Loyang Jin

Chapter 59 Favor

After that, Ling Jingshu remained silent.

Uncle Ling tactfully and implicitly expressed his wish to return to the capital with His Highness the Grand Sun.

The Ling family was frightened to death by the gangsters' night attack, and the escorting boatmen suffered many casualties. They had neither the courage nor enough manpower to set off back to Beijing. It wouldn't hurt to take them back to Beijing together.

The emperor's grandson nodded casually and agreed: "We will repair for half a day and set off after noon. Your official ship will set off with us!"

Uncle Ling was secretly happy.

Uncle Ling rarely had the opportunity to interact with this distinguished grandson of the emperor, but he had heard a lot of rumors.

It is said that the young emperor's grandson's temperament and temperament are very similar to those of the emperor back then, with unpredictable moods and deep thoughts. The officials of the East Palace were in awe of the emperor's grandson, even more than the prince of the East Palace...

But today it seems that the rumors are too exaggerated. The emperor’s grandson is not so difficult to get close to!

Having said all that needs to be said, it’s time to retire.

Uncle Ling stood up and resigned: "I have been disturbing His Majesty the Grand Sun for a long time, and I feel really uneasy. So I led my family members to leave."

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed and he ordered: "Wang Tong, on my behalf, take Langzhong back to the ship."

His Highness Taisun is very fond of Lord Ling!

Wang Tong was secretly surprised, but he quickly responded.


"Those rumors are not true. Who said His Highness Taisun is moody and difficult to get close to? It is obvious that Corporal Li Xian is very friendly!"

After returning to the cabin of the official ship, Uncle Ling said with a happy face: "It's a blessing in disguise. This is absolutely true!"

Through what happened last night, he established a relationship with the emperor's grandson in a fair and honest manner, and they were able to return to the capital together. Although we are not traveling on the same ship, it is always necessary to board the ship to greet His Highness Taisun when the ship is docked and resting. This is an excellent opportunity to please and please...

Thinking of this, Uncle Ling was even more happy.

Mrs. Sun knew what Uncle Ling was thinking best, and laughed in a low voice: "I have been working in the Ministry of Industry for many years, and my position as a doctor in the Ministry of Industry has not changed for several years. If I can get into the relationship with His Highness Taisun, etc. Minister Qiao has retired. As long as His Highness Taisun says a word, this position will most likely belong to the master."

These words can be considered as speaking from the heart of Uncle Ling.

However, in front of all the juniors, Uncle Ling had to maintain a certain elder's demeanor and dignity. He coughed and said, "I am very happy to have the opportunity to get close to His Highness. It doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not."

...What you say doesn’t mean what you say!

Ling Jingshu secretly laughed in her heart.

Uncle Ling was obsessed with getting promoted and making a fortune. When he saw the big tree called Emperor Taisun, he couldn't wait to get close to it. He even forgot the thrill of nearly losing his life last night.

However, this is also a good thing for her. If Uncle Ling establishes a relationship with the emperor's grandson, it will be easier for her to ask for a meeting with the emperor's grandson in the future...

Just as he was thinking about it, Uncle Ling had already looked over and said kindly: "Ah Shu, you handled it very well in front of His Highness today. What happened last night happened suddenly and we were unable to react in time. I didn't expect you to be so delicate. The boudoir girl is stronger than the two men A Ji and I."

From the cold "Sister Shu" to the affectionate and caring Ah Shu at this time, it is clear how much Uncle Ling appreciates Ling Jingshu's performance last night and today.

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, and responded softly: "My niece only did what she was expected to do. My uncle's praise made her feel uneasy."

Mrs. Sun immediately smiled and said, "What's there to be afraid of? It's not just the master who wants to praise you, but I, the eldest aunt, have also prepared a bunch of words of praise!"

"Don't be afraid or confused in the face of danger, be bold, careful and calm, and deal with things calmly and calmly." Mrs. Jiang looked at Ling Jingshu with admiration in her eyes: "Such courage is rare in the world."

Ling Jingyan reluctantly agreed: "Yes, I was so frightened that I could only cry."

After this incident, everyone's view of Ling Jingshu changed greatly.

Ling Jingyan's mood was probably the most complicated. Before, at most, I felt that Ling Jingshu's appearance was a little better than mine, but now I suddenly realized that the difference was not just a tiny bit.

Probably like the difference between wildflowers and peonies...

This mood, this sourness!

She couldn't even feel any jealousy anymore, only full of loss and sadness.


During lunch, Ling Jingyan changed from her normal state and almost remained silent. Like an eggplant beaten by frost, it is wilted and has no energy at all.

Ling Jingshu saw all the changes in Ling Jingyan's expression, and after thinking about it for a moment, she guessed why Ling Jingyan was in a bad mood.

Ling Jingyan is kind-hearted, but she is spoiled by her family and has a arrogant temper. Now that I feel that I am far outmatched by her, it is strange that I am in a good mood.

In the future, if I have to stay at my uncle's house, I will inevitably have to rely on them. It is necessary to have a good relationship with everyone in the long house. This is why Ling Jingshu showed her kindness to Uncle Ling everywhere before.

Therefore, Ling Jingshu didn't mind coaxing Ling Jingyan.

After lunch, Ling Jingyan returned to the cabin, and Ling Jingshu followed her in, calling "Cousin Yan."

Ling Jingyan hummed in frustration.

Ling Jingshu took Ling Jingyan's hand and asked with a low smile: "Cousin Yan, are you angry with me? Why have you been ignoring me today?"

"How could this happen?" Ling Jingyan replied quickly, paused and then explained in a low voice reluctantly: "I was frightened last night, and I haven't come back to my senses all day today, and I'm not in the mood to talk. Jue It wasn’t meant to be directed at you.”

This is not entirely a lie.

The thrilling scene last night is still vivid in my mind. I still feel scared when I think about it now.

But why did Ling Jingshu dare to follow the gangsters?

Today, I still calmly rescued my father...

Comparing one person to another is really infuriating!

Ling Jingyan pursed her lips in frustration.

Ling Jingshu understood Ling Jingyan's thoughts and did not reveal it. She only said softly: "Actually, I was also very scared at the time. But when things came to an end, fear was useless. Those gangsters came for me, so I could only hold on. face."

He paused and then said: "In such a critical situation last night, you and your family stayed together and had no time to take care of me and A Xiao. This is also inevitable. I didn't have the courage to call you over when I was staying with A Xiao. "

After hearing these words, Ling Jingyan frowned, and most of the guilt that had been lingering in her heart dissipated. She couldn't help but sigh: "Ah Shu, you are broad-minded, just don't blame us."

Although I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, I really don't have the face to show it.

Ling Jingyan cheered up and said with a smile: "It's a blessing in disguise that we met His Highness the Grand Sun."

Ling Jingshu followed Ling Jingyan's words and said, "However, this great grandson seems not to be easy to get close to!"


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