Loyang Jin

Chapter 38 Accomplice 2

Ling Jingshu nodded, and then whispered: "Don't be anxious about this matter, you must make a decision before taking action. It looks like an accident and has nothing to do with you. When the incident happens, even if Mr. Li is suspicious of you, it will not be involved." Come on you."

Just like Ling Xiao's "accident" back then.

Ling Ting understood and nodded in agreement.

The two discussed some details and ways to contact them in the future in a low voice. It wasn't until the third watch that Ling Ting left.

Ling Jingshu breathed out softly, and the expression on her face disappeared.

A young life will perish in the near future. Although Ling Ting was the one who did it, she was the real mastermind... In front of Ling Ting, she remained calm and collected. But my heart kept trembling.

But when she thought of Ling Xiao and Bai Yu, who were innocently killed in their previous life, and of the ruthless Li family, the trace of hesitation and hesitation in Ling Jingshu's heart was immediately suppressed.

When Li took action against Ling Xiao, who was only eight years old, he never hesitated to relent. Later, when he attacked sixteen-year-old Ling Xiao, why did he hesitate?

After Bai Yu married into the Li family, she suffered torture and humiliation and died, which must have been at the behest of the Li family.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!

The kind-hearted and weak Ling Jingshu has died long ago. When she is reborn, she must be ruthless if she wants to take revenge. First, she laid out chess pieces to deal with the Li family and her son. In the future, she would kill the Lu family, and deal with Princess Changping...

Even if my hands are stained with blood and I have to go to hell after death, I won’t hesitate.


"Miss, why do you look so ugly?" Bai Yu's voice interrupted Ling Jingshu's thoughts.

Under the soft candlelight, Ling Jingshu's expression was solemn, and her pretty face had no color, which was frightening to watch.

Ling Jingshu came back to her senses and tugged at the corners of her lips: "It's nothing. I just thought of something and felt uncomfortable." She paused and then lowered her voice and murmured to herself: "Bai Yu, I'm a little scared."

Bai Yu was startled, then hurriedly came over and asked, "What are you afraid of, young lady?"

She is secretly afraid of her own changes! She is afraid that she will do whatever it takes to get revenge, become a completely different person, and become hateful...

All the words came to his mouth, almost blurting out. When he saw Bai Yu's concerned face, he swallowed it back automatically.

She can bear these darkness alone. Why let Bai Yu know and be confused, worried and uncomfortable?

"I have grown so old and I have never traveled far." Ling Jingshu quickly found a high-sounding reason: "I always feel a little uneasy when I think of setting off early tomorrow morning."

Bai Yu was so smart and perceptive that he could hear Ling Jingshu's perfunctory and insincere words. However, since Ling Jingshu didn't want to say it, she didn't want to get to the bottom of it. She followed Ling Jingshu's words and said, "Yes, I don't feel at ease when I think of going to such a far place! Fortunately, I am following the master. The family goes to the pier to take the official boat, and there are people taking care of them on the way, so there is no need to worry too much. "

After a pause, he smiled and said: "It's already late at night, miss, you'd better rest early! We have to get up early tomorrow!"

Ling Jingshu hummed.

After changing clothes and lying down, Bai Yu carefully blew out only one candlestick and placed the other candlestick in the corner. That little light drove away the darkness in the room, but it could not drive away the gloom in Ling Jingshu's heart.

After closing my eyes for a long time, I felt hazy sleepy.

In her sleep, she dreamed about the night of her death again.


"Here is the three-foot-long white silk gifted by the palace." Ling's eyes flashed with vicious pleasure. He leaned down and looked at her kneeling on the ground: "You are considered lucky. This is a secret decree given by the Queen Mother herself. Reward Bai Ling.”

Lu An stood beside Ling, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

However, since this was the secret order given by Empress Dowager Xu herself, to take Ling Jingshu's life, even if he was so cowardly, he would not dare to keep Ling Jingshu anymore.

Her face was pale, her heart was full of resentment, and her eyes were full of hatred and unwillingness: "What did I do wrong? Why do you treat me like this?"

"You are wrong because she is Ah Hong's first wife." Ling sneered: "Thinking about how noble Princess Changping is, she wants to recruit Ah Hong as her consort, which is the blessing that Ah Hong has cultivated for several lifetimes. Naturally, a dignified princess cannot If you have the reputation of stealing someone's husband, Ah Hong can only become your consort after you die suddenly."

"Ling Jingshu, just accept your fate!"

No, she doesn't accept this fate.

Several women held her down and she struggled hard. Ling couldn't wait any longer, so she picked up the white silk and wrapped it around her neck, strangling her to death...

Ling Jingshu woke up from the nightmare, tried hard to calm her disordered heartbeat and breathing, turned her body inward, and forced herself to continue falling asleep.

Drowsily, she fell into another dream.

"A Xiao, A Xiao, wake up." She was only eight years old, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her pale and unconscious brother Ling Xiao, her tears rolling down like broken pearls.

But no matter how she shouted, the young Ling Xiao still lay motionless on the bed.

The scene changed rapidly, and Ling Xiao's head and eyes were wrapped with thick layers of white gauze. The doctor carefully removed the gauze layer by layer. Ling Xiao's beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of fog that could not be dissolved, and he said at a loss: "Ah Shu, I can't see... What will I do in the future?" manage?"

Ling Xiao's unhappy voice kept echoing.

"Ah Shu, I can never study again."

"Ah Shu, my cousins ​​all call me blind behind my back."

"Ah Shu, I can't do anything, I'm like a useless person..."

No, Ah Xiao, you are not a useless person.

In my heart, you are the best and best boy in the world. I didn't even have time to see you for the last time before I said goodbye to you forever. It was all Li who harmed you...


"Miss, miss." A familiar hand wiped away the tears on her face, her voice full of heartache and concern.

Ling Jingshu opened her eyes, and Bai Yu's familiar face came into view: "Miss, are you having a nightmare again? There are tears on your face, and I heard you babble a few words."

Ling Jingshu asked subconsciously: "What did I say?"

Bai Yu hesitated for a moment and then told the truth: "I only heard you calling Master Xiao's name all the time and saying that you wanted to avenge him."

Ling Jingshu's heart trembled, and she immediately said: "I had a nightmare, dreaming that someone harmed A Xiao."

This explanation makes perfect sense.

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and reassured: "It's just a dream, don't take it seriously. It's almost dawn, so it's better for the young lady to get up early. Later, she has to say goodbye to the master and the old lady with Master Xiao. Woolen cloth!"

Ling Jingshu composed herself and responded.

After getting up and getting dressed, Ling Xiao also came with a happy face. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to shout: "Ah Shu, have you had breakfast? Hurry up and eat, let's go say goodbye to grandma."

Then he smiled happily and said: "I have never been on an official ship on a long trip! I don't know if I will get seasick."

The smile on her face was brighter and more brilliant than the sun, driving away all the darkness in Ling Jingshu's heart.

Ling Jingshu also laughed: "Auntie must have prepared seasickness medicine. I will take the medicine before boarding the ship."

Ling Xiao nodded enthusiastically and sighed with regret: "It's a pity that I can't see my eyes and can't appreciate the scenery along the way."

Ling Jingshu felt a faint pain in her heart, and comforted her with a smile: "I will tell you one by one. When my eyes are cured in the future, I can see whatever I want."

Will he really see the light of day again?

Ling Xiao started to get excited just thinking about it. The anticipation for the trip to the capital was almost written on his face.

Ling Jingshu stared at Ling Xiao, and the last trace of haze in her heart was swept away.

I only wish that the medical skills of Imperial Physician Wei were really that good and he could cure Ah Xiao's eyes. As long as Ah Xiao can return to normal, she will be willing to do anything.

Let her bear all the darkness and sin!

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