Loyang Jin

Chapter 406: Begging for mercy

After this unpleasant episode, everyone lost interest in talking and went back to the courtyard to settle down and rest.

Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao still live in the same courtyard.

Ling Xiao silently followed Ling Jingshu into the boudoir. Bai Yu and Qiao Yun knew that the two siblings had something private to say, so they stepped out knowingly.

"Ah Shu, you have been wronged again today."

Ling Xiao was the first to break the silence: "Father only listens to one side and listens to Mr. Li all day long. I don't know how many whispers Mr. Li blew in his ears. As soon as he arrived in the capital, he came to trouble you. ”

Ling Jingshu stared at Ling Xiao and smiled slightly: "I'm not afraid of them causing trouble for me. Moreover, with you protecting me today, I don't feel aggrieved at all, I just feel happy in my heart. Xiao, you have really grown up. From now on. I’m married, and the only family I can rely on is you.”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows, puffed out his chest and said, "Of course. If Wei Yan treats you badly or bullies you, I won't let him go."

Ling Jingshu raised the corners of her lips and nodded vigorously: "Okay, I will definitely tell him these words in the future. Let him know that I have the support of my brothers."

Ling Xiao grinned, his smile was clean and clear, with a bit of innocence and stupidity.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Wei Yan was sincere to Ling Jingshu, and after all his efforts, he was finally able to marry her back to his home, so how could he treat her badly? When he said this, he really wanted to support Ling Jingshu. Secondly, it was also the inexplicable jealousy in my heart that caused trouble.

In the past, he was the most important person in Ling Jingshu's heart. After getting married, Ling Jingshu will regard her husband as her heaven. As his younger brother, he had to stand in the back row.

Just like my sister was snatched away, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Ling Xiao thought for a while and then said: "If Mr. Li dares to find fault again, don't pay attention to it. You are getting married in two months, just concentrate on embroidering some dowry. Don't pay attention to this kind of villain who makes trouble for nothing, so as not to cause harm. Leave everything to me.”

Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart and agreed softly.

Ling Xiao's unprecedented tough attitude obviously shocked both Ling Wuye and Li Shi. Coupled with Mrs. Ling's severe beating, in the next few days, Fifth Master Ling and Mrs. Li remained calm and did not take the initiative to provoke Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu was also happy to be free. Every day, apart from sleeping in the morning and evening, she would stay in her boudoir and embroider her dowry.

She is a girl who is about to get married, and it is only right to focus on getting married.

Mrs. Ling didn't want to watch the Lu family being destroyed, and she spent all day thinking about how to spend money to save people.

After Uncle Ling found out, he smiled bitterly: "Mother, what the Lu family committed is not an ordinary trivial matter, it is a serious crime of rebellion. Even if the emperor ordered the entire Lu family to be executed, no one dared to intercede for the Lu family. We are avoiding suspicion now. It’s not too late. If you rush forward, aren’t you pushing the Ling family into a pit of fire?”

Such a simple truth, Mrs. Ling is not an old fool anymore, how could she not understand it?

"I know everything you said. But you only have one biological sister, and I only have one daughter. Now that she is in trouble, am I just going to watch her die?"

As Mrs. Ling spoke, her eyes were already red and tears fell down.

Seeing his old mother crying, Uncle Ling felt quite unhappy, and sighed in a low voice: "If there was a way to save people, I would have done it long ago. I wouldn't have to suffer from an illness and lie in bed all day long. Let’s recuperate and avoid suspicion. Mother, we really can’t help with this matter, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Old Mrs. Ling cried for a while and suddenly asked: "We have no choice, what about Wei Yan? He is the brother of Empress Wei and the uncle of the country. If he is willing to intercede for the Lu family in front of the emperor, maybe there will be someone else A turning point.”

Wei Yan will soon be the uncle of the Ling family, and it is appropriate for him to run errands for the Ling family.

Uncle Ling smiled bitterly: "Do you think I haven't thought about it? But Imperial Physician Wei is in the palace all day long, so it's not easy for us to see him."

"Then let Ah Shu send him a message and ask him to take some time to come to Ling Mansion."

Mrs. Ling said without thinking. Obviously, this thought has been in her mind more than once: "No matter how busy he is, he won't even refuse to come to the door!"

Uncle Ling was still hesitating: "I'm just afraid that Wei Yan will protect himself and won't wade into this muddy water."

He is a good uncle of the country, full of honors and favors, and is in the limelight. Why do you do such a thankless thing?

Mrs. Ling took it too naturally.

Mrs. Ling gritted her teeth and said: "No matter what, I have to give it a try. When he comes to the Ling family's door, I will risk my old face to beg him. Let's see how he refuses!"

This is an attempt to force others to do something difficult.

Uncle Ling frowned subconsciously. She wanted to stop her, but Mrs. Ling had already ordered someone to invite Ling Jingshu over.

Ling Jingshu entered the house and said, "Ah Shu, I would like to say hello to my grandmother, and I would like to say hello to my uncle."

Old Mrs. Ling had wiped her tears, her eyes were still red, she forced a smile and said, "A-Shu, come here, grandma has something to say to you."

Old Mrs. Ling had her own way, and Uncle Ling couldn't stop her, so he had to keep silent.

Ling Jingshu was so attentive and perceptive. When she saw Mrs. Ling being so attentive and polite, she vaguely guessed something and stepped forward according to her words: "I wonder if grandma asked me to come here. What do you want me to do?"

Old Mrs. Ling was flexible and flexible, and she used to be aloof. Today, in order to beg her granddaughter to help save people, she showed her old face and said, "Ah Shu, your aunt has suffered a disaster. Now, only you can save her."

As expected, it was for Ling's sake.

Ling Jingshu secretly sneered in her heart.

In her previous life, she escaped from the Lu family and fled back to the Ling family, fully hoping that Mrs. Ling would take her in and protect her. As a result, Mrs. Ling didn't care about the slightest affection between her ancestors and grandchildren, so she tied her up and sent her back to the Lu family's fire pit. Now he is willing to bow his head for Ling.

"My grandmother really upset me when she said this."

Ling Jingshu pretended to be flustered: "How can I, a girl from a boudoir, help with such a big matter?"

Old Mrs. Ling held Ling Jingshu's hand tightly, like a drowning person grasping the last straw: "Of course you can save her. Even if you can't, Wei Yan can always save her."

"Wei Yan is the uncle of the state, and he can speak in front of the emperor. As long as he is willing to open his mouth to plead for mercy, maybe the emperor will be lenient and spare your aunt's life."

Old Mrs. Ling was not so confused, she knew that the Lu family could not escape this disaster. Now I just hope that Ling can survive.

"Ah Shu, I, as a grandmother, am begging you." Mrs. Ling cried and said, "Write a letter to Wei Yan and ask him to come to Ling's house. I will personally ask Wei Yan for help."

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