Loyang Jin

Chapter 393: Marriage Grant 1

When the emperor was ill and had a bad temper, the concubines hid and did not dare to show their faces. I am afraid that the emperor will turn his anger on himself in his rage. Now seeing that the emperor's health began to improve, everyone dressed up and came to flatter him.

No wonder the emperor doesn't want to see them!

Queen Wei is the best, treating the emperor with sincerity. From beginning to end, always the same. It is natural for the emperor to favor Empress Wei.

Eunuch Ding was thinking as he walked back to the dormitory and respectfully reported what had just happened.

The emperor was obviously not interested in the performance of the concubines, and he hummed indifferently.

Empress Wei put the spoon to the emperor's lips with a smile and said softly: "Your Majesty, if you don't drink this medicine, it will get cold."

The emperor's expression immediately softened a lot, and he opened his mouth to drink the medicine obediently.

When people are sick, they are far more vulnerable than usual. The emperor is no exception.

I lay on the bed all day, unable to move my body and had no energy to speak. At this time, you will become more and more dependent on the people around you.

The Emperor originally favored Empress Wei, but now, this favor includes even more trust and attachment.

After drinking the medicine, Queen Wei personally helped the emperor sit up straight, and ordered people to pull back the heavy curtains and open two more windows. There was suddenly more sunshine in the bedroom, and a warm breeze blew in.

The emperor was in a good mood today and said with a smile: "I have been lying in bed for several months and missed the spring scenery. Now I can't even appreciate the scenery of the pond full of lotus fragrance."

Queen Wei pursed her lips and smiled: "The emperor's dragon body is getting better and better day by day. In autumn, he may be able to get out of bed and walk around. At that time, I will accompany the emperor to the imperial garden to enjoy the autumn scenery."

The emperor laughed: "Okay, then I and the queen have made an agreement."

Although the emperor knew in his heart that he would probably never have that day, but saying this made him feel happier.

"Your Majesty, it's time for acupuncture today." Wei Yan came over carrying the medicine box: "Wei Chen will do the acupuncture for the Emperor."

The emperor smiled and hummed.

Over the past few months, I have had to undergo acupuncture every day. There were inevitably many blue bruises on the emperor's body, which looked quite shocking.

Wei Yan turned a blind eye and moved the needle like flying.

The process of acupuncture is inevitably painful. The emperor frowned but said nothing.

After the acupuncture was finished, cold sweat broke out on the emperor's forehead.

Queen Wei quickly wiped the emperor's sweat with a soft silk handkerchief. There is still a faint fragrance on the silk handkerchief, which is the lily fragrance that Queen Wei is accustomed to.

The emperor took a long breath and opened his eyes. What caught my eye was Empress Wei's concerned eyebrows: "Your Majesty, are you feeling better now?"

The emperor composed himself and said with a fake smile: "It's much better now. Wei Yan's acupuncture skills are getting better and better."

Empress Wei now has a different identity, and Wei Yan is also a serious uncle-in-law. Aiwujiwu, the emperor treated Wei Yan more intimately and casually, no longer calling him Imperial Physician Wei, but calling him by his first name.

Wei Yan immediately humbled himself: "I dare not praise you as an emperor."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please stop praising him all the time. Lest he become arrogant." Empress Wei glanced at her brother with a smile, but her eyes were full of pride.

The emperor saw this and couldn't help but smile: "I just praised you with my mouth, but the queen put all the praise on her face."

Empress Wei said something coquettishly: "Your Majesty is teasing me again! I am just a brother, so if you don't love him, who will you love?"

The emperor was so amused that he burst into laughter.

There was quite a leisurely atmosphere where the family was laughing and joking.

Wei Yan abided by his duties as a courtier and did not say much. He just stood aside with a smile.

The emperor looked at Wei Yan and suddenly asked with a smile: "If I am right, Wei Yan is twenty-seven years old this year!"

Why would the emperor mention Wei Yan's age for no reason?

Queen Wei's heart moved, and she responded with a smile: "Your Majesty has such a good memory, Ayan is indeed twenty-seven this year."

After a pause, he sighed: "I still remember that when he first entered Taiyuan Hospital, he was still a twelve-year-old boy. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, he was already a seven-foot tall man who stood upright."


What a pity, Queen Wei didn't say any more, she just sighed quietly with a sad look on her face.

As expected, the emperor immediately asked: "What's the pity? Tell me."

Empress Wei pretended to hesitate, and then sighed: "It's a pity that Ayan is still alone. He has not yet started a family, has no wife and no children, and is alone every day. Whenever I think of this, I feel sorry for my parents who are under death." My eldest sister, I am really unqualified."

As he spoke, his eye circles were slightly red.

Wei Yan listened on the side and his heart moved. He noticed Queen Wei's intention almost immediately.

Queen Wei was going to take the opportunity to offer him a marriage!

The time had not come before, and I was afraid that mentioning this matter would offend the emperor. Therefore, I have been holding back on mentioning it.

Now, Queen Wei has occupied a high position and firmly occupies the emperor's favor. The emperor had no thoughts about Ling Jingshu.

When his marriage was brought up at this time, the possibility of the emperor agreeing was extremely high!

Wei Yan's heart suddenly started pounding and he subconsciously glanced at the door.

Ling Jingshu is waiting outside the door right now!

The Emperor felt quite distressed when he saw Empress Wei feeling so sad and self-reproaching, and said without hesitation: "Since you want Wei Yan to get married as soon as possible, just find a marriage for him."

As a queen of a dynasty, it is the honor and dignity of a minister to issue a decree to grant marriage to a minister! It is also a favor that cannot be refused!

Queen Wei wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief and whispered in a low voice with some embarrassment: "To be honest with the emperor, I have already had this intention. It's just that Ayan stays in the palace all year round and is obsessed with medical skills and has no interest in getting married. "My concubine tried to persuade him many times, but he always refused."

The emperor smiled disapprovingly and said: "He used to be young and willful. Now he will be a man in a few years, and he should shoulder the responsibilities that a man should have. Men not only need to establish a career, but also start a family and start a business. If you don't pass it on to your descendants, you will have no face to see your relatives in the underworld."

As he said that, he looked at Wei Yan, who was silent at the side: "Wei Yan, is what I said true or false?"

Once the Emperor opens his mouth, no one can refuse.

Wei Yan hesitated for a moment, then responded reluctantly: "The emperor said so!"

The emperor immediately smiled and asked Empress Wei for credit: "Queen, don't worry, I have already convinced him. His marriage is up to you. Choose a lady from a famous family as soon as possible, and let him get married before the end of the year."

Queen Wei's eyes lit up, and she thanked her with joy: "I would like to thank you, Your Majesty. In fact, I already have a suitable candidate in mind."

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