Loyang Jin

Chapter 61 Siblings

The official ship of the Ling family followed closely behind the official ship of the emperor's grandson.

The shadow of the gangster's night attack still hangs over everyone's mind, like a frightened bird, and the slightest disturbance will cause panic. Only by following the fleet of the emperor's grandson can I feel at ease.

Set off together, sail together, anchor together and rest together.

When it was time to rest, Uncle Ling indeed led Ling Ji to the emperor's grandson's boat to pay his respects. As for the female relatives, it is inconvenient to accompany them.

Ling Xiao was blind and had difficulty moving, so he didn't want to follow him. He sat in Ling Jingshu's room, speechless, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Axiao, what's wrong with you?" Ling Jingshu asked with concern.

The whole day was busy and my mind was wandering. I spent half a day at Ling Jingyan's place in the afternoon, and I couldn't even think about Ling Xiao for a moment. It wasn't until this moment that she noticed something strange about Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao forced out a smile: "It's nothing, I'm very good."

The smile was forced and ugly.

There's nothing wrong with this, it's clear that he's worried.

Because of his blindness, Ling Xiao rarely interacts with outsiders, and his mind is particularly sharp and delicate.

Ling Jingshu said softly: "Are you still thinking about what happened last night?"

Ling Xiao didn't want to admit it, but he never lied in front of Ling Jingshu, so he hummed quietly after a while. He had been growing up in the inner house, and he had never experienced such a dangerous and terrifying scene as last night.

Ling Jingshu's heart tightened when she saw Ling Xiao like this. She couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Ling Xiao's thin body: "Everything has passed. Stop thinking about it."

Ling Xiao's muffled voice sounded: "Ah Shu, I'm so useless. When you encounter gangsters, I can't protect you at all, and I've become a drag. I'm so useless."

When Ling Jingshu resolutely followed the gangster, he was extremely sad. I have never hated my blindness, weakness and uselessness so much!

If he could see, he could at least stand in front of Ah Shu! At least he wouldn't have to watch Ah Shu being kidnapped and taken away. At least like Bai Yu, he could pursue her regardless and live and die with Ah Shu.

But he could do nothing. He tripped and fell on the cold ship deck, listening to Ah Shu's footsteps disappearing, crying weakly and helplessly...

He is so useless!

He is a waste!

Tears fell from the corners of Ling Xiao's eyes and fell on the back of Ling Jingshu's hands, feeling a slight chill.

"How can you be a drag?" Ling Jingshu felt sour and distressed, and comforted her softly: "Axiao, in my heart, you are the best and most outstanding young man in the world, and also the most gentle and considerate brother."

Ling Xiao said nothing, his shoulders hunched slightly, and intermittent sobs could be heard from time to time.

Ling Jingshu sighed softly and remained silent, only patting Ling Xiao's back gently.

He is in a gloomy mood, and it is a good thing that he is willing to talk and cry, as it is better than keeping it in his heart.


I don't know how long it took before Ling Xiao's crying gradually stopped.

Ling Jingshu wiped his tears with a handkerchief: "Are you feeling better now?"

Ling Xiao hummed sheepishly. Even at such an old age, he still cries and wipes his tears... Even in front of Ling Jingshu, who is the closest to him, he is a little embarrassed.

"No one thought that such an accident would happen. Now that everything has been resolved safely and the matter has completely passed, don't think about it anymore." Ling Jingshu whispered: "You can't see, and you have a lot of inconveniences. We will wait for treatment in the future. Once your eyes are healed, it’s not too late to protect me.”

Ling Xiao nodded vigorously: "Ah Shu, I really want to go to the capital right away, see the Imperial Doctor Wei right away, and beg him to cure my eyes right away."

Three in a row immediately amused Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu chuckled softly and echoed in a coaxing tone: "Yes, yes, we will arrive in the capital soon. Then go to Huichun Hall and ask Dr. Wei to diagnose and treat you. As long as it can cure your eyes, no matter how much you spend, It’s worth the money.”

Ling Xiao protested somewhat unhappily: "Ah Shu, I'm only a few hours younger than you, and I'm the same age as you. Don't always treat me like a child, okay?"

Look at this temper, he is clearly a child who has not grown up yet!

Ling Jingshu smiled and continued to coax: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault. I should have treated you as an adult long ago. You are already fourteen years old, and you will get married and have children in one or two years. You are still a child. "

Ling Xiao: "..."

Her pretty and fair face instantly turned red.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but laugh, but secretly sighed in her heart.

In the previous life, Ling Xiao was actually engaged to be married, but before the wedding, Mrs. Li attacked Ling Xiao viciously. Poor Ling Xiao died in his best years before he could get married and have children.

What she just said was half a joke, and the other half was a sigh from the bottom of her heart.

She has no plans to remarry and have children in this life. I just hope that Ling Xiao can marry and have children like ordinary people, and live happily ever after.

Ling Xiao took a long time to hold back a sentence: "I don't want to get married early. After I cure my eyes, I will study and gain fame. In the future, I will choose a good husband for you, and when you get married, I will get married."

Ling Jingshu said half-truthfully: "I will never get married in this life, so you don't have to worry about me."

Ling Xiao's reaction was unexpectedly sharp, and he immediately frowned: "Ah Shu, are you hiding something from me?"

"Of course not." Ling Jingshu denied without thinking.

Her rebuttal was too quick!

On the contrary, it appears to be concealing the truth.

Ling Xiao's eyes were blank and unfocused, but he looked over accurately: "A'shu, we are siblings from the same mother. You pity and care for me and take care of me in every way. My mood is the same as yours. I also I hope I can be your support. Maybe I can’t do anything now, but I can at least share some of your worries.”

"Don't always treat me like a child. I've grown up. Stop hiding everything from me."

Ling Jingshu hid her worries very well, and Ling Jingyan and others who were with her day and night were kept a secret. But how could she hide it from Ling Xiao, who had a close connection with her?

Ling Xiao never asked, it was also because of his consideration and tolerance.

Ling Jingshu looked at the face that looked very similar to hers, and an impulse suddenly arose in her heart.

Tell Ling Xiao everything!

Even though so many people had betrayed, betrayed and hurt her. But Ling Xiao would never abandon her.

Carrying a heavy and dark past and hatred, it is like a huge stone weighing heavily on my heart. It's like a lump in the throat, making it difficult to sleep and eat, and thinking about it day and night. If someone could share her worries with her, maybe she could feel more relaxed...

When the words came to his lips, they turned into perfunctory words as if nothing had happened: "Axiao, how could I hide something from you?"

She should bear such heartbreaking pain alone!

A trace of disappointment quickly flashed across Ling Xiao's face, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Ah Shu had a secret and refused to tell him, she must be afraid that he would become worried! He needs to grow up and become strong as soon as possible in order to become Ah Shu's support.


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