Loyang Jin

Chapter 60 Power

Ling Jingyan didn't have any scheming, and didn't realize that Ling Jingshu was lying. She immediately nodded in agreement: "It's not just that it's not easy to get close to him. I don't dare to look at him at all."

"Although His Majesty the Great Grandson is young, he holds a high position of power and has a deep mind. Not to mention us, even those civil servants and military officers who have been immersed in officialdom for many years are wary in front of him."

"I once heard a rumor. His Highness Taisun didn't like to be disturbed when he was reading, and the chambermaids were not allowed to come near him. One palace maid, relying on the fact that she was a reward from the Queen, had the courage to serve a late-night snack to His Highness Taisun. Enter the study room. The palace girl's beauty was probably due to her young and handsome appearance, and she was trying to flatter her. However, she failed to do so and was beaten thirty times. "

Speaking of this rumor that was widely circulated among the ladies in the capital, Ling Jingyan became interested and said with ecstasy: "That palace maid was also pitiful. She was beaten in front of everyone and lost her face. She threw herself into a well that night. She was alive. A life was lost. When I heard that His Highness found out, he just sneered and said nothing. From then on, no maid dared to enter His Highness's study without permission."

"After this incident spread, His Highness Taisun's reputation for being cold and ruthless also spread. The number of ladies in the capital who were secretly in love with His Highness Taisun suddenly disappeared by half."

"By the way, there is another incident that has been widely circulated. An official in the East Palace made a mistake while running an errand and has asked His Highness the Crown Prince for forgiveness. But His Highness the Crown Prince insisted on being dealt with strictly. For this matter, the Crown Prince His Majesty Sun even had a dispute with His Majesty the Crown Prince. In the end, His Majesty the Crown Prince gave in and dismissed the official from his post and was sent to prison."

"Speaking of which, my eldest sister-in-law and His Highness the Grand Sun are also related by marriage, so we should call him cousin. But you also saw that he didn't specifically talk to my eldest sister-in-law today, and my eldest sister-in-law didn't dare to pretend to be a cousin."

This fully shows the power of His Highness the Grand Sun.

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

This is power!

He holds the power of life and death in his hands, and he can lift people to great heights with just one word, and send him to hell with just one word.

Rather than being afraid of the emperor's grandson, it is better to say that he is in awe of his noble status.

In the previous life, Princess Changping took away husbands without any scruples, and Empress Xu secretly ordered her to be executed... In the final analysis, it was all because of power.

"You are really courageous. When you went to the ship to express your gratitude this morning, you also spoke eloquently to His Majesty the Grand Sun." Ling Jingyan joked with a smile.

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly: "Why don't you dare. He was just lucky enough to have a good pregnancy. He was born as the eldest grandson of the Tian family, with a noble status. If he was like his cousin and A Xiao, who came from an ordinary background, even if he kept a cold face all day long, Who would be afraid of him?"

Ling Jingyan was speechless.

This may sound a bit rebellious at first, but if you think about it carefully, it does seem to make sense...

"A'shu, we sisters can just talk about this in private. We can't talk nonsense in front of others." Ling Jingyan warned worriedly: "It would be terrible if it reaches the ears of His Majesty the Grand Sun."

If His Highness Taisun is angered, not only Ling Jingshu, but also the Ling family will suffer!

Ling Jingshu smiled: "There are only two of us here, so I dare to speak a few words from my heart. This is because I know cousin Yan's temper and will never spread these jokes. If it were anyone else, I would How dare you talk nonsense."

This silent flattery quickly narrowed the distance between the two.

Ling Jingyan listened very much and said with a smile: "What you said makes sense. The two of us can whisper and say whatever we want."

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, and asked abruptly: "Cousin Yan, is there anyone you admire in your heart?"

Ling Jingyan: "..."

Ling Jingyan's cheeks turned red quickly and her eyes wandered uncertainly. She looked left and right but did not dare to look directly into Ling Jingshu's eyes: "No, no."


It turned out that at this time, Ling Jingyan's heart was already attached to King Yan.

Queen Xu and her daughter were her life-and-death enemies. As the younger brother of Queen Xu's youngest son, Princess Changping, King Yan was naturally one of her enemies.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you find the opponent's weaknesses and wait for opportunities for revenge.

If you want to find out about King Yan, Ling Jingyan is the best place to start.

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly, but said with a smile: "Cousin Yan, please don't lie to me. If you don't have a sweetheart, how could you not be moved at all when you see a handsome young man like His Highness Taisun?"

Although the emperor's grandson is a little cold and arrogant, and is far more profound than a boy of his age, he is indeed very handsome. Compared to the handsome and gentle Lu Hong, he is not inferior. Coupled with the dazzling aura that comes from status and power, it is enough to make the girl fall in love.

Ling Jingyan refused to admit it to her death, and even said with a guilty conscience: "According to what you said, why are you not attracted to Cousin Hong and Cousin Qian? Could it be that you also have a sweetheart?"

Ling Jingshu was speechless.

Ling Jingyan had the upper hand verbally, and she was quite pleased with herself. She continued with a smile: "You deliberately concealed the fact that you were coming to the capital, just to avoid the two brothers!"

"Not entirely." Ling Jingshu said half truthfully: "Part of it is to avoid their brothers, so as not to cause embarrassment and make everyone look bad. The other half is to accompany A Xiao to treat his illness..."

Ling Jingyan had already thrown away her previous depression, and made a face when she heard this: "Come on, please stop coaxing me. I really don't understand your thoughts. My potential cousin is still a child, and you can't have a boy or girl with him." Affection is inevitable. But Cousin Hong is a talented person with a good family background, appearance, talent, and talent, and he is so infatuated with you. Why are you so indifferent to him? "

Of course Ling Jingshu would not tell the truth, so she answered evasively: "There are many outstanding young men in this world. Do I have to respond to those who admire me?"

...To put it simply, I just didn’t like Lu Hong!

Ling Jingyan rolled her eyes and laughed softly: "Ah Shu, I think His Highness Taisun seems to have a special regard for you! His Highness Taisun has not yet made a marriage arrangement, and all the ladies in the capital are watching with eager eyes! You are so beautiful, If you can catch his eye, you won't be able to become the grandson's concubine. Being a concubine to the grandson's side will mean you will be rich and prosperous for the rest of your life. "

Ling Jingshu: "..."

What a joke!

The cold and handsome young face quickly flashed through Ling Jingshu's mind, and she replied without hesitation: "You must be dazzled!"

The tone was very crisp and clear.

When Ling Jingyan saw that Ling Jingshu didn't answer the question, she changed the topic again.

At this moment, the ship rocked slightly.

Set off again!


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