Loyang Jin

Chapter 402 The Lu Family 2

The next day, Ling Jingshu got up early and went to pay her respects to Mr. Sun.

"I've been out of the palace for the past few days, and I'm still a little confused. I haven't come to say hello to my eldest aunt. Please don't blame me." Ling Jingshu smiled and was blessed.

Mrs. Sun would not be offended. She pulled Ling Jingshu to her side and looked at her carefully. She was relieved when she saw that her face was still rosy: "I have been worried since the maid came back to report yesterday. I thought I would treat you today. The doctor is here to take a look!"

"Auntie is worried." Ling Jingshu smiled apologetically: "It's nothing serious, I just feel a little sleepy and can't lift my energy. Maybe it's because I'm used to being busy on errands, but I'm not used to it now that I'm free. ”

When Mrs. Sun heard this, there was a sense of pity in her eyes: "You have grown up in fine clothes and fine food since you were a child. You have never done the work of serving others. You have suffered in the palace for more than two years."

Ask yourself, if the person who works in the palace is Ling Jingyan, she, as a mother, will feel very distressed.

Ling Jingshu was quite calm and calm: "It is indeed busier in the palace. However, it is not as hard as aunt imagined. Especially after I came to the Queen's side, the Queen has always treated me very well."

"Yes! If the Queen didn't like you very much, she wouldn't have proposed your marriage to Imperial Physician Wei." Mrs. Sun took over the conversation with a smile, and the more she thought about it, the more satisfied she became with this marriage.

The emperor's grandson cannot and cannot climb up, so it is really good to climb up the big tree of Empress Wei.

Wei Yan is Empress Wei's only brother and a serious uncle. Young and handsome, with outstanding medical skills and an excellent reputation, he will be in charge of Tai Hospital sooner or later.

Being able to marry Wei Yan must be said to be an excellent marriage.

Ling Jingshu felt a deep sweetness in her heart when she mentioned her marriage to Wei Yan. The happiness and joy are naturally revealed in the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, making them look more and more bright and beautiful.

The brilliance is scorching and touching.

Mr. Jiang came soon, with Brother Jun by his side.

Brother Jun is three years old this year. He is very handsome with red lips and white teeth. He walks steadily and does not panic at all. With a fair and tender face, he solemnly saluted with clasped fists: "Jun'er has met his grandmother and his aunt."

She makes a babyish sound and tries to act like an adult, not to mention how cute she is.

When Mrs. Sun saw her precious grandson, she immediately beamed with joy. She stretched out her hand to drag Brother Jun into her arms, and her heart ached.

Brother Jun obviously didn't like this kind of intimacy, and he couldn't struggle. His little face was full of helplessness and reluctance.

Ling Jingshu looked at it and liked it very much. She smiled at Mr. Jiang and said, "In a blink of an eye, Brother Jun has grown so big. When I entered the palace, he was not born yet!"

Mrs. Jiang glanced at her son lovingly and said with a smile: "Yes! These days go by so fast. I always feel that I just gave birth to him not long ago, and now he can walk, run and talk."

"Brother Jun is articulate and quite precocious. In two years, he will be able to start reading." Looking at Brother Jun, Ling Jingshu naturally thought of Ling Xiao when she was a child: "A Xiao has been smart since he was a child. I have already learned to read and write at the age of 10.”

Jiang laughed and said, "I also plan to enlighten Brother Jun at the age of four!"

The whole morning passed by talking and laughing.

In the next few days, everything was calm in the Ling Mansion. Uncle Ling still leaves early and comes home late, often socializing with his colleagues.

Only Ling Jingshu knew that under this calmness, there were invisible waves and undercurrents. Once the Lu family is involved in the shocking case of assassinating the emperor's crown prince, the Ling family cannot completely stay out of the matter, and will inevitably be implicated and affected.

In order to avoid causing chaos in the court and panic among officials, Lu Ping was secretly interrogated and imprisoned, which has been carried out secretly. It wasn't until the "interrogation" and "verification" produced conclusive evidence that was enough to convict Lu Ping and the Lu family that the emperor's grandson spoke out at the court meeting.

As expected by the emperor's grandson, this matter immediately aroused discussions among officials.

After the emperor suffered a stroke, he could no longer go to court. Nowadays, it is the prince who is in charge of the affairs of the emperor.

The prince has always been known as a wise and gentle man. Compared with the majestic and majestic emperor, he is a bit more friendly. Therefore, at the court meeting hosted by the prince, the officials also had the courage to speak freely.

The Minister of the Ministry of War raised his hands with a sad look on his face and said: "Your Highness, the Ministry of War has such a treacherous and unscrupulous person. As a minister, I cannot absolve myself of the blame. Please punish me as well."

While pleading guilty, he cursed Lu Ping in his heart.

How dare you get involved in the bloody storm of seizing the crown prince? I'm so impatient!

Lu Ping is the head of the Ministry of War. He has committed a serious crime. As an official of the Ministry of War, he will inevitably be implicated.

Unexpectedly, the prince's attitude was quite gentle: "Lu Ping is so bold and reckless, what does this have to do with Ai Qing? The matter involves King An of Yan, and the lonely king cannot make the decision without authorization. When the court is over, the lonely king will take this matter The matter will be reported to the Emperor and the Emperor will make the final decision.”

That being said, it seems that I won't take my anger out on him.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War felt relieved. His Royal Highness, Prince Liandao, was generous and wise and did not intercede for Lu Ping at all.

Even if the Minister of War is like this, others are even more reluctant to speak out.

If Lupine wants to die, it's up to him! Who would take the risk to intercede for him?

The official position of head of the Ministry of War is a big one or a small one. Now that it is vacant, it is necessary to quickly come up with a suitable candidate to recommend to His Highness the Crown Prince.

After the dynasty dispersed, the prince and the emperor's grandson went to the Zichen Hall to meet the saint.

The emperor's grandson reported the fact that Lu Ping was an accomplice, and finally said: "...how to deal with Lu Ping, I leave it to the emperor's grandfather to decide!"

The emperor was reluctant to take the lives of King Yan and King An, but he did not have so much pity for an ordinary official. He sneered murderously: "This Lu Ping, what a courageous dog! His ambition is not small, and he still wants to Follow the dragon's merits. He seeks his own death, and I must help him!"

"Of course Lu Ping will be executed." The emperor's calm face became more solemn and solemn: "All the Lu family members have also been escorted to the capital. According to the laws of the Zhou Dynasty, all men will be beheaded, and all female relatives and future generations will be beheaded. Children over ten years old can be spared their lives and exiled outside the customs."

The emperor didn't care about the life and death of the Lu family, and said calmly: "You can make the decision on this little matter!"

In comparison, the most important thing is how to deal with King Yan and King An.

When the emperor thought of these two traitors, he became extremely angry. But he was too cruel to kill his two sons. I was very conflicted and had been hesitant.

The emperor's grandson responded and exchanged a knowing look with the prince.

It doesn't matter if the emperor is reluctant to kill King Yan. Anyway, Prince Yan can't get away with the crime of treason, so it's okay to be locked up in the clan's mansion for the rest of his life.

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