Loyang Jin

Chapter 405 Protection

Mrs. Sun saw Mrs. Ling's tired face and said hurriedly: "Mother-in-law, you've had a hard time traveling all the way. Let's settle down and rest first!"

Mrs. Ling was so worried that she couldn't think of resting. She insisted, "I'll go see the boss first."

Mrs. Sun couldn't resist Mrs. Ling, so she had to agree.

Old Mrs. Ling is going to visit Uncle Ling, and everyone else has to follow. The group of people almost filled the room, and all the servants were sent out.

Old Mrs. Ling looked at Uncle Ling who couldn't hide his illness, and suddenly felt sad. When she thought of her daughter who was imprisoned and whose life and death were unknown, she burst into tears: "My son! Why are you so sick? Why are you still so sick?" My poor daughter! It’s so unfair to let my children suffer like this. This is tearing out my old woman’s heart!”

When Mrs. Ling cried, everyone in the room also shed tears.

Uncle Ling also shed tears instantly, called his mother, and then burst into tears.

Amidst the cries, Ling Jingshu's calmness stood out.

Mrs. Li had a habit of finding faults, and while wiping her tears with a handkerchief, she said, "Ah Shu, you girl, why are you so hard-hearted? Your aunt and her whole family are in trouble, aren't you sad at all?" "

When Li opened his mouth, Lord Ling looked over subconsciously. Seeing that Ling Jingshu looked calm and didn't shed any tears, she felt really annoyed: "Ah Shu! Didn't you hear what your mother said to you?"

"I'm not deaf, how could I not hear?"

Ling Jingshu pushed back without mercy: "However, the situation has come to this, and no one can save my aunt and her family. What's the use of crying here! It's better to think about how to provide them with better food and housing in prison. "

Fifth Master Ling was choked and almost couldn't come up: "You... you are a rebellious and unfilial thing! How dare you talk to me like this! After getting into a good marriage, your waist becomes hard, and you won't let go of me as a father. It’s in my eyes, right? I will never let you go today!”

Ling Xiao stepped forward without thinking, stood in front of Ling Jingshu, and said in a deep voice: "There is nothing wrong with what Ah Shu just said. It would be inappropriate for my father to blame Ah Shu after only listening to mother's words."

Ling Xiao has grown into a young man, more than half a head taller than Ling Jingshu. Like a newly grown tree, it provides shelter from the wind and rain for those behind it.

Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart and whispered: "Axiao, you don't have to worry about me. I know I have done nothing wrong, and I am not afraid of my father's reproach. You get out of the way, I will tell my father myself."

Ling Xiao didn't move and said without looking back: "You stand behind me. As long as I'm here today, no one can bully you!"

Then, he looked up at Fifth Master Ling with clear and firm eyes: "Father, the Ministry of Rites sent auspicious dates two days ago. Ah Shu will get married on November 20th. Counting it all, there are still two months left. In time, she will get married and become a woman. These two months will also be the last time she will stay in her parents' home. "

"I hope Ah Shu will get married happily, and no one will cause trouble for her at this time. If my father insists on punishing her regardless of the circumstances, then he can punish me."

"Anyway, we, my sister and my brother, have been dependent on each other since we were little. Apart from my grandmother's love, I never know what it feels like to be cared for by my parents."

Ling Wuye: "..."

The last sentence was like a slap in the face of Lord Ling Wu.

Over the years, he had indeed neglected his children. However, he is a man and cannot stay in the house all day taking care of his children! All matters concerning the inner house should be left to the Li family...

"My father must have felt that it was my stepmother's responsibility to take care of us."

Ling Xiao no longer calls her mother, but instead uses the word stepmother, which is not polite: "My stepmother is good-looking on the surface, but she is indifferent to us siblings in private. I am blind and need someone to take care of me. Only Ah Shu loves me, and my grandmother takes good care of me. Otherwise, I, the legitimate son of the fifth generation of the Ling family, would become a wretch with no one to care about. "

"When I came to the capital to treat my eye disease, it was Ah Shu who accompanied me. My father has to stay in Dingzhou to take care of my grandmother, so he can't accompany my son. As a son of a man, I will not and dare not complain."

"Now that my eyes are cured, I am studying diligently in the Imperial College. I hope that I can earn a future for myself in the future. I can also become Ah Shu's support. My father has never thought about doing anything for Ah Shu. All he thinks about is probably from now on. Can this marriage have any practical benefits?”

"As for my stepmother, I am afraid that she will be unhappy in every possible way when she sees that Ah Shu has such a good marriage. Now she is nitpicking and deliberately instigating her. I wish my father would severely humiliate Ah Shu!"

"I really don't know whether my father is really confused or just pretending to be confused. Can't you see such an obvious thing? Should you just go with the flow and take advantage of this opportunity to manipulate Ah Shu so that you can instruct Ah Shu to contribute to your parents' family in the future?"

"If it's the former, I advise my father to keep his eyes open in the future and not to be deceived easily. After hearing a few sweet words, he angrily scolded us, which chilled the hearts of his children."

"If it's the latter, it's even more unnecessary. Ah Shu has suffered a lot in the past few years, and after getting married, she lived a peaceful and comfortable life. If my father wants to pursue an official career and gain a foothold in the capital, it's better to make his own plans. Don't make plans. Go to your own daughter.”

Mr. Ling Wu's complexion turned red and white.

Li also looked embarrassed.

The long-standing fig leaf was so ruthlessly lifted. As a stepmother, she was powerless to resist the accusations from her original wife and legitimate son.

Ling Jingshu's eyes were already blurry with tears.

The timid boy who used to hide behind her has grown into an upright man.

She had taken good care of him before. Now, it was his turn to stand in front of her, complain for her, and shield her from all wind and rain.

With this moment, no matter how much she paid, it was worth it.

Ling Xiao's words reached everyone's ears clearly. For a moment, everyone stopped crying.

Even Mrs. Ling wiped her tears and opened her mouth before Fifth Master Ling became angry: "Old Fifth, shut your mouth."

"What time is it now? Things at home are happening one after another. Our family should stick together, with our hearts in one place and our strength in one place. Don't be confused at this time. Don't say it's cold. The child's heart is not happy even for me, an old woman."

Fifth Master Ling shut up angrily.

Old Mrs. Ling glared at Mrs. Li again and scolded: "You should calm down and calm down for me. As soon as I arrived in the capital, you instigated Lao Wu and his children to make trouble. If you do this again, you will go back to Dingzhou. Never again. You are not allowed to come to the capital either.”

Mrs. Li was so scolded that she lowered her head dejectedly and did not dare to say anything again.

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