Loyang Jin

Chapter 397: Leaving the Palace 2

When he entered the palace, he was accompanied by White Jade Qiaoyun. All he brought with him was some changes of clothes and jewelry, as well as banknotes for self-defense.

When she left the palace today, the two maids still loyally accompanied her. The packages held in each of their hands were the same as before.

Xinyun sent the three of Ling Jingshu to the palace gate.

There was already a carriage waiting outside the palace gate.

"Xinyun, thank you for sending me this journey." Ling Jingshu reluctantly held Xinyun's hand: "In the future, when I am not in the palace, you will have to take more care of my queen."

The two have been together day and night for so long, and have already formed a deep friendship like sisters. Ling Jingshu is reluctant to leave, so why not Xinyun?

"Don't worry, I will take good care of my wife." Xinyun blinked and pushed back the water in his eyes: "When you leave the palace and return to Ling Mansion, you can prepare your dowry with peace of mind and don't worry about these things in the palace anymore. ”

Ling Jingshu's nose felt sore and she hummed slightly.

Xinyun wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve and urged Ling Jingshu to get on the carriage quickly.

Ling Jingshu hugged Xinyun hard: "Take care!"

Then, he let go of his arms and got on the carriage without looking back.

The carriage soon set off.

Xinyun stood there for a moment, watching the carriage leave, and then returned to the palace gate with red eyes.

Ling Jingshu lifted the car curtain and looked at the majestic vermilion palace gate and the long palace wall. The suffocating things that seemed to be imprisoned in her body gradually disappeared.

Farewell, palace!

Farewell, Queen Wei!

Farewell, Xinyun, and all the friends I have made over the past two years...

Before I knew it, two lines of tears had fallen down my face.

These are tears of reluctance and tears of relief and joy.

Entering the palace was a helpless move forced by Queen Xu. After entering the palace, she never felt truly relaxed for a moment. Every day I tense my nerves and handle everything in the palace carefully. Even though he and Wei Yan were gradually falling in love with each other, they had to suppress the joy in their hearts and did not dare to show it in front of others.

Fortunately, all this is over!

She finally made it to the day when all her hardships came to an end.

The tears fell more and more, and Ling Jingshu cried silently for a long time. Bai Yu didn't say anything to comfort her, because she had already started crying with Ling Jingshu.

Qiaoyun was not a sentimental person, but at this moment, he was inevitably affected by this scene and shed a few tears.

The carriage suddenly stopped.

Qiao Yun quickly wiped her tears and asked alertly: "What's going on? Why did the carriage stop suddenly?"

The driver driving the carriage was also a chamberlain in the palace. His voice was soft and high-pitched: "Miss Ling, Imperial Physician Wei is right in front."

...Wei Yan? ! Why is he here again?

Ling Jingshu was surprised and subconsciously lifted the car curtain to look outside. But he saw a tall and slender young man walking over. He was dressed in gray cloth, with handsome features and a smile on his lips.

Who else could it be but Wei Yan?

This surprise came quite suddenly!

"Why are you here!" Ling Jingshu thought she was scolding softly, but she didn't know that her eyes were flashing with joy and joy: "Aren't you afraid of being seen?"

"What are you afraid of?" Wei Yan asked with a smile: "In the past, we had to hide it and not let anyone know. Now we are an unmarried couple. It is fair and reasonable for me to take you back home. Who dares Say a word about me?”

In the bright and soft morning light, that gentle and smiling face was incredibly handsome.

Ling Jingshu felt as if she had drank a bowl full of ****, and she was almost tired of the sweetness: "Since you were planning to see me off, why didn't you tell me earlier. I was shocked just now."

Wei Yan raised the corners of his lips: "If I had told you in advance, there would be no such surprise."

This is true!

The completely unexpected farewell and sudden surprise drove away all the depression and sadness in her heart. The whole heart is filled with joy.

Ling Jingshu curled her lips.

Wei Yan gently wiped away the wet tears from the corner of her eyes through the car window, and whispered pityingly: "Coming out of the palace is a happy event, why are you still crying?"

Ling Jingshu explained with some embarrassment: "I just looked at the palace gate and palace wall, I couldn't hold it back, and I cried out of nowhere."

Wei Yan couldn't stop laughing: "They say women are made of water, and it's true."

Bai Yu, who was completely ignored by the side, finally couldn't help coughing: "Physician Wei, this is not far from the palace. Although there are no pedestrians, it is not advisable to stay here for too long. If you have anything to say, why not get on the carriage and say it slowly!"

The two of them were so affectionate, it almost blinded her and Qiaoyun, okay? !

Wei Yan was quite thick-skinned and did not feel embarrassed. He smiled and thanked him: "Bai Yu has thought carefully. I will get on the carriage right now."

After getting on the carriage, Wei Yan politely discussed: "I want to be alone with Ah Shu for a while. How about you two sit on the shaft outside the carriage for a while?"

Bai Yu: "..."

Qiaoyun: "..."

They had really mistakenly looked at Dr. Wei before. This thickness of skin would shock the world if you tell me about it!

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun finally went to the carriage shaft.

Only Ling Jingshu and Wei Yan were left in the spacious carriage.

Ling Jingshu glared at Wei Yan in shame and annoyance: "You...how could you push them both out of the carriage?" Didn't this make it clear that he wanted to...do something with her that was not suitable for people to witness?

Just thinking about it makes me feel so ashamed that I can’t hold my head up!

Wei Yan looked innocent: "Do you want to hug me in front of them?"

Ling Jingshu's white and tender face was so hot that she spat at him: "Shameless! Who wants to cuddle with you!"

Wei Yan grinned cheekily, stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and kissed her hard on the forehead: "Yes, yes, I am shameless. I want to cuddle with you, so please take pity on me." !”

Ling Jingshu buried her head in the familiar and warm embrace, the corners of her lips already raised high.

Before getting married, according to customs, unmarried couples are not allowed to meet each other. Wei Yan deliberately calculated the right time to see her off, and also wanted to take this opportunity to meet her once.

After today, when the two meet again, it will be the moment when they lift their headscarves on the wedding day.

Wei Yan seemed to know what she was thinking, and whispered in her ear: "Ah Shu, this separation will take at least a few months. I stay under the emperor's nose, so I have to be more honest. Probably I can’t leave the palace to see you anymore.”

The emperor rewarded the house, which had to be renovated and tidied up before we could get married. No matter how soon, it would take three months. Fortunately, the wedding date will be at the end of the year, and I can't bear it for a few more months.

Ling Jingshu chuckled and responded: "It's taken me so long to get here, it doesn't matter if I wait a few more months."

After these few months, they will be able to stay together day and night.

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