hang under the eaves, emitting a warm and soft light.

Ling Jingshu's pretty face was shrouded in soft light, looking a little more gentle and beautiful than usual. An intoxicating blush appeared on her smooth, jade-like cheeks.

The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, affection flowing quietly in each other's eyes.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will fall into the eyes of interested people and cause rumors.

Wei Yan forced himself to look away slightly, and whispered regretfully and helplessly: "Ah Shu, we two have been out for a while. It's time to go back."

Ling Jingshu hummed softly.

The two of them, one is the emperor's full-time physician, and the other is the empress' trusted female official, they have no leisure at all. A moment of solitude at this time is extremely rare.

Don’t be greedy and expect more!

Of course they can't go back together. Ling Jingshu turned around first, raised her feet and was about to leave when suddenly Wei Yan whispered from behind: "Wait a minute, I have something else to ask you."

Ling Jingshu was slightly startled and turned around: "What's the matter?"

Wei Yan coughed: "Actually, it's not that important. It was just about a month ago, the day the emperor just woke up. The prince and his highness the emperor's grandson came to visit the emperor. When leaving, the emperor's grandson paused beside you. For a moment, I seemed to say something to you..."

I have been holding this question for a month, and I have never had a chance to ask her alone with her.

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly: "Thank you for remembering this little thing."

Men are indeed petty, and all their generosity and carelessness are just an act.

Wei Yan was scolded, and the last trace of guilt in his heart disappeared. He responded without blushing and heartbeat: "I care about your every word and every move."

Fortunately he had the nerve to say it!

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but curl up her lips: "It's a long story. I won't be able to explain it for a while. When I have time in the future, I will tell you in detail."

This time and place is indeed not suitable for long conversations.

Wei Yan nodded with regret and helplessness, the trace of sorrow in his eyes showing just right.

Ling Jingshu knew clearly that he was pretending to be pitiful, but her heart softened and she said softly: "Don't you know what I feel about you? Why are you so worried about gains and losses?"

The only person I like has always been you!

No matter how noble or good the emperor's grandson is, it has nothing to do with me.

The jealousy Wei Yan had been feeling these days quickly disappeared in these two short sentences. It's like drinking honey, it's sweet.

After Ling Jingshu turned around and left, Wei Yan deliberately waited a moment longer before entering the palace unhurriedly.

Queen Wei still stayed in the Zichen Palace every day and insisted on personally taking care of the emperor's food, clothing and daily life.

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

The emperor could only eat some porridge and soup at first, but now his appetite has improved and he can eat the food. Occasionally when I am in a good mood, I will be supported by someone and sit on the bed for a while.

Although the symptoms of the stroke have not been relieved, my spirit has recovered a lot. It’s also really gratifying.

The concubines in the harem couldn't stand still anymore, and came to visit the emperor in Zichen Palace one after another, and also came to see Queen Wei. Unfortunately, without exception, they were all stopped by Eunuch Ding.

"The emperor is not feeling well and needs to rest. It is not suitable to make noises. I will make your thoughts known to the emperor on your behalf."

Eunuch Ding had a smile on his face, but his attitude was very clear.

The concubines, who were carefully dressed up and beautiful, came in joy and returned disappointed.

Eunuch Ding looked at the graceful figures of the empresses and snorted softly, with disdain flashing in his eyes.

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