Loyang Jin

Chapter 37 Accomplice 1

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed and her expression was calm: "I have made it very clear what I should say. With my elder brother's intelligence, I should have understood it a long time ago."

What Ling Jingshu said is not difficult to understand. As long as you think about it a little, it is not difficult to understand the meaning.

Ling Ting pursed his lips, his expression changing under the candlelight.

"Li Shi is our common enemy. With our current strength, it is not easy to deal with Li Shi. We can only attack Li Shi's biggest support and her biggest weakness."

Ling Jingshu said slowly: "A child as young as six may fall when walking, choke when eating, accidentally fall into the water while walking by the pool, or learn to ride a horse out of curiosity, but the docile horse suddenly goes crazy... .... All kinds of accidents may cause a child to die. No matter how carefully people take care of them, there will always be times when they fail to take care of them, don’t you think so?”

Ling Ting: "..."

Ling Ting gasped and looked at Ling Jingshu as if he were looking at a complete stranger.

Is this still the gentle and gentle Ling Jingshu? Speaking of these sinister and cruel methods in such an understatement makes people feel chills in their hearts.

Ling Jingshu didn't look at Ling Ting, but continued talking to herself: "Li's ability to win her father's favor was simply by giving birth to a legitimate son. If she loses her son, she will definitely be heartbroken and will lose her biggest loss. She has the confidence. Even if she wants to have another baby in the future, she may not be lucky enough to get a boy in one fell swoop, and she may not be able to raise him safely. "

"I will take Ah Xiao to the capital for treatment. If his eyes are cured, I will send him to the best academy. If Mrs. Wei cannot cure his eye disease, I will look for other famous doctors. In short, our siblings The two will never return to Dingzhou."

"You are the only son left under my father's knees. Even if he is a concubine, no one will dare to underestimate you anymore. In the future, the family property of these five houses will also be yours."

"This family fortune is right in front of you. It just depends on whether you have the courage to take it."


Ling Ting's chest heaved violently, his right hand clenched into a fist was shaking slightly, and the expression on his face was indescribably complicated.

After Ling Jingshu finished speaking, she stopped talking.

After a while, Ling Ting finally made up his mind and exhaled a long breath: "You and A Xiao really don't plan to return to Dingzhou?"

Without waiting for Ling Jingshu to answer, she continued talking to herself: "Maybe you are just here to trick me, and then you will leak the matter to my father when I really make up my mind to take action. At that time, I, who dares to murder my brother, will The concubine cannot escape death. Only two of you are left in the fifth house. This is a great trick to kill two birds with one stone!"

Ling Jingshu did not deny it, but smiled: "Brother is really thoughtful and cautious. Over the years, eldest brother has been hiding his capabilities and biding his time, pretending to be mediocre, and actually hid it from everyone."

The words have been spoken, and there is nothing to hide.

Ling Ting simply gave up and admitted frankly: "You are right. In fact, I have long secretly suspected that Li was the mastermind back then. However, I have no evidence first, and secondly I am a low-key person. If I say it rashly, I will only cause trouble. ”

"I'm really moved by what you just said. But, how do I know if you are using me and betraying me after it's done?"

She really saw the right person.

Sixteen-year-old Ling Ting is scheming and ambitious. It's just that Kunai had a chance to "show off his talents".

Because the Lu family was there, she didn't want to stay in Dingzhou longer. To deal with Li, Ling Ting is the best candidate.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyebrows and said with a half-smile: "I am making a vow at this moment that A Xiao and I will never return to Dingzhou and give up our five-bedroom family property. Will you believe my vow?"

Ling Ting's eyes flickered uncertainly, and it took him a long time to utter two words: "I don't believe it."

A person's mouth has two skins, and there is no trace left after finishing speaking.

If swearing poison worked, there wouldn't be so many treacherous people in the world.

Ling Jingshu shrugged slightly and said nonchalantly: "If you don't believe it, then there's nothing I can do about it. Just let go of what I said tonight. Brother, just pretend that you never came!"

Ling Ting: "..."

Are you trying to play a trick on him? !

Such an important conspiracy is related to a life, to Wufang's future family business... and even more to his future, how can it be such a child's play? !

Ling Ting looked unhappy, but he didn't move even half a step.

"Brother, if you don't believe me, why don't you just walk away?" Ling Jingshu asked knowingly.

The corner of Ling Ting's mouth twitched a few times before he squeezed out a few words: "I don't believe you. However, I really can't rest assured about such an important matter without a proof."

Ling Jingshu was not surprised when she heard this request, but she refused without thinking: "No. There must be no evidence for this kind of thing. What if you are unlucky and someone discovers it, or you use this to inform Mr. Li to take credit?" , we siblings have become fish on the chopping board."

"If you don't dare to trust me, how can I dare to trust you? If we are so suspicious of each other, we might as well not talk about what happened tonight."

"I hate Ms. Li and don't want to see her live a happy life. And you want more. You want a five-bedroom family property, your father's favor, and everyone's respect. You want so much, and yet I don’t want to take any risks, there is nothing like this in the world.”

At this point, Ling Jingshu's pretty face turned cold, and her tone was a bit cold: "I'm done with this. How you choose, it's all up to you."


This time, Ling Ting was silent for a long time.

He thought of Aunt Xia's tragic death, of the desolation of being a concubine, of Mr. Li's disdain when she occasionally looked at him, of his father's love for his youngest son...

The resentment and unwillingness that were usually hidden deep in my heart all surged into my heart at this time, converging into a raging torrent, stirring endlessly in my heart.

His mother died in disguised form at the hands of the Li family, and his miserable life over the years was all thanks to the Li family. Is he just going to live his whole life like this?

With such a good opportunity in front of him, why didn't he dare to give it a try?

Ling Ting's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, his palms were wet, all the blood in his body was rushing to his mind, and his handsome face turned red.

Ling Jingshu gradually calmed down.

If Ling Ting didn't want to, he would have turned around and left long ago. He was so hesitant at this moment precisely because he had this thought.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger. Ling Ting will definitely nod!

"Sister, I have one last question." Ling Ting finally spoke: "When you get married in the future, you will have a dowry. But as for Ah Xiao, how can you be sure that he is willing to give up the family business?"

Ling Jingshu responded without hesitation: "After Axiao goes to the capital, he will have a better future. This family fortune seems to be worth more than a thousand gold in your eyes, but it is worthless in the eyes of our siblings."

After saying that, he raised his eyes and looked at Ling Ting: "Brother, if you make up your mind, we will form an alliance today and make a poisonous oath. No matter whether things succeed or not, we must keep it secret and never reveal what happened tonight. "

Ling Ting gritted his teeth and responded resolutely: "Okay."

Ling Jingshu calmed down all her expressions and solemnly swore an oath: "Your Majesty, I, Ling Jingshu, swear here. As long as my brother does what he promised, my brother Ling Xiao and I will never return to Dingzhou in this life and are willing to give up our five-bedroom home." Karma. If I violate this oath in the future, I, Ling Jingshu, will be struck by lightning and die."

Ling Ting calmed down and made a poisonous oath.

After each made an oath, it was considered an alliance. When he spoke again, there was no more twists and turns.

"Are you and Ah Xiao really leaving tomorrow?"

"All the clothes and luggage have been packed. We will set off with my uncle and the others early tomorrow morning."

"Do the Lu brothers know that you are leaving?" Ling Ting asked subconsciously.

Ling Jingshu looked indifferent: "What does my leaving have to do with them? Why let them know."

.....It seems that Ling Jingshu really has no good impressions of the Lu brothers. Maybe he hid his trip to the capital just to hide it from them.

Ling Ting was thinking about lightning, and did not dwell on this issue. He whispered: "Sister, if things come true in the future, I will order someone to send a letter to you."

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