Loyang Jin

Chapter 403: Storm 1

Uncle Ling returned to Ling Mansion with a sullen face.

His body was a little stiff, his steps were much slower than usual, and he had a worried look on his face.

Mrs. Sun greeted him as usual and greeted with a smile: "Master, why did you come back so early today?"

As if he didn't hear anything, Uncle Ling entered the room with a blank face and sat down numbly. His eyes were a little dazed, and there was a hint of uneasiness and panic rarely seen in his expression.

"Master, what happened?" After being married for many years, Mrs. Sun had never seen Uncle Ling so lost. She had a vague premonition of something bad, and her tone became nervous and urgent.

Uncle Ling said stiffly: "Lu Ping is finished!"


Sun was stunned and blurted out: "What happened to Lu Ping?"

"He secretly colluded with King Yan and participated in the palace assassination." Uncle Ling closed his eyes slumped, his voice full of sadness: "He was secretly locked up in the heavenly prison for interrogation by Dali Temple. The evidence is conclusive. The Emperor Taisun announced this in court today. After the dynasty was dismissed, the emperor was furious and wanted to execute Lu Ping."

"Rebellion is a serious crime and involves all members of the Lu family. Now all the Lu family have been escorted to the capital. I am afraid that all the men in the Lu family will not escape death. Women and children can save their lives, but they will inevitably be exiled... "

Before she finished speaking, Sun's face turned pale and she muttered unconsciously: "How could this happen? How could this happen!"

Lupine's courage is too great!

This is a serious crime that will kill the entire clan!

How dare he do such a thing!

"No one dares to intercede for Lu Ping today."

Uncle Ling's tone became more and more sad, and his brows furrowed into the Chinese character "Sichuan": "The Lu family is completely ruined! Lu An, Lu Qian, and his son are all in danger of losing their lives. I only feel sorry for my sister, who has been married to the Lu family for so many years, and only a few days have passed since she was married to the Lu family. Good days. Now I’m involved again, I don’t know what will happen in the future.”

After all, they are brothers and sisters from the same mother. Although they have not seen each other for a long time, there is always a sense of blood relationship.

Thinking of Ling's upcoming tragic fate, Uncle Ling's eyes quickly turned red.

Mrs. Sun also wiped away her tears and choked with sobs: "My sister's life is too bitter."

It's a pity that no one can save the Ling family, let alone the Lu family!

To put it bluntly. At this time, it's too late to avoid suspicion and stay away from the Lu family. Who dares to move forward? Especially the Ling family, who are serious in-laws with the Lu family. It would be bad if he showed too much concern and aroused the prince's suspicion.

Mrs. Sun felt sad about the Lu family for a moment, wiped her tears again, and asked in a low voice: "Master, I should say something that I shouldn't say. In this situation, we can't take care of the Lu family anymore. Master these days You have to be careful. If you make a mistake, the censor will be involved in the court. At that time, our Ling family will not be able to get rid of it. "

How could Uncle Ling not understand such an obvious truth?

Uncle Ling was silent for a moment, then let out a long sigh: "I understand. However, this matter is too important to hide from my mother. I will write a letter and have it delivered to Dingzhou immediately."

"Also, I will be sick in the next few days and will be 'recuperating' in the house. I will not show up again until the Lu family's affairs have calmed down. Regarding the Lu family's affairs, please mention a few children and ask them to keep silent. Don't talk nonsense."

Sun agreed one by one.

Uncle Ling quickly went to the study, wrote a letter home, and had it delivered overnight.

After writing the letter, neither husband nor wife wanted to sleep peacefully, so they sat opposite each other all night.

The next day, Uncle Ling took a long leave and began to "recuperate" at his house.

Ling Jingshu and Jiang quickly learned about the Lu family.

Jiang was shocked, and Ling Jingshu also showed a look of shock and sadness at the right time: "Auntie, how could this happen suddenly? What will aunt do if my uncle is beheaded?"

Sun, who had not slept all night, suddenly looked haggard and older. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know these things now. You two don't ask any more questions."

After a pause, he warned again: "The master has already declared himself ill. In the next period of time, you all should keep a low profile and try not to go out."

Ling Jingshu and Jiang agreed in a low voice.

After something like this happened, Mrs. Sun was in a very gloomy mood and was in no mood to talk.

Ling Jingshu and Mr. Jiang sat for a while and then left.

"A person is not as good as a thousand days, and a flower is not as beautiful as a hundred days." Ms. Jiang sighed in a low voice with red eyes: "I never expected that the Lu family would be destroyed overnight."

The Jiang family and the Lu family had very little contact and were not close, and it is impossible to say how deep their relationship was. However, watching the Lu family suffer this disaster really made me feel uncomfortable.

Ling Jingshu also looked sad: "Yes, who would have thought that such a change would happen."

Ling Jingshu didn't know how much effort it took to suppress the joy in her heart.

Lupine is finished! Luan is finished! The Lu family is finished! As for the Ling family, life would be worse than death.

Revenge is probably the most satisfying thing in the world.

Ever since she received the letter from the emperor's grandson, she had been immersed in this indescribable joy. Now that even Uncle Ling and his wife know about it, it is obvious that the Lu family's affairs have spread.

She secretly took a long breath and let out all the gloom, unwillingness, sorrow, pain, resentment, and hatred from her previous life.

As a lady from a famous family, Ms. Jiang is quite knowledgeable: "I am afraid that all the men of the Lu family will be executed, and the Lu family will also have their homes confiscated. Now that I think about it, it is a blessing that the cousin of the Lu family was forced to become a monk." ”

Becoming a monk means cutting off all ties with the world and having nothing to do with the Lu family. The entire Lu family was beheaded, but Lu Hong could not be beheaded.

No matter what, there is always a life left.

Thinking of Lu Hong, Ling Jingshu felt only indifference in her heart.

Everything from the past life has been settled. She and Lu Hong have no relationship at all. Please take care of yourself and be safe!

Perhaps Ling Jingshu acted too calmly, which caused Jiang to look at her with confusion: "Ashu, aren't you sad when you hear this?"

Ling Jingshu has never shed a tear until now, which is a bit cold.

She was able to hold back her laughter, which was a sign of great self-control. I really can't pretend to be sad.

Ling Jingshu lowered her eyelids, covering up the sneer under her eyes, and said in a low voice: "So what if I am sad. You will not survive if you do it yourself. The second uncle of the Lu family is so ambitious that he even dares to assassinate the emperor and the prince. The matter has been exposed, and this is also An ending he should have expected."

This is true.

Mrs. Jiang sighed softly: "That's it! Let's just live a good life behind closed doors. We shouldn't and can't care about these things. My father-in-law must have sent someone to send a letter back to Dingzhou. This time, I'm afraid my grandmother will also have to travel a long distance. Trek to the capital."

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