Loyang Jin

Chapter 395 Marriage Grant 3

How could you be dissatisfied?

She has eleven hundred wishes!

Ling Jingshu still had some sense left and knew not to lose her composure in front of the emperor, lest she arouse the emperor's suspicion. Hearing this, he showed just the right amount of shy joy: "Thank you, the Queen, for not giving up and showing me such a good marriage. I thank you, Queen!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed three times respectfully.

He not only showed how flattered he was to be accused of being married, but also cleverly concealed the fact that he and Wei Yan were in love with each other.

In the eyes of the emperor, this is what a female official who was personally recommended to be married by the queen should look like.

The emperor's last trace of suspicion disappeared and he said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Miss Ling has been by my side for a while. The house I just rewarded is for Wei Yan. When Miss Ling gets married, I, the master, must also express my gratitude. These are the thoughts.”

Queen Wei immediately said with a smile: "The emperor does not need to worry about this little matter. I and the emperor are husband and wife, and husband and wife are one body. I must prepare a thick dowry for her, even if the emperor and I give it to her together. Adding makeup.”

The emperor nodded happily: "The queen is more thoughtful than me. That's fine, just follow the queen's wishes!"

Ling Jingshu had no choice but to kowtow again to express her gratitude.

She didn't dare to look up at Wei Yan. I was afraid that the joy on his face and the affection in his eyes would show up and make the emperor suspicious.

Wei Yan did the same, keeping his expression just right and happy.

For lovers immersed in ecstasy, this is tantamount to a different kind of torture.

However, both of them were happy with it.

After waiting for so long, this day is finally here!

Ling Jingshu couldn't remember exactly how she returned to Lingbo Palace, or how she got back to the house.

The whole person felt light and airy, as if he was in the clouds.

Happiness comes too fast, too sudden, and has an unreal and illusory beauty!

Bai Yu endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't help it anymore: "Miss, what happened to you today? You have been sitting by the window since you came back, laughing non-stop."

Ling Jingshu had always been reserved and reserved, and it was almost never that her emotions were so outwardly expressed.

Qiaoyun also smiled and agreed: "Yes! This slave also feels strange. Did the Queen give the young lady some reward?"

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and looked over, the light shining in her eyes was more dazzling than the afternoon sun: "Baiyu, Qiaoyun, the Queen has arranged the marriage for me."

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun were stunned for a moment, but then they came to their senses.

"Really?" Bai Yu rushed forward, grabbed Ling Jingshu's hand, and said with excitement and joy: "The Queen has really arranged for the young lady to be married? Is it the Imperial Physician Wei? Look at this slave, it's really I’m so happy that there’s no one else but Dr. Wei.”

Bai Yu was so happy that she was almost incoherent.

In the past two years, Ling Jingshu has not directly stated this matter. However, as Ling Jingshu's personal maid, how could she not know the closeness between her and Wei Yan?

It's a pity that although there are many opportunities for the two of them to meet, it is extremely difficult to get close to each other in private without being noticed. Every time he saw Ling Jingshu and Wei Yan looking at each other from a distance, Bai Yu felt a little sour in his heart.

Now the wait has finally come for Queen Wei's engagement.

Watch until the clouds open and the moon shines!

Lovers get married!

Is there anything more beautiful than this in the world?

Compared to Bai Yu, who was overjoyed, Qiao Yun was much calmer. She smiled and said, "Congratulations, Miss, on your happy marriage and your happy marriage. The Empress personally recommended the marriage, and this marriage is a happy one." It will definitely be a great success.”

The most important thing is that with Empress Wei's approval, there is no possibility of changing the marriage.

I only pity the infatuated His Highness the Grand Sun...

Qiaoyun secretly felt sorry for the emperor's grandson. However, at this moment, it is really not appropriate to express such regrets.

Being disturbed by the two maids, Ling Jingshu's heart fell back to the ground. He calmly smiled and said: "The Queen has already given instructions. From today on, I no longer have to accompany you to serve you. Pack your clothes and luggage, and leave the palace in a few days to return to Ling Mansion."

This is another surprising piece of good news!

Bai Yu smiled first, then her eyes turned red when she smiled: "My lady has been in the palace for more than two years, and she is finally able to leave the palace and return home."

Ling Jingshu also chuckled and sighed: "Yes! I didn't expect this day to come so quickly."

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two years since I entered the palace. The palace is long and long, locking the youthful years of all the women in the palace. Day after day, month after month, people slowly become numb and confused.

She almost forgot how leisurely and comfortable the days spent waiting in the boudoir before entering the palace were.

The master and servant looked at each other, couldn't help but hug each other and shed a few tears.

Every time like this, Qiaoyun would always look a little embarrassed.

In terms of relationship, she can't compare to the intimacy between Bai Yu and Ling Jingshu. Ling Jingshu's identity as an eyeliner also kept her at a distance.

Qiaoyun hesitated for a moment, then quietly retreated and closed the door gently.

Such important news must reach His Highness the Grand Sun as soon as possible.

The news that Queen Wei personally arranged for Ling Jingshu to marry quickly spread throughout the palace.

For a time, I don’t know how many side glances, envy and jealousy it attracted.

For so many years, Wei Yan has been alone, and there are countless court ladies who secretly love him. Because Wei Yan insisted on not getting married, the woman who admired him could only comfort herself. Although such an outstanding man did not become someone else's husband, she still had hope.

After Queen Wei became the sixth palace, Wei Yan became a serious uncle of the state, and his status was even better than before.

The emperor rewarded her with a palace, and Queen Wei personally arranged for the marriage, and also specially prepared a generous dowry. Such a marriage is so enviable that people wish they could replace it with their own lives!

How come such a good thing happened to Ling Jingshu!

No matter how jealous, unconvinced or envious everyone is, they can't change the fact that Ling Jingshu is about to marry Wei Yan. They could only put away their sour moods one by one, carefully prepare makeup gifts, and take advantage of the gift-giving opportunity to get close to each other.

In just three days, the threshold of Ling Jingshu's house was almost broken.

People I know, people I don’t know, people I’m familiar with, people I’m not familiar with, are given makeup gifts one after another. Ling Jingshu couldn't refuse, so she had to brace herself to deal with them one by one.

Gold hairpins, jade hairpins, gemstone bracelets, exquisite clothing materials... there were two whole boxes.

This is nothing.

The dowry given by Queen Wei personally included dozens of boxes. There are all kinds of gold, silver, jade, precious jewelry, clothing materials, spices, rouge, gouache, and even several boxes of precious tonics and medicinal materials in the palace.

There was no room in Ling Jingshu's house, so Empress Wei ordered someone to deliver the things to Ling's house first.

By now, the news of Ling Jingshu and Wei Yan's marriage had spread throughout the capital.

Wei Yan's reputation among the people is extremely high, and his marriage has attracted much attention.

When Empress Wei ordered people to deliver the dowry to the Ling Mansion, she followed the people watching the excitement and crowded the alley outside the Ling Mansion.

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