Loyang Jin

Chapter 396: Leaving the Palace 1

The palace sent a message to Ling Mansion two days ago.

Everyone in the Ling Mansion had already made preparations. On the day of receiving the order, everyone in the Ling Mansion was in the mansion.

Uncle Ling is the head of the family, so it is natural that Feng Zhi should ask him to pick him up. Mrs. Sun led her son, daughter-in-law and grandson to kneel down to receive the order. Ling Xiao knelt beside his cousin Ling Ji, his heart filled with unbelievable ecstasy.

Queen Wei granted Ah Shu a marriage!

Ah Shu can leave the palace!

Ah Shu is going to marry Wei Yan!

All of this is simply too good to be true.

Not only Ling Xiao, but also Uncle Ling was stunned by this sudden good news. I didn't sleep at all the night before, and until this moment when I followed the imperial edict, I still felt a little uneasy and unreal.

The chamberlains carried heavy boxes into the main hall, while the maids held brocade boxes one after another in their hands.

In a short time, the huge main hall of Ling Mansion was filled with people.

Xinyun, who was wearing a pink dress, said with a smile: "Lord Ling, these are the gifts given to Miss Ling by the Emperor and the Queen. Here is a list. Please take a look at them one by one, Lord Ling."

Uncle Ling was finally not too happy to be confused. After accepting the gift list with gratitude, he knelt down in the direction of the palace and thanked Tian En.

Xinyun smiled again and said: "Concubine Ling will leave the palace and return to the palace tomorrow. Please make arrangements with Master Ling. As for the wedding date of Concubine Ling and Imperial Physician Wei, the Ministry of Etiquette has selected an auspicious day and will send it to your residence."

Uncle Ling responded repeatedly, and respectfully sent Xinyun out of the house together with Mrs. Sun.

Everyone in the palace left, leaving behind a thin phoenix decree and a room full of gifts.

Mrs. Sun breathed out a long breath, her eyes full of wonder and disbelief: "Master, I am not dreaming! The Queen actually granted Ah Shu her hand in marriage and gave her such a large dowry."

Such a generous dowry is comparable to that of any lady from a distinguished family.

Not to mention, it’s such a good marriage!

Although it was somewhat different from her previous idea of ​​marrying the emperor's grandson as a concubine, Wei Yan was Empress Wei's only brother. He has superb medical skills, a bright future and unparalleled beauty. Being able to marry such a happy husband is really impeccable.

At this time, Uncle Ling finally calmed down a little. Hearing this, he grinned and said, "I didn't expect such a sudden happy event! The Queen personally granted the marriage, how glorious and dignified it is."

It is a great joy for the Ling family to be able to ascend to the limelight of Queen Wei.

At this time, Uncle Ling had already put aside his previous calculations, and was concentrating on how to make this marriage lively.

What Ling Xiao is most concerned about is: "Uncle, will Ah Shu be able to leave the palace and return home tomorrow?"

The two siblings have not seen each other for more than a year.

Uncle Ling smiled and said: "Since Miss Xinyun said that, it can't be false. Mrs. Sun, please immediately send someone to clean up Ah Shu's boudoir again and replace everything in the room with new ones." ”

Sun responded happily.

Ms. Jiang said with a smile: "My daughter-in-law has nothing to do and helps her mother-in-law clean up and decorate."

Ling Ji thought for a while and reminded: "Father, for such a big happy event, shouldn't we send a message to Dingzhou first? Ah Shu is getting married, and Fifth Uncle and the others should also come to the capital."

"Look at my memory. When I get happy, I forget even such important things." Uncle Ling slapped his forehead: "I will go to the study to write a letter to the family and have it sent to Dingzhou immediately."

Ling Xiao added another sentence: "With such good news, someone should send a letter to cousin Yan. Cousin Yan and Ah Shu have always been on good terms, and I don't know how happy she will be when she knows that Ah Shu is back home. "

Everyone in the Ling family was so happy that Ling Jingshu was about to leave the palace to get married.

Ling Jingshu, who was in the palace, was also eagerly looking forward to the moment when she would leave the palace.

In order to avoid suspicion these days, Wei Yan did not dare to go to Lingbo Hall. A letter was quietly sent over, with only one line written on it.

Ah Shu, wait for me to marry you at Ling Mansion!

Ling Jingshu read that short line over and over countless times. Every time I watch it, my heart becomes sweeter.

Letters from the past must be burned after reading them, lest anyone notice them. This time, she was finally able to put the letter in a close-fitting purse and tie it around her waist.

The waiting time is always longer and more difficult than usual.

That night, Ling Jingshu barely slept. As soon as he closed his eyes, Wei Yan's smiling eyebrows and the faces of his family would appear in his mind.

The longing for her relatives that she had been suppressing almost overwhelmed her.

She misses her younger brother Ling Xiao, she misses the lively and lovely Ling Jingyan, she misses her gentle and generous cousins, she misses her uncles and aunts who were kind to her despite being selfish...

After tossing and turning all night, Ling Jingshu was not affected and was still energetic when she got up the next morning.

Because I am leaving the palace today, I can no longer wear the clothes of a female official that I was used to wearing in the past. The clothes I brought into the palace more than two years ago are already a little old, a little too small, and don't fit well.

But the radiance on Ling Jingshu's face and the joyful look in her eyebrows were enough to make people ignore all this.

Ling Jingshu knelt down respectfully in front of Queen Wei and kowtowed three times: "Over the past two years, I have been blessed with the love and care of the Queen. Jingshu is so grateful that she really doesn't know how to repay the Queen. Today Jingshu will leave the palace. , I came here to express my gratitude and say goodbye. I only hope that your Majesty will be in good health and that all your wishes will come true."

For more than two years, Queen Wei has spared no effort to protect her.

Without Queen Wei, her life in the palace would never have been so easy.

Queen Wei looked at the energetic and beautiful Ling Jingshu, with a smile that was half-reluctant and half-sighing: "Get up quickly! It's a happy event for you to leave the palace. Although I can't bear to leave you, I prefer to keep you by my side. Gong is more than happy to see you and Ayan get married."

After a pause, he smiled and joked: "The next time we see each other, it will be when you and Ayan come to the palace to thank you after they get married. By then, you will be my sister-in-law and my natal family. Don't do it again then. Kneel down at every turn.”

Ling Jingshu's pretty face suddenly turned red after being teased by Queen Wei.

Queen Wei felt happy as she looked at Ling Jingshu, who couldn't hide her shyness and joy.

Watching Wei Yan get married and start a family with her own eyes has been her biggest wish in these years.

Now that her wish was about to be fulfilled, she was really happy. This joy far outweighs the lingering memory of Ling Jingshu: "Okay, stop acting like a little girl. Get out of the palace quickly!"

Ling Jingshu responded softly, bent down and saluted, and finally turned and left.

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