Loyang Jin

Chapter 404 Storm 2

Mrs. Ling gave birth to two sons and one daughter, and she loved her only daughter as much as jewels. Now that I suddenly heard that the Lu family was in trouble, I didn't know how anxious I would be. In all likelihood, he will come to the capital.

Ling Jingshu hummed and said nothing.

Jiang was no longer in the mood to talk. They were relatively speechless for a moment, and then they dispersed.

The Imperial College was the highest institution of learning in the Zhou Dynasty. Most of the people who could study in the Imperial College were the children of officials, so they were well-informed. Lu Ping was imprisoned. The news that the Lu family was escorted to the capital soon reached the ears of Ling Ji and Ling Xiao.

The two brothers were shocked and immediately asked for leave to return home.

When he saw Uncle Ling with a sick look on his face, Ling Ji was shocked and hurriedly sat down by the bed: "Father, why are you suddenly so sick?"

This is not pretending to be sick, it is clearly a real illness!

Uncle Ling coughed a few times and then whispered: "I took a long leave to recuperate, but of course I have to be really sick. Do you really think everyone else is a fool?"

When acting, you have to do the whole thing! He blew the cold wind for several nights in a row before he became this virtuous. In this way, even if someone comes to visit the patient, they will not be able to find fault.

Ling Ji looked at the sick Uncle Ling and felt really bad.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but sigh: "Uncle, why bother with your body like this?" To put it bluntly, Uncle Ling is already a grown man. If something goes wrong, it won't be you who will suffer in the future.

Uncle Ling didn't take it seriously. He twitched his lips and said, "Okay, I know what you two brothers think. These are extraordinary times, and this is the only way to get rid of all suspicion and trouble."

"Both of you brothers should also remember to be low-key and cautious in everything from now on. Don't say anything you shouldn't. If someone deliberately asks about the Lu family, you can just assume that they don't know."

Ling Ji frowned and said: "Although we are not close to the Lu family, we are serious in-laws after all. It is impossible to completely distance ourselves from each other. In my opinion, on the cusp of this crisis, cousin Xiao and I should stay away from each other. That's good. Just because my father was ill, my cousin Xiao and I took a long leave together and said we would stay in the house to take care of him. "

Ling Xiao also nodded in agreement: "My cousin is right. Let's bring all the books back and study more on weekdays so that we won't delay our studies."

Uncle Ling hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

As Uncle Ling expected, many people came to visit him after he reported his illness. Close friends came to visit sincerely, and there were also those with ill intentions who came to Ling Mansion to inquire about information under the pretext of visiting patients.

Fortunately, Uncle Ling is really sick. That sick look on his face can't be faked. Let those with ulterior motives return in disbelief.

These disturbances did not have much impact on Ling Jingshu's life.

She stayed in her boudoir every day, embroidering some pillow scarves, silk handkerchiefs, and making shoes and socks, so that she could prepare to get married.

Ling Xiao was a little flustered at first, but when he saw Ling Jingshu being so calm, he quickly calmed down. Studying hard in the house every day is quite a bit like finding peace and tranquility in the midst of chaos.

Half a month later, the Lu family was escorted to the capital.

Uncle Ling and others were unable to come forward, so they quietly sent the steward of the mansion to find out the news.

The steward went there for a long time before he came back and reported: "The total number of the Lu family, old and young, was over a hundred. After getting off the pier, they were taken to the Penal Department prison in a prison car. The old slave did not dare to get too close, but My uncle and my aunt were both locked in a prison car in front of me. The old slave saw them. Their clothes were quite neat, but they were not in good spirits. Especially my aunt, she was almost out of shape. "

Uncle Ling's eyes flashed with water, but he didn't say anything. He silently waved his hand to signal the steward to leave.

Mrs. Sun stopped the steward again and whispered: "Go to the accounting room and pay a few hundred taels of silver and send it to the head of the prison of the Ministry of Punishments. Let someone take more care of my aunt and her family of three, and don't let them suffer in prison." ”

The steward hurriedly responded and retreated.

Mrs. Sun saw Uncle Ling's sad and downcast expression, and comforted him in a low voice: "Master, don't be too sad. This is the end of the matter, and that's all we can do."

After a pause, he said: "Mother-in-law and the others came to the capital as soon as they received the letter. Calculating the distance, they are almost arriving in the capital now. I have already asked people to pack up their residence."

This time, the entire Ling family, young and old, came to the capital. Firstly, it was for the Lu family, and secondly, it was to marry Ling Jingshu. At least I have to stay until the new year before I leave.

Uncle Ling managed to cheer up: "I can't afford this illness, so you have to worry about everything."

Sun sighed: "Master, don't say that. In this situation, I should be more busy."

Now, Uncle Ling had to be thankful that Ling Jingshu got married.

Regarding the in-law relationship between the Ling family and the Lu family, Uncle Ling couldn't explain it clearly. He had to go to the Ministry of Punishment to "explain" it.

Now it's just an illness, and it avoids the trouble and wind. For the sake of Queen Wei, everyone showed mercy to the Ling family. It is truly a blessing among misfortunes.

Three days later, the Ling family finally arrived in the capital.

Uncle Ling was still lying on the bed. Mrs. Sun personally led Ling Jingshu and others to wait at the main entrance. After waiting for about half an hour, I finally saw a long column of carriages coming back.

Because the whole family came here, the dowry specially prepared for Ling Jingshu was also transported to the capital, which took ten carriages. At first glance, the momentum is huge.

Except for the second master Ling and his family who were still in office, even the fourth master Ling, who had limited mobility, also came. Fifth Master Ling personally helped old Mrs. Ling, who had white hair and was depressed, to get out of the carriage.

It was difficult to talk at the door, so Sun led a group of people into the main hall.

When everyone meets, they naturally want to greet each other.

Because of the Lu family's disaster, there was always a sense of panic amidst the excitement.

Old Mrs. Ling was already over seventy years old. Her body could not bear the bumps along the way, and she was worried about her daughter and her family. She cried many times along the way. His face was full of wrinkles, and he looked extremely old, completely lacking the energy of the past.

Li also lost a lot of weight, and her former beauty and shrewdness were greatly reduced.

Ling Huo completely injured one of his legs and needed help when walking. At this time, he timidly leaned behind Mr. Li, looking timid and silent.

Ling Ting has matured a lot, standing next to Ling Wuye, high-spirited, and there is more confidence in his eyebrows than before.

Obviously, after Ling Huan injured his leg, Ling Ting, the eldest son of the concubine, had a different status in the fifth room of the Ling family.

Ling Jingshu's eyes passed over Ling Huo's slightly pale and thin face, and she felt indifferent in her heart.

No matter what, Ling Huo at least retained his life. Ling Xiao was harmed so miserably by the Li family in his previous life, and now Ling Huo has ended up like this, no one else can blame him.

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