Loyang Jin

Chapter 58 Thank you 2

Ling Xiao's actions were beyond everyone's expectations.

The emperor's grandson raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Ling Xiao, and suddenly asked: "Are you twins?"

The looks of Ling Xiao and Ling Jingshu are quite similar, but slightly different.

Ling Xiaosheng is delicate and beautiful, but Ling Jingshu is bright and beautiful.

Ling Xiao answered yes.

"You are my younger brother!" The emperor's grandson's tone was very certain.

"Yes, Ah Shu was born earlier than me." Ling Xiao couldn't figure out the purpose of the emperor's grandson's question for a while. He answered the question honestly and added: "I was not born blind. I had an accident when I was eight years old. I injured my head in a fall and lost my sight.”

It is really a pity that such a handsome young man is blind.

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed slightly and he asked casually: "You siblings don't live in the capital. Why did you follow Mr. Ling to Luoyang this time?"

Before Ling Xiao could say anything, Ling Jingshu rushed to get up and knelt down: "If I go back to Your Highness, most of the famous Xinglin doctors from the Zhou Dynasty are in the capital. I am accompanying A Xiao to the capital this time because I want to seek medical advice for him. Heal his eyes."

Seek medical advice?

The emperor's grandson looked thoughtfully at the girl kneeling in front of him, and asked calmly: "Are you planning to take him to Huichun Hall to seek treatment from Imperial Physician Wei?"

Imperial Physician Wei founded Huichun Hall, which treated and cured many patients who were originally believed to be dead. He also cured countless difficult and complicated diseases. In the past few years, he has become famous and has already surpassed all the doctors in the imperial hospital. Among the people, he has a reputation as a miracle doctor. Even Ling Jingshu, who was far away in Dingzhou, heard about the name of Imperial Physician Wei.

Ling Jingshu lowered her head and said yes.

At this time, Ling Jingshu was meek, respectful, and courteous, and could not fault her at all.

She is completely different from the pale but cold and stubborn girl last night.

A trace of interest flashed in the eyes of the emperor's grandson, and he casually ordered: "You two don't have to kneel, please stand up and talk!"

Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao thanked each other. When they stood up, Ling Jingshu naturally held Ling Xiao's arm and whispered: "Axiao, be careful."

The two siblings are about the same height and short, standing side by side, with similar faces but different charms.

No wonder those gangsters were interested.

The emperor's grandson glanced at Ling Jingshu and his sister, and then looked at Ling Ji: "It was you who sent the distress signal last night! I was able to save you in time this time. It's a good thing that the signal was sent out early."

If he had been a moment late, I was afraid that by the time he arrived, the gangsters would have already kidnapped the person and fled far away.

Ling Ji was stunned: "I didn't send the distress signal last night."

"Perhaps it was a distress signal sent by the boatmen." Uncle Ling guessed: "I will ask carefully later to find out who sent the distress signal. I must reward him heavily..."

"I sent the distress signal last night." A clear and soft voice sounded.

Everyone: "……."

In everyone's shocked and stunned eyes, Ling Jingshu said quietly: "That day on the pier, I always felt that someone was staring at me. In the next two days, I felt a little uneasy, so I asked Bai Yu to go to the boatman and ask for a bamboo tube. The signal came. I just wanted to be prepared, but I didn’t expect that there was a gangster attack at night. I immediately sent the signal. "

That's easy to say.

But under such circumstances, when they were suddenly attacked by gangsters, everyone was in panic and panic before it was too late to hide. How could they think of sending out a distress signal? A delicate girl remained calm in the face of danger and immediately sent out a distress signal...

This kind of courage and courage is really amazing!

Ling Jingyan looked at Ling Jingshu blankly, as if seeing her clearly for the first time.

Ling Ji's eyes were more complicated.

He thought of Ling Jingshu's calm response when facing the gangsters last night, and thought of the dagger covered in blood... What kind of power was contained in the slim figure like a willow?

The emperor's grandson was also looking at the shy and gentle girl, a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence in the cabin, Uncle Ling opened his mouth to break the silence: "Ah Shu did a good job. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Ah Shu this time. If she hadn't stood up for each other, I'm afraid we would all be in trouble."

The emperor's grandson raised his eyebrows and said "oh" with a rising tone.

Uncle Ling has been in the officialdom for many years and is best at observing people's thoughts and words. When he saw that the emperor's grandson was interested in this matter, he immediately told the story of what happened last night: "...I'm really ashamed to say it. I was so frightened at that time. The six gods had no master, and for fear of angering the gangsters, they did not dare to speak out..."

"So, you just let a young girl who has not left the palace follow the gangsters?" The emperor's grandson interrupted Uncle Ling calmly, with a dark color that was unpredictable and did not distinguish between joy and anger.

There was a hint of disapproval in his tone, but it came out clearly.

Uncle Ling heard this sentence suddenly and was speechless, his old face burning.

"Under the circumstances, this was the only way to save everyone's lives." The person who rescued Uncle Ling was actually Ling Jingshu. She looked at Uncle Ling with a gentle and sincere face: "Uncle, I endured the humiliation. My niece is only grateful and has no complaints."

...Whether this is true or not, Uncle Ling finally looks much better.

If I only felt a little guilty towards Ling Jingshu before, now I feel satisfied that "it is true that my niece is the closest to me and knows how to protect my uncle's face at all times."

The emperor's grandson glanced at Ling Jingshu with a smile but not a smile: "Miss Ling Jiu, a weak female, dares to face the gangsters. Her courage is commendable and admirable."

To dare to kill someone is not only a commendable act of courage, it is simply rare in the world.

Ling Jingshu pretended not to hear the implication of the Emperor's grandson's words, and pretended to be shy and meekly lowered her head: "Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

...There is a way to put on pretense.

The emperor's grandson twitched the corners of his lips, but there was no displeasure in his eyes.

Wang Tong was worried on the sidelines, but he was relieved when he saw that the emperor's grandson was not angry.

The emperor's grandson is not an easy master to serve. Other young men at this age are still reading the Four Books and Five Classics, but he has already taken over the affairs of the East Palace, commanded the officials of the East Palace, and handled the political affairs of the court.

He is young and powerful, has a deep mind, his brows are slightly downcast, and he is not angry and confident.

The people around him waited on him with trepidation, fearing that he might accidentally offend the emperor's grandson.

The crown prince and concubine doted on the eldest son, and the emperor also paid special attention to the emperor's grandson. Below one person, above ten thousand people, he is the true pride of heaven!

Such an emperor's grandson was usually too late for everyone to fawn over and flatter him, so no one dared to go against his wishes. Even if he frowned, the people around him would be frightened.

Unexpectedly, Miss Ling Jiu was surprisingly patient with me today.

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